Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Press is for the Governed, not those who Govern..

 clearly that has been forgotten by a few...Namely Hannity, who blurs the lines between what his role is on a regular basis. at times he will say he is a journalist, but mostly he readily confesses he is a TV personality.  he is near constant communication with the iitoo so that makes him more of an aide to the who has his ear, guides him and then uses his "news" show to create a narrative and influence those who listen to him both on his faux news show and his radio show. he's a scam. 
 now he is connected with the iitoo long time lawyer and "fix it" king.  he both wants to claim client/lawyer privilege and claim that he wasn't really a client at all, just asked him a few questions about real estate.  can't have it both ways and if there is anything in all the crap they got from Cohen's offices and such that can take down Hannity, i would not cry over it one bit.
 it was a bit too chilly for the painting.  doesn't set well if it's under a certain temperature.  i want to paint when it's a bit closer to 50F.  so no fence painting happened today.  i did do lots of cleaning in the house and then as a distraction for myself, i made Skelly and friends all festive.
 it's Cinco De Skelly. 
 i think it turned out pretty fun and happy.  my brother likes to tease me that I'm nuts, but in truth the silly guy does bring a smile to my face.  maybe i am nuts.  aren't we all a wee bit nuts.  I'm around people who are diagnosed nuts all the time...plenty of times those lines are pretty blurred. 
 i sometimes have down days and today felt a bit down.  i woke up and got right to business, cleaning, doing laundry, cat was bit grey out and i had an appointment at the house after 3. didn't want the place to look too terrible.
 so this perked me up a wee bit.
 even a rubber duckie mariachi band.  can't hate that!
 still i never was up to my usual self much of day
 these are from Seward in February.
 we did manage a trek to the dog park.  the pups had a fun day anyway.
 strange news of a flight where the engine blew and this poor passenger got partially sucked out the window after parts from the explosion blew out the window.  the pilots had to get the plane down lower quickly lest people die from not having oxygen...the oxygen had come down and people did have masks on.  one person did die and several had more minor injuries i think.   i am still not sure if the person who died was the one who was sucked partially out the window but I'm guessing it was as i thought i read one report where some other passengers were able to grab her and bring her back in.  there was some CPR done...was it on this passenger? sounds like a pretty horrible way to die. 
 waking up so early i did feel sleepy by the evening and i ended up taking a wee nap.  gotta love a nap.
 my neighbor had brought over the movie, "the post" which i have wanted to watch.  not sure where he gets his copy from.  he's brought me other movies and music before. 
 Tom Hanks, Streep, can't go wrong on the cast.  it was good.  the line in the subject was one mentioned in the movie.  it's true. 
 the press is not meant to serve the government, though as i said Hannity clearly hasn't gotten that message.  there are other journalists that need a reminder of who they need to be delivering the truth to. 
 Vietnam was a mess and soon after some of the truths of that came out, the Watergate break in happened.  government must always be watched lest they start feeling more and more confident they can get away with crap.  sadly, Faux news, is as close as we get to state run media these days. 
 when i take these guys to a beach community we spend a lot of time on those beaches.  they love it and so do i.
 Barbara Bush, first lady to the Sr Bush president passed away today.  she was outspoken at times and moderate at times as well, especially when it came to social issues.  she dared to hug young kids with Aids and even adults with aids when many shunned them and were in fear of touching them.  it was a pretty bold and compassionate thing to do. 
 the current GOP has lost its kindness, lost it's heart and i would say it's lost it's soul.  anger has taken over.  this is never a good thing historically.
 seaweed in the shape of a heart.
 a bit of wind blowing
 tough to watch friends struggle.  powerless really.  you want to be there but it's tough to know what to say, how much to involve yourself in their struggle.  ultimately some battles must be fought alone.  we can be there in spirit but the battles we have are often internal struggles. 
 if we can release ourselves from the things that bind us, the habits, that which is comfortable, we have the best chance of growing.  we can come out the other end stronger.
 sometimes you have to face your internal demons, face the truths that none of us are perfect and sometimes we can all be our own worst enemy.  easier to blame others rather than accept our own flaws.
 we are all flawed.  i can hide my flaws more easily because i am alone i think.  there is no reflection of my bad behavior most days. i mean i can see it, my lack of organization, my laziness, my blue days like today...but it's not reflected back at me. 
 in this world we are supposed to put our best selves out there.  fake it til we make it.  pretend our lives are perfect.
 this has only gotten more of a game with social media.  so many ways to pretend that all is perfect. that our flaws do not exist.
 this was the sunset in Seward.
 the next morning was a bit cooler.  there was ice on the beach. 

 broken ice bits left as the tide recedes.  looked pretty cool.
 there was a bit of wind on the beach where we had the cabin, after i showered and cleared out we headed to Lowell point.  the wind was not bad there at all.  really maybe a mile or so away.
 the snow and ice is fast going away around Anchorage.  it is pretty crazy how that happens.  hoping i can get the rest of the fence painted soon and work on more outdoor projects.  the back deck is in need of a good staining as well.
 a bit trickier with the dog door.  can close it off though.  maybe stain the morning and walk the dogs and let it dry. 
 there was a crust of ice on the edges of the tide zone.  looked pretty cool.
 an old train sits nearby.  there were more tracks and such before the tsunami.  Seward back then appeared to be pretty industrial by the waters edge.  that was all washed away that day.
 white caps.

 Ivy leaps over the log with tennis ball in mouth
 Tusker was willing to wait for her return.
 about to crash.  back to work tomorrow.  a lot accomplished on my days off and a lot not accomplished. 
 need to put some time into WARIS.  gotta hit bank with some deposits, give Speedy a list of donations.  we got a few.  :-) 
 as we walked an eagle flew off. hadn't noticed him. 
 better crash.  things not done will have to wait for another day i guess.
grateful for: A.  positive and lighthearted moments in an otherwise grey day  B.  Skelly, i may be crazy but he helps keep me sane this silly skeleton.  C.  the stuff that gets done despite the list that never does. 

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