Thursday, January 2, 2025

the New Year has begun...


seemed like a good day to play catch up again. 
recovery is going well. you get anxious those first weeks worried about complications like clots, infections and that sort of thing. getting further away from the surgery so i am feeling good about it all. still get a twinge on occasion as i heal and for sure get tired more quickly than previous. 
i'm only off work until the 10th so time is flying by way too quickly. i have enjoyed this time to heal both physically and mentally i think. its been good for me. 
since surgery i have only taken 2 days off of walking.  mostly i have stuck to wide open, more flat trails. the last week i have ventured off to some side trails. it's still pretty icy out, i have cleats on all the time out there though. no falls. 
have been making some ice hearts as it's been lower temps this past week or so. i haul 2-3 hearts on my walks to leave out in the woods. last Monday walk my friends also carried hearts so we were able to get quite a few out at North Bivouac trail. i have also dropped hearts at University Lake now. 
someone messaged me a post on a fat tire group. they had taken a photo of one of my hearts, it was back lit as it was dark out and it sure looked pretty.  they were very excited with the find. great to have some positive feedback. much of these sort of things you never know if it brings smiles to anyone.  i loved a quote years ago, "practice random acts of kindness and senseless beauty". this is one of the ways you do that...still fun to get feedback. got more at the dog park the other day as i was putting one of the hearts that had fallen back up. i was spotted doing this and they spoke of how much they were enjoying the other hearts. 
i did post photos of the hearts on an Alaskan group. it was well received as well. so every morning i pull the hearts that froze the previous day out and start over. i'd gotten a few bouquets after surgery so i have added the plant material to the hearts as they wilt away. turned out really pretty and a fun way to extend the flowers.  thanks for the bouquets  AR and CB!
New years Eve day i ended up picking up a Mama cat and her 4 kittens from the shelter to foster. Miss Sophia is very mellow. her kittens are 14 days old at this point. they've all got a little cold bug but hoping they heal quickly from that. not sure how long i will have them. the kittens longer they say, until they are over 1.5 pounds. not sure how long it takes kittens to get that big. fun to get my kitten fix and help out at the same time. the other pets are jealous and attentive when i go to the spare room where they are living at this time. otherwise, all is going fine. 
i have never heard so many fireworks as i heard that night. seems everyone in every neighborhood in Anchorage had spent a wad of money on fireworks. they started early and went on until  very late. in addition to the fireworks we were gifted with an incredible aurora light display. so beautiful. my pups were barking a lot and anxious. Ivy was doing the barking and Sunny Boy was just panting.  tried keeping tv up loud and even putting headphones on the dogs.  we were all very tired yesterday though. the foster cat was chill every time i checked on her. so anyone looking for a chill, sweet girl.  she will eventually be available at the shelter. 
had to laugh as so many people have said one reason they voted for the idiot was because of the high cost of eggs...clearly not that big of an issue since so many had loads of spare cash to spend on fireworks. 
we are weeks away from the idiot taking over again.  the wealthiest man in the world has bought his way into the position with trump doing as he  is told by Musk.  i do not look forward to the mess that our nation will be over the next 4 years and the decades it will take to sort it all out. i will likely be dead before this country gets to the other side of this mess. 
i mostly just avoid the news.  will enjoy tiktok for quick updates until that goes away from the ban. if it does. i get the bullet points. a nut job drove his car through a crowd New Years and killed 10, injured many more.  he then got out and started shooting before being killed. another guy blew up a tesla in front of a trump hotel. this stuff is just the norm now.  thank you gop for making it so easy for people to kill. 
the holidays were pretty subdued for me.  a few calls, a few messages. nothing much. the dogs enjoyed opening their gifts. walks, naps, dogs, friends mostly. 
as a singleton the holidays can be rough or chill.  it really just depends on my state of mind and the year. this year, the holidays just came and went. 
the hospital i work for gave us each a $25 gift card for groceries...of course, this is the exact same amount that we have received for over 10 years, meaning the actual value goes down every year.  not to be ungrateful but i am feeling pretty ungrateful. they have done very little to entice people to stay...and i think this happens all over. this nation just has zero appreciation for workers. 
when i first went into nursing they did a good job convincing us that we were viewed as professionals.  that just isn't the case really. we are low level workers in every way. they demand us behave like professionals but treat us like fast food workers. not to disparage fast food workers. we all deserve better but if these companies have any interest in patient safety they would be wise to treat their core workers better.  i'll be out soon though but i do hope for better for the nursing coming in to the job. 
as i said, i doubt i will live to see the better America so many of us envision.  i do hope it happens.  at this point we are clearly and quickly becoming a corporate ran oligarchy. the rich keep getting richer and sadly the bulk of them have no limit to how much money they want and desire while millions suffer more and more. i am grateful for each wealthy person who gives a good chunk of their money to others.  there are celebrities that do more for mankind than the churches that is for sure.  
the church i was raised in is one of the wealthiest churches out there. 250 billion dollars and i do not believe that includes all the land they own, which they are also one of the largest land owners. they only give less than 1% to help and much of that is bull shitted by keeping track of members volunteer hours and putting a price on that and calling that their donation to society.  they also, no doubt, run the money from this light the world campaign through an llc/nonprofit so that they get credit for those donations. prove me wrong please. i have read the books.  this is not at all what the teachings they supposedly follow of Jesus preach.  Jesus, his message, was very much against wealth and was very much for taking care of those who are poor and in need.  these churches are so far removed from the message. 
they have tax exempt status and take full advantage of that by hoarding money and land. 
i heard all my life that the government doesn't need to help the needy, that should come from churches and non-profits...from the same people who support churches that hoard the money and refuse to call out their church and then vote against the government using tax dollars to help....thus the poor and needy get nothing and the churches and wealthy just get wealthier. the system is totally screwed up. 
i signed up Sunny Boy for some adult dog training. will be fun and get me more motivated i think. i just have to get no sleep every other sunday a few weeks. 
these pictures are all local hikes and rambles. 
these are out at Byron. very little glacier left up there
the rest of these are from this December. 

we had some nice ice crystals at the beginning of the month. then a little snow.  now just cold so the crystals are forming again. i was happy to not have the dumps of snow of the last 2 years, mostly because post op i couldn't have shoveled so that has saved me. 

i always love the various crystals.  ice can show up in so many shapes and forms. it's beautiful really. 
i'll head out walking with the dogs here soon. i try to walk and then do some sort of errand or fun thing.  that has been the plan these past several weeks. 
yesterday was just the walk since new years eve wore us all out. i felt like i had a hangover despite not drinking a thing. 
as i said, only 2 days i haven't walked since surgery.  
i hear little kitten mews.  they will grow up so fast.  i had them out a bit ago.  one kitten was climbing on  my legs. 
may change the Skellys to a Valentines theme so the hearts will look cute with it. 
will sort out where to walk here in a bit.  was going to try oceanview bluff park a few weeks back but it was pretty ice covered and seemed silly that close to post op. we've only had a dusting of snow 
Sunny dressed up for the cold. i have wanted to give them a bath so i can give him a clip. too cold for them to be a little wet driving home. 
figured it was too much work...soon though.  i'll hit the monster wash.  
haven't done this trail yet post op.  too big of hills, again, soon.  i'll have to get myself cleared to return to work next week. 
the dogs could care less where we go to play in the woods, they just want to be out there. 
it's been nice when friends have joined us on the walks.  mostly it's been us though. 

dropped a few ashes early in December. 
maybe i'll start getting a few more things done this week. 
i'll keep making ice hearts and leaving those until it snows or warms up
will check in with kitten updates, feel free to stop by and get your kitten fix. it's good for them to get handled.
snack time then walk time i think. 
no goals for the new year yet.  i'm not the big goal maker i guess. i just do stuff. 
my actual goals are pretty small. be happy, find your peace, enjoy nature.  stuff that is just part of life. mostly be grateful for each day and every joy that comes your way. 
Happy New Year to all...
grateful for A. continued healing B. making people smile C. the comfort of pets and people who accept me for who i am. 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

one week out....


so far all seems to be going well with recovery. they had said the overall healing should be smooth, it will just be weight restrictions that will keep me off work. my job isn't normal and they require i be at 100% to work. no light duty for this old gal.  the universe must have believed i needed a break. i did apply for a desk job and didn't get it, part of that was knowing i'd have to be off longer if i wasn't on a desk job if i did get this surgery. things happen the way they should so here we are. 
i only took the day after surgery off from walking.  the walks are slow for sure. i've done mostly rather flat walks, slow. a bit sore out there but nothing that wasn't manageable. have taken half of one pill of stronger pain pill at night, but have just used tylenol/ibuprofen for the days. i'm a belly sleeper so i've been able to flop over the past several nights so that helps with sleep.
back to my baseline of walking alone mostly.  that is life as a single person. who wants to beg people to walk with you.  i either take the Element or i put Ivy one foot after another on door jam, then up to seat and then one slight lift with her helping these past few days. i think the dogs get that i'm not 100%. they are happy to be out walking though.  spoiled puppies. 
i've tried to add some other thing in so that i'm not just sitting around at home...which is not good for anyone's mental health, especially mine.  walking is how i can gauge how i'm doing. i've walked 2-5 miles nearly every day for probably 30 years now. it's a good tell how fast/slow i go, if i get short of breath, how and where i'm sore. luckily Ivy is older now and mostly just carries her tennis ball. slow bends for the times she really wants a toss. the little incisions are healing and the glue is falling off. just a bit itchy now. 
we did do a drive out to see the sunset and see a plane at Lake Hood decorated with lights one day.  i also took the dogs for photos with Santa the other day.  mostly, it's just the walk, a little errand and then home. 
reading, crosswords, games, tv...just try to keep myself busy and rest a lot. 
not sure where i'll walk today. it's been a headache day. nothing unusual about that, nor is that related to the surgery. 
i think my short term is coming through. i'll look after this. they have paperwork it sounds like. 
was re-watching some sex and the city, haven't seen for years. funny, they now seem pretty crazy and pathetic in many ways. was billed as strong independent women, but they mostly just wanted men to like them.  nothing new there. i remember after i left the church, i had taken to reading magazines like cosmo...try to figure out normal femaleness. a friend pointed out that the entire magazine was just article after article on how to make a man happy...nothing new from the way i was raised...except the church told you to cook and clean and be some helpmate, the magazine focused on how you looked and how you behaved in bed. they need articles on how to make you man see the ways he should be trying to make you happy...
i had sent out cards to the folks who sent me cards the last few years.  i bought less.  less people are doing cards and i'm less into obligations than i used to be.  some folks just aren't interested in doing the card thing. that is fine.  why should i waste money and effort sending cards to people who literally show zero interest in it all. so i have a few spares that i figure if i get that unexpected card i can respond with a card. post op, all the christmas stuff is not that important this year anyway. i got done what i could before surgery. 
i have done too much internet shopping for things i clearly do not need....i think i just like the potential for a package arrival. not too much to look forward too during this time. packages are fun though. 
now that it's been a week, it's time to get some of those weekly home chores done.  cat little, linen change, laundry. i'll just have to pace myself and get stuff done. life goes on of course. 
not sure where to walk today....will wait out this headache a bit i think. 
it's cold out there again today.  back in the teens i think. layer up. when i get home i turn on the mattress pad heater and reheat. need to fine better ways to entertain myself over the next several weeks. 

these are all from this summer and a few summers ago. both in August though. 
thus the mushrooms. 
and a lack of snow of course.  we don't have all that much snow here right now. some ice. may just hit the dog park today. Sunny loves to play with the other pups. 
summer are always great up here. i love the winter though as well. we are nearly to Solstice so it will be nice to start gaining in light. i enjoy the peace though of winter and the darkness. with all the light in summer you really feel obligated to just keep going so winter is a time you tend to allow yourself to be a bit lazy and shut in. watch old reruns, read books, do art projects. hermiting is a good time for people like myself, who don't always love loads of social interaction. 
i say that but most introverts want to be invited, we want to be remembered, we may not always respond normally but we secretly want to be included and sad when we aren't, even if we don't actually participate. i know we are strange on complicated, us humans. 
i've had a few sad/depressed moments this past week. i think that is to be expected. work is good for me in some ways, it forces to me interact and mix with other humans.  it's easy for me to hermit up and work forces the hermit out of the cabin. 
still a few light events that involve small amount of walking that hopefully i will get to next week.  also do enjoy short drives around just to see what lights are up in neighborhoods. 
no desire to go to any church services. i tend to panic with any organized religion. not really a big believer in the tales of Christianity at this point. most of the big stuff is just a repeat of other Gods of the past. Horus, Hercules, Thor were all sons of deity. the resurrection and ascension stories Hercules, dionysus.  sacrament...done
much of the "christmas" celebrations are stolen from paganism. it seems to make sense that most current religions are really just recreated from previous Gods/religions. i think many things that we currently relate to Jesus were derived from others, like Mithras
long fasting, going to temples as pre-teen/teen, solitude, very common.  Buddha did this as well. even the idea of a virginal birth is not just a Jesus thing.  son of God, also done before. many were also in stories of being slain to redeem others. the older i get the less the religion plays a major role. i do like the idea of a time that celebrates kindness and good will towards all. i think we all need that reminder in life. i also love the pomp and circumstance of the lights and music and decorations in general. 
a little gift giving and getting can be fun as well. 
i don't like the obligations that often come with this time of year and the stress that so many are put under to celebrate a certain way. 
i also am less and less impressed with the rise of evangelicals who bastardize the hopeful and giving messages or all these divinities over the generations. the Gods names change and the many of the details change along with them.  there are themes that run through. idolatry and greed have become far too prominent in these "religions".  they play like they are doing good when in actuality they are just using the season to increase they wealth while doing as  little as possible to help others, just enough to put on the show of it.  i know that makes me a very jaded individual. 
may just hit the dog park in a bit. super easy. want to get to best buy over the next few weeks.  get a new desk top before this one dies.  so far so good, but it is from 2009. any recommendations.  just like storage for photo's. don't see this happening today though. dang headaches. 
will be several months before we see flowers again. 
thanks again for the kind words and for those who have helped me, called, really is the little things in life that bring the most joy.  
i did sent a message to the local shelter saying i could take in a cat with her kittens. they'd have to be kept in a separate room but would be a good distraction.  no word back from them though.  i won't push it. 
not much exciting to say here.  i've avoided much of the politics.  it is what it is, right? we are basically fucked....what else is there to say. 
Sunny Boy is watching the neighborhood, i feel very safe for sure. lol.  he's so brave
ashes left at the dog park. i still leave ashes places. Tusker passed away early December those few years ago. i lost Blossom and Rio in November different years but this time of year is always a reminder of those loses. i do feel like those dogs send me other dogs and watch over us. easier for me to trust and believe in dogs than Gods.  i know that makes little sense in the big picture.  dogs are just pure in heart and religions...well, the proof is they tend to lean towards controlling and greedy. 
rest, walk, errand, nap...that is the plan at least until after solstice i think. 
i'll check back online on the short term disability stuff latter this evening.  can only sit on a computer for so long. 
again thanks, hope all goes well for everyone out there. the holidays can be fun or rough so i hope that any who read this are finding some peace and joy at this season.  for me that is often just a drive to look at lights and a snuggle with the dogs watching some sappy Christmas thing. 
grateful A to those who honor the peace of the season and the reason for the season B continue healing C that i've been able to get out each day and let nature do it's healing as well.