fun evening at the pool hall. nice to be entertaining again. of course, i seem to have more food and alcohol than i started with. the meatballs i made weren't that good, but i decided to mix up a batch of quintons salsa...stuff is the best! mine not as good as his, but still, it was easier to make than i expected. it's not the usual salsa. may have to sneak down and get a few more scoops before hitting the sack tonight.

a small gathering, which was perfect for my first try out with entertaining in awhile. i think next time i'd make like a thing of lasagna or something. several people came from work. would be good to have more than just snacks to offer. bob above and below karen tries her hand at the pool hall.

blossom kept busy entertaining. the dogs were excited to have guests. i think rio was a bit unsure what was up and took awhile to settle in. she eventually settled on the couch with maddie who discovered the disney channel on my cable box. blossom was actually hoping some food would accidently find it's way to her, if that meant kissing up to every guest that arrived, so be it! amy and sandra enjoy some of blossoms bribery attempts.

no meatballs passed those lips though...that i know of.

maddie gets a short lesson on pool cue holds and shooting techniques. it can get a bit chilly out there but our day warmed up today! everyone was pretty happy about that. i think we may have even hit the 20's! yeah!!

amy joined me out on the trails of rovers run. rio actually got out of the house as well. great to have her join us. i hear snoring coming from the couch downstairs so i know she is wiped out.

i'm sleepy as well. just started a good book so i think i'll go settle in. work is still busy, i just have one more day off and i have felt a bit like i got a bug brewing. that more tired than i should be feeling.
LOL it's weird to see Blossom inside a building! For some reason I can only envision her on trails beneath the sky and trees :)