still waiting on the short term disability to come through. if i was a regular office worker i would only need a few weeks to recover but my job requires some heavy lifting and there is no light duty for us so i've requested several weeks off post op. will be a good break in so many ways. so hopefully, i get the short term disability to come through. several phone calls before the office nurse sent in the papers, i brought it in as soon as i got the papers to print off.
going under general anesthesia is always a little anxiety inducing. many thanks to the friends who stayed with me before and after surgery and have called and texted and stopped by.
as a single female you do get used to the fact that you will have to be more independent than some. it has been pointed out to me over the years that having a life partner does not necessarily promise help post op though. anyway, there are some moments that kind of bite being single and during recovery from surgery or in illness can be one of those.
i was sprinkling de-ice stuff on the driveway and a car pulled up...for a moment i thought i was going to be gifted with a flower delivery. nope, just someone parking there and going some place else. silly me. you will always have little melt down moments or pity me moments. i would guess those happen to all of us no matter our situation. life is just that way. overall, i enjoy my independence, but there are those little bummer moments.
today i took my walk with the dogs alone. i only missed walking them friday. i took them for a walk pre-op on thursday and on Sat a friend joined me to help get Ivy back in the car. today i took the element so Ivy jumped in coming and going. i can't always count on having someone join me for walks. as a single person you want to get the least amount of help you need and not make people do more than they should to help you. like pick what is most important and most needed and then do everything you can independently. you are always balancing need/want and not burning out your friends who so kindly help you.
i am still sore and today i probably overdid it a bit. i was trying to avoid any narcotics during the day. that lasted until 1800. the last 48 hours i have only been taking 1/2 of one pain pill every 6-12 hours. i also needed my post op poop. walking and drinking fluid is the best for that. day 3 no poop and narcotics will bind you up so another reason to avoid them. after the walk i stopped by the grocery for some recommended "smooth move" tea. before i could make the tea after returning home though, nature took it's course. i do have the tea still in case i need it.
it is nice not having my uterus sticking out of my body. it's the little things in life. also i'm noticing right now that my pelvic girdle feels that the narcotics i took at 6pm or does having my uterus back in a normal position make the entire region happier.
we had a warm up right before surgery and so the place melted and turned to ice. a wee bit of snow today. careful walking with cleats on for sure.
tried to prep the house by decorating and getting as much xmas stuff completed as i could. wasn't sure how i'd feel post op for doing things other than recovery and walking the dogs.
that does seem to wear me out so far.
some house cleaning, some art projects. handing out local gifts, mailing remote ones.
i have no big xmas plans really. just relaxing. hopefully, i'll get feeling well enough to look at some lights. tonight i missed the solstice tree lights in Kincaid. i've seen them before and will see them again. it was cold out and very icy out. that trail is a bit hilly so i figured best to just skip it this year.
i would like to sign up for a class learning how to do felting. i think that is cool looking.
i'd also like to sign sunny up for some classes. he deserves to be better trained. he's super smart and i have slacked a bit on his training. covid, grief. so better late than never may be the best way to go
tomorrow i'll have to make sure the short term disability is settled and then make sure i understand how that works. it's not something i've done before.
hopefully, i'll get some good sleep tonight.
went out with a few friends pre surgery to decorate some trees at north bivouac with dog toys/balls and bird stuff. that night the chinook winds blew through...i went to the area the next day and did some repairs. wasn't as bad as i expected.
i would love to get the dogs over to see a santa for some photo ops.
not the most exciting holiday. it's a strange year anyway. the election of this total idiotic corrupt mess has put a damper on life in general. more for me i think, is the sadness of knowing so many i know would choose this and not think there was any issue choosing this. now we will all suffer the consequences.
it is mostly sadness for me i think. i have accepted that we are mostly powerless and will just have to deal with what comes next. hoping that what eventually comes will be better than what we are currently dealing with. that eventually, elders will be cared for, healthcare will be for all and education will be free and not full off Christian bull.
it's the last hurrah for the crazed lunatics on the right. they have bitched for years about people saying happy holidays over merry christmas...someone said we will say merry christmas again once they put christ back in christmas. the christian religion has just been so corrupted by corporate greed. these churches are nothing more than businesses. they help very few and live to make more and more money and to do nothing that comes even close to the messages that have been deemed christlike.
i do love the spirit of the old christmas, the simpleness. i've watched a few classic movies but i won't be attending any organized religious events. some big box churches have spent literally millions to bring in the crowds with huge and elaborate shows. who Jesus was has been totally lost and corrupted.
i was for sure anxious going in to surgery. they took me in to the operating room fully awake. it's a big room filled with everything for every emergency possibly. they knocked me out pretty fast though, thankfully. i did like the crew that worked with me. having it done at the hospital i work at made for some familial faces. some old icu nurses that now work day surgery popped in to say hello.
i better crash soon. still get anxious about things but i am better at recognizing it. hopefully, i continue to heal. again thanks to all who have checked in and helped me through this.
these are from August in '22 and '24. i mix and match now.
there are beautiful places all over up here and they change so rapidly and look so different every time you go.
this big sweetie! the animals have been attentive of course. they did love having friends stop by those first few days.
thought it was all about them.
i have been able to take care of them. always most important.
still some from a little train ride.
it really was a pretty day. good to just play tourist up here from time to time.
we were trying to get to Grandview but this loop of a hill up kept stalling us out. we never got there, perhaps another time.
parked and waiting to go
the river on the way back
cool looking clouds that day on the drive to the train.
this is from a walk out of Abbot Loop trail
and of course, mushrooms
back to the train
one of my good friends. off to bed. i'll post again with an update next week probably, hopefully, i continue to heal and walk more and more.

grateful for a. competent surgeon and staff. b. friends and family checking in on me and taking care of me. c. the dogs and cats that motivate me to move. still some from a little train ride.
it really was a pretty day. good to just play tourist up here from time to time.
we were trying to get to Grandview but this loop of a hill up kept stalling us out. we never got there, perhaps another time.
parked and waiting to go
the river on the way back
cool looking clouds that day on the drive to the train.
this is from a walk out of Abbot Loop trail
and of course, mushrooms
back to the train
one of my good friends. off to bed. i'll post again with an update next week probably, hopefully, i continue to heal and walk more and more.

Love reading of your adventures. Heal quickly.
ReplyDeleteLove your blogs, Betsy. You are a very creative writer.
ReplyDeleteLove your blogs, Betsy.