Saturday, March 19, 2016

it's late..i should be in bed.

 woke with a headache so got behind schedule and missed my gym day today...grr.  will hit the gym tomorrow.  still looking at pics...these are still from the ceremonial start.  so many sweet dogs.  fun stopping by and petting them at the drop dog area...those pictures will turn up on here eventually.
 i think there are 5 or less teams still on the trail to Nome.  the last one may get the boot if she doesn't pick up speed.  one was already given the boot for being too slow.  a few in comment sections some place were upset by that...the folks who run the Iditarod and all those check points are mostly volunteers.  they can only stay out there so long..especially if there is just one team lagging behind.  if you get too far back they will just ask you to stop.
 it's always fun to go on line and watch the video clips of teams coming in to Nome.  some folks from the ER just returned from Nome where they got to watch many teams come in.  sounds like fun.
 worked my three nights.  i have lots on my to do list.  got ACLS check off Monday so i gotta get all that computer stuff done beforehand.  will try to blend fun with the to do list this stretch off and get it done
 first night was in CICU.  people often ask me which units i prefer or like least.  i've never been keen on the CICU. sorry. just not my gig and i tend to be a easy cath lab patients for me.  next two i was in ER, last night at 0400 i ended up heading up to the ICU as they were getting slammed and needed an extra hand getting blood hung...i just jumped right in. the rest of the night went pretty fast
 been sleepy this stretch.  that happens..probably more now than it did 10 years ago.
 did manage to get out on the trails.  nice to have enough snow coverage out there to make for a pleasant and safe feeling walk.  today we did a loop out at Prospect Heights Trails.
 loved how high this dog was leaping in his excitement for the run to start.
 a few of the local politicians.  our Governor was out downtown.  he and one Senator rode with Baker, who won the Iditarod one time.
 there is Baker.
 Lisa Murkowski below with Baker.  rough gig...enjoying the perks of the job out there that day.  haha.
 both of these guys got into office a  bit oddly.  first she was given the role by her father then last election she was a write in.  she got beat by a tea party guy who scared the crap out of enough voters that they wrote her in.  our Governor was trying to beat the current governor on the Republican ticket, when that wasn't working he switched to an Independent and joined forces with the guy who was planning to run on the Democrat side but switched to Independent as well in hopes of taking out Parnell.  the plan worked.  politics gets nuts.
 more nuts this year that most...could get crazier.  below, one of the Berrington twins chats with a local news chick.
 it is after 2 am and i don't want to lose time tomorrow.  better hit the sack.  good night...
thankful for:  1.  headache relief  2.  dogs  3.  a good home cooked meal.  i don't always take the time to cook a real meal.

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