Tuesday, January 7, 2020

braving the chilly day..

 left Tusker at home for the Monday walk.  he was pretty happy on the couch so i gave him treats and coerced Ivy to join me.  of course i felt bad later...first off poor Ivy had to stay in car while i was in the dentist and it was a bit chilly.  she was fine but it is cold out there.  not my smartest move.  she had fun on the walk.  she lost two tennis balls though so it's not always Tusker who is irresponsible with the tennis balls.  ha!
 i actually didn't think anyone was joining for the walk but L and her friend B were at the trail head when i arrived. lucky i got out of the dentist just in time to catch them at the trail head.  i think they enjoyed their little adventure.
 here they are taking photo's at the ponds.  most of the tennis balls have found new homes off of the trees. 
 i reheated at home for a bit.  short nap and then back into the wild. this time Tusker joined us for a short walk at Worzonof.  no moose spottings.
 the tide was in but there was still room to walk without Tusker getting his paws wet. 
 of course, they were in wrestle mode. i worried they would fall off the cliff...had to redirect them a few times, once they hit the beach they were off to play.
 his foot doesn't really seem to bothering him at all.  not sure how that will go once the dressing is off. will have to see what it looks like.  figure I'll walk tomorrow and then remove the dressing. give him a little extra time.
 the light was beautiful out there this afternoon. 
 i got a bit frosty.  not like some folks.  my face isn't covered enough i think.  i just let it go cold and a bit numb on days like this. 
 my braid did freeze up though.
 a sun dog at sunset.
 there was quite a bit of fog off and on through the day.
 low tide is around 11 am tomorrow so i may check out Oceanview Bluff park for the first time of the season. 
 loved this one of Tusker with a sun glow.  so handsome.
 Ivy was a bit jumpy today and got a bit of my wrath. always feel guilty when i yell at her but this jumping thing is really getting old. I've tried all sorts of things to attempt to make it stop.  she does good for a bit and then has a day like this where she just goes all leapy.  frustrating.  no dog is perfect, but these two are overall pretty dang close. 
 lots of ice out on the beach now.  big pancake ice in the inlet.
 winter was a bit slow but it's great to see it has arrived.
 pink fog bank.
 who could stay upset with this face for long.  they do have a way of humbling you
 i finally looked at some photo's from the bigger camera.  it's been awhile . nothing too grand in there. 
 above is fata morgana, a mirage. you can see it at the base of the mountain.
 this bald eagle was in a neighbors tree.
 the big camera was having some issues with the auto focus in the cold i think.  seems fine now so that is probably what it was.  we were in the negative teens in different parts of Anchorage today
 dental went fine.  never love that.  some gum recession but i think not bad for my age.  was laughing with the hygienist  that works on me.  i hadn't realized she'd grown up in St George.  she wasn't raised Mormon but she married one.  he has left the church.  i think he grew up in SouthEast AK though. she was telling me one of his sisters just came out at age 32 or something. 
 it is great she finally feels safe and confident enough to make that happen for herself, but it's sad that people live so long in fear and no doubt some level of self loathing. no religion should make you feel like that. 
 people are who they are.  judge not lest you be judged.  i think that was the thing.  we can't understand anyone else's path in this life. the lessons they are meant to learn nor the ways that those lessons are to be learned.  we have to try and accept people and help them to be the best they can no matter the circumstances. 
 it's not always easy at work some times but i do try to just treat each person with respect, to treat them the same as others no matter what their story is. i figure you never know when your kindness and support, no matter how small it seems, will make an impact.
 when you are at the bedside, people tell you things.  they tell you things that they may never tell another soul.  you are trusted.  listening is really all most folks want..to be heard, to feel heard.
 it's also one of the toughest things to find in this world. 
 people are usually only listening so they can respond.  they only listen enough to try to get you to listen to them.
 i write so i can feel heard. 
 truth is most in this world have little interest in each others lives. i can tell you as a nurse and someone who listens as a profession...there are some fascinating lives out there. there are also some sad lives out there. 
 you will never know what is in people until you shut up for a few minutes and just allow them to speak...
 so i say shut up everyone!! 
 take time to listen.  start conversations with random people and actually practice listening to what they have to say.  learn to lead them in to speaking about themselves.  I'm talking strangers. 
 not sure if it's because i have no body to speak to at home or if it's just my nature to have conversations with random people.  so many times though i hear more than i ever imagined i would.  just a lead in and those who want to talk, who need to talk open right up.
 when that happens....just shut the hell up and let them talk.  ask more questions.  do not try to put in your topper tale or give advice...just listen. 
 so many times I've walked away kind of surprised that a person let go of what they did but i really hope that it helped them to feel heard.  we all need that. 
 a few weeks ago a older guy i have seen on the trails for years was out there without the dog I've seen with him for years...i just made a comment about the dog, questioned where the dog was.  15 minutes later he had told me all about this loss and how it felt....
 to what people say, but listen to their body language.  look around you.  so many around us are suffering in silence. 
 these pictures are from last month pre-snow but i just tossed them in.  i always love all the cool ice formations.
 now we have hoar frost everywhere.
 the big mountain below.
 more frost and ice.
 it takes a few weeks for his toenail to grow back in.  i should be working on summer plans. I'll plan to work on all that this next week.  cabins should be booked!  we have a Yurt booked for next weekend so that will be fun.
 will be chilly as well. just an over night though.
 the iitoo is still tweeting that he will blow up historical/religious things in Iran...despite that being a violation of the Geneva rules.  the people around him are constantly having to attempt to tamp back and speak around what he says.  the state department first released a letter saying they would comply and remove our troops from Iraq, then rescinded.  those GOP fools do not know which way is up on all of this.  there is no plan...the emperor has no clothes.  just waiting to see when they will decide he is useless to them and turn on him. he has loyal followers and still anyone who dares speak ill of their cherished leader is immediately turned on, accused of being "deep state" or "never trumper".
 not sure what Bolton is up to.  claims now he would obey subpoena if asked to testify in the Senate...some are already calling him a traitor...blah, blah.  which is funny as many really respected him previously.  everything trump touches turns to poop.  many still power hungry enough to prostrate themselves before him. so far many have been willing to sell their souls to this fool...not sure they will be rewarded in the long run. 
 from what i have seen they are making a right mess of everything. 
thankful for A. my heated mattress pad, it's a great way to reheat after being out in subzero temperatures B. how forgiving dogs are, even if you get upset at them for jumping! C. cupcakes!!  i think I'll go have one now!!

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