kinda a crap morning. woke with a bad headache and general body aches...guessing between swimming, walking and yardwork i kinda overdid it. so today i just took the girls around the bog and the neighborhood. i slept in quite late. oh well. above is a moose from yesterday on rovers run. we saw 3 moose on the trail, no bears.

this is what the bog is looking like these days. like a bog. i generally head there for spring hikes, but eventually the mosquito's win and i avoid it for several months in the summer. saw a few mosquito's out there already. fun to watch the birds come in over spring though. we were held up on our walk as we ran into a kid who just had to pet rio. i always try and indulge kids who want puppy love...i figure they probably need it and my pups are pretty good at accomadating kids. today it was rio's turn. she was very sweet and gave him loads of snuggles and kisses.

thought i'd post a few more sea lion pictures from yesterday. we thought the sea lions at the top here looked to have been marked, but couldn't tell til i got home and looked on the computer. there was also what looked like a camera up in the area. i suspect it's some sort of research. the sea lion population in southeast alaska is doing fine, but the sea lions out this way have had decreasing numbers.

never tire of whale pictures so here is the mom diving and the tip of the baby's fin.

shore birds from my drive to potters monday.

and another picture of the sandhill cranes from monday as well.

loved the clouds yesterday as i headed to rovers run. not sure what sort of clouds they are. i remember seeing some little guide about clouds. i stopped by the bookstore to see if i could find one, they had a little guide thing, but i don't think it's as good as the one i saw and didn't buy years ago. would love to learn more about the different clouds and thier meanings.

here is a view from the boardwalks at potters marsh. it's just a nice place to view birds just south of anchorage.

some signs of spring below. sandra and i saw this on our walk monday of potter to mchugh.

also from monday...blossom sinks in for a mud bath...

isn't she adorable with her new mud do!!

so this week i've been bad at my swimming. only one day. i did get 35 laps in that day, maybe i just overdid it on the breast stroke. that is a bit more work than the regular crawl thing. i have been collecting a list of things to maybe hire a handyman for. tonight i fixed a few things on the list on my own and both were quite easy to manage. so this inspired me to try and work on a few more items from the list. that meant a trip to lowes for some stuff for said repairs. not sure i'm the best homeowner due to my lack of handyman skills.
watched a movie last night, "lions den". not very good. i have heard of several other places that allow female prisoners to keep babies until the kid reaches 5 years. not sure that is the best environment for a kid...i suppose it depends on how it is all handled. probably does help the mom focus on her future a bit.
also finished a book, "change of heart" by jodi picoult. her books are always just good reads. not sure she always addresses the details of her book very well, but she can tell a tale that keeps you interested. trying to do some spring cleaning here and there. really need to haul stuff off and out of here. i hate to just trash stuff if i think i can find a use for it, but that means all this crap collects here. i need to call big brothers for a pick up of clothes and such. clutter just starts to weigh down on you. i'd really like to clean it out so that i can more easily put new flooring in my two other rooms and paint and organize a bit. most important though is finishing the bathroom upstairs i've started and then getting the insulation stuff done so i can get government money back for that. i only have so much time for that. it's not fun though like decorating is.
I so admire your stream of consciousness writing here. Sorry I haven't been over in a while--some conflicts in personal life and just busy with our little one...
ReplyDeleteHey Bets!
ReplyDeleteThose are lenticular clouds. They are created when a rising warm air mass encounters a colder wind aloft. They usually signify a weather change in the next 24 hours.
Hope you're well. If you talk to Q tell him hello, he is hard to get a hold of!
hey jill, i knew those clouds had a name...thanks!! now i'll have to look back and see what happened the next day. q was in town in april to visit family mostly. i did get in a walk which was great!! b