today, i woke up a little early so that i could enjoy the day. it's been absolutely beautiful this past week. took the pups to jodphur loop in kincaid and it was all dry like it's the middle of summer already. very nice. growing up in california you just never got this blast of fresh leaves. they just hang on the tree's getting dusty. here you have these weeks of the brightest greens you can ever imagine. when the skies are blue like these past few days it's just spectacular. tried to capture a bit of it on the digital...can't say film anymore.

i took along the dog gulpy today which was fortunate. no water on this trail. the girls stopped often and i got out there gulpy. they are very good at getting thier licks from the thing.
rio enjoys this sunny weather. she is more and more confident and goes outside to sit even if i'm not out there, which would never have happened a year or so ago. i have been outside off and on working in the garden. stopped by dimond garden store after walking with tanya on the little campbell lake trail in kincaid on tuesday. she joined me there and snuck in a gift card to the shop for me for my birthday. they have lovely plants there. we were both eyeballing the rose bushes. i was never into the rose before, do love the smell, but i guess i've avoided the thorns. the one i planted a few years back still looks great. my himalayans are coming in nice so i bought a few more for the front yard and also an icelandic poppy to go with those. we'll see how those all do. still loads to do. with 2 girl dogs i've got to re-work the little backyard lawn every year. the neighbors raspberries are determined to move over to my yard so i think i'll move a bed i made right over them to keep some control over them. i've opening up the back yard more now that the fence is back further.

late that night i went for a loop in the bog without the dogs. i was looking for the moose with her babies. didn't see her though and it did feel strange to be there without my pups. i feel safer with them...i just thought it would be easier to get moose pictures with out them.
did get to the bog a few times and have run into that mama moose again so she's still there with her babies. she hasn't been in a good place to catch a photo, but luckily the scenery has been spectacular anyway. thought this picture came out quite pretty.

tanya and i met up again on wednesday for a walk of north bivouac. kelly had also called so we all met up there. kelly joined me for a quick lunch after....we just hadn't gotten together for such a long time, good to catch up a bit.
more green trees...okay so i'm a little obsessed.
below is the view from the north end of the bog. right after i get on the trail.
here is a picture of boddhi from our walk in n. bivouac. such a cool looking dog.
blossom i'm sure appreciates all the greens of summer. mostly, she seemed interested in the browns in the mud puddles though.

happy the water at the pool is cleaner than her swim waters. only made it to the pool 2x this past week. will do better next week. though it does mean i'll be swimming til i get to work again. on tuesday i got 25 laps i and today i did 40 laps! love the weekends at 6pm after all the kids are gone. it's so peaceful swimming.
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