Tuesday, July 14, 2020

summer run of the Denali Highway..

 this had been on my list for this revised summer...so without much of a plan we took off
 i wasn't sure what i was doing or for how long.  as it turns out i ended up just doing an overnight.  a lot of driving and not much sleeping.
 weather forecast wasn't the greatest.  today is beautiful and so was yesterday afternoon.  still...no matter the weather there is always amazing scenery out there.
 no big animal sightings and after this bridge crossing the road and weather started to get dicey. 
 it was getting late, i was getting tired, the road was crappy, we were in the clouds with poor visibility.  i found a place to pull over but the dogs did not grant approval and kept barking so after a mini rest i moved on to another spot. there were other cars at the next spot which i think afforded me some sense of safety.  it was a wayside with an outhouse for the morning. sleeping in the element is never totally comfortable but at this point it was pouring and setting up a tent sounded less than fun.
 so after a fitful rest we woke early and got started.  it rained off and on the rest of the Denali Highway section but cleared as the day went on..though there were still sections of rain.
 most of the road wasn't too bad, the usual  Denali highway pot holes, washboard and rocks.
 not as many wildflowers out as i had hoped. i didn't do the big walks i usually do and mostly we just stopped for short walks and tennis ball tossing time.  i got to stretch my legs as did the dogs
 these are a combo of other walks in town and the trip
 i had debated an additional night in Valdez but opted to try for that my next stretch off.  sleeping in my car tends to drive me home early...makes me yearn for a truck/camper situation. i think i would make good use of that in this place.
 i love my element for many reasons but the life of the car is hitting it's max.  i totally trash my cars.  it is getting time. the electrical was starting to funky stuff and i'm getting a bit less confident on trips that there won't be an issue. of course, i tried to kill it on the last section as i was so tired heading home after the Matanuska walk that i left the parking brake engaged the rest of the way home.  a stupid thing to do.  i apologized profusely to the car and thanked it for getting me home safe yet again.  it's been a great car despite my abuse. 
 as the Matanuska came into view on the drive out of Glenallen the rain started pouring and i sadly started to think the Matanuska stop was not going to happen...but it cleared up as we approached the glacier access point and was beautiful in the end.
 i like to stop at these fire trucks. old trucks/cars are great....these are on the Richardson highway as the Tok cut off comes in.
 there were many wildflowers on the sides of the road and i stopped often to enjoy.  for me it's the journey.  i ponder a trailer but it's just not practical for me.  i'm more about the drive. i love to randomly pull over for stuff, which is not practical at all for a trailer. i would love a more comfortable place to crash at strange hours...as i'm not always near a campground or hotel when i decide to stop exploring for the night.  with long light i find i just want to keep moving and see more.
 you never know if the weather will be worse the next day really.
 the bugs were out. many biting flies...someone forgot to bring their bug nets...partly why we did not do the walks.  i am a wimp when it comes to bugs...another reason a camper would be great. what truck to get...?  that is the next question. how to pay for it?  i hate having car payments!! 
 Covi Kitten was not happy when the dog run gate closed and was thrilled when we returned and the gate re-opened.  he's been out...already killed a shrew. i do prefer these over the birds though. just do not want him to bring any of them back inside through the dog door. 
 nice to see the scenery green...i generally do this trek in the fall.  it was a good time to summer it though as there weren't really any tourists out there. i mostly had the road to myself.  also a bit of rain is good here as on hot, sunny days the dust is bad out on that road, or any dirt road.
 little pops of color from the flowers.
 i love these purple flowers
 a friend had told me about this lake in Talkeetna.  i think it gets busy on a sunny day and not really a walk so i'll probably stick to the other Comcast trailhead and the xyz lakes.  can get a better walk in...i could have still done it but between the rain/bugs and time factors i headed on the road after play time.
 did catch the sunset out there on the road.
 i did finally fall asleep in the car..probably only got 3-4 hours though.  last night i crashed pretty early...by 9 i'm guessing.  i'd thought i'd just take a little nap and then get some stuff done, but i woke up super early after crashing hard.
 bite wound? is he meeting the neighbor cats?  i really do not like that he wants to be out doors but i have found over the years that some cats are not going to be tamed.  they will get outside no matter what you try...so i will have to accept whatever fate life brings him.  it may not be as long, he may disappear.  i suspect if someone tries to rehome him, he will escape them too. i am feeding him generously in hopes being overweight curtails his wandering ways.
 the dogs are great company as usual.  it was kind of a whirlwind of a trip. 
 it was nice to be on the Denali Highway, it felt like a world clean of Covid.  a place untouched by the virus.
 you do counts, at least i do.  how many days since the boat trip, how many days since i worked ER....days post any high risk activities. up to 14 days post exposure for symptoms so i always carry a thermometer and pulse ox with me on my travels now...something i would have never done previously.
 Ivy is no longer white she is grey.  silt.  she is still coated in it.  Tusker lets her do the lions share of the swimming out there.  we haven't left a tennis ball behind yet.

 i just snacked out there. no big meals.  i didn't bother with meal prep...another reason the truck/camper thing would be nice.  much easier to actually eat.  as we get older we do appreciate creature comforts more.
 always great to get to real roads again.  the dirt road drags on. it's better i think going Cantwell to Paxson as there is more pavement on the Paxson side. when you go the other way you start to go nuts waiting for the pavement, which really only shows up right before Cantwell. 
 supposed to have a teeth cleaning today. sounds a bit high risk..mostly for them than for me.  i'm sure they will have all the ppe on, including a face shield.  you have to chose the risks. 
 it is a bit disheartening that i work with this and get stressed by this and i have family who believe it's fake news, a hoax, a plot, no big deal.  it feels personal. 
 i always love these old log cabins with grass and flowers on top.  to live in such a tiny place in the middle of winter years ago, but many did and actually there are still folks up here living a pretty simple life.  off the grid is a real thing up here.  keeps them safe from covid mostly too i imagine.
 the glacier has receded a lot, it's interesting to return year after year and see the changes. new kettle ponds form, new growth of plants on areas that are freshly exposed.  nature just adapts to the constant change. 
 Ivy was cracking me up on the drive home.  she never wants to miss out ( FOMO) big time.  she was sitting up and trying to stay awake but she was so tired she kept drifting off and then she'd lean into the window, out...a bump and her eyes would open again and it would start over
 it was a valiant effort but she failed more than she succeeded.  Tusker eventually just heads to the back, where he can stretch out and get good rest.  probably why he was awake and ready to play again when we got home and i tried to just play with the cats.  that and he doesn't seem to have the hip issues she is getting
 tons of forget me nots at the dog park these days.  they seem to like life on the waters edge
 the statue at work in the morning. i stepped out when i worked the door.
 another of the sunset along the Denali Highway and below is some of the many flowers along the roadside on the road from Glenallen.
 that is eskimo potato in front of the glacier. 
 i have wanted to get an old canoe/kayak and do this in my front yard.  i watch for one.  i love old boats.
 there are glaciers out there on the Denali Highway, i did not see much of them on this run as the clouds were often pretty low
 just a quick entry. i will head back to bed and try for a bit more sleep again.  Ivy seems fine with that idea
 another uncomfortable nap for Ivy.  she'd just finally won front seat rights.  Tusker tends to stay there and sleep as much as he can.  she comes and sits on top of him until he gives up and grants her the rights.
 such a great pair of traveling pups.
thankful for A.  a car that survives and thrives despite my abuse  B. the best traveling dogs a girl can ask for C.  another safe and fun trip, exploring this great place.

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