met up with friends to attend the Alyeska Jones and the Viking Crypt melodrama. i'm not really a fan of melodrama and i can't say that this show changed my opinion of them, but the audience was quite fun to watch. so i was entertained less from the show and more by the audience. everyone buys bags of popcorn and then the whole show becomes one long popcorn fight. the above picture is the remnants of the popcorn madness. actually, that was taken pretty early on in the show so i'm sure it was much more coated with popcorn by the end. liked the picture though.

just me and my dogs on the walk today, which is always lovely. blossom happily chased her frisbee and then tennis ball over and over. her tail was wagging and she was one happy dog.
the campbell creek looks different each time i stop by. the water was running over the ice. thought it looked pretty cool!

not many folks out there. i took a few minutes to try and get a few shots of rio. she is tough to take pictures of. she wants to be right with me so when i try to back away to take a photo she is immediately on the move towards me. captured a couple that weren't too bad.

she has a cyst on her shoulder so last night i emptied that out . was trying to think of how i could just remove it. not sure she'd sit still for a minor surgery. she did okay with me popping her cyst though. i suspect it will grow back quickly again.

met up with lesley before the show for dinner. the show was at the theater at the snow goose. you can eat there or chill in the bar so that made it easy. nothing special, but was good to get there early and beat the crowd. parking was a bit nuts..and will be all weekend downtown.

as i headed home there was a dude on 4th avenue downtown down on the side of the road. hopefully someone called for assistance. several homeless/drunks hang out downtown. alaska seems a poor choice for a place to live if one is homeless. the temps tonight were low 20's and will not doubt hit the teens tonight. that guy looked passed out. i wasn't in a place to pull over to check on him, but the streets were full of people so i do hope someone called to get him moved.

blossom waits at the trail signage. was relaxing walking with just the girls today. i really don't want blossom to start thinking that a walk means she wrestles. i'd rather her just walk peacefully or chase her toys. not sure it's good for dogs to see all walks as wrestle fests. that could eventually mean that all dogs they meet on the trails are then potential wrestle partners. passing other dogs on the trail easily isn't always the easiest trick. as it is blossom wants to say hello, but often it's best to just wait on the side of the trail and let the other owner/dogs pass by. blossom likes that i have brought some treats these last few days. i really should continue that. training really should never be over. it's good to challenge her still, but so easy to get into "my dog is already trained" mode. both dogs are happy and sleepy tonight.

liked this tapestry at the theater.

i won't ruin the viking tale for those who still plan to attend this fur rondy event. like i said, for me the real entertainment was the audience.

we were in the last rows at this one. this was during intermission, one of the cast members was signing a program. i did not get any memorabilia except for my ticket stub and a few pictures. i did purchase a fur rondy pin though. some people have collected them for years. i only have 2 pins.

intermission saw my friends getting a wee bit silly...entertaining all as usual.

got my taxes done. didn't take too long and i will get a small bit of cash back which is always good. also dropped stuff off for donation and got ink for my printer! nice to get a few things accomplished. tomorrow i want to hit the native craft fair out at the dimond mall. always some cool stuff there. will need to get the dogs up and moving. we'll see what i get accomplished. should get used to waking early as i will need to the next few days after that.

the pictures are pretty crap at the melodrama as it was a no flash rule. they had this chorus of singers. i swear the lady in the middle with the outstanding nose is the reincarnation of my great grandma hunter, harriet. i'll have to scan her picture in for comparison. we must be related somehow. i did enjoy thier viking version of a micheal jackson song. again i will try not to ruin the show for others. i will say at one point one of the main cast members was singing a bit too high and i turned to jennifer to say i thought i could hear her dog burt howling. it may be with that all the iditarod dogs have already taken off towards nome. it's all just fun and i did have fun so i can check melodrama off my fur rondy list i guess.
have needed my cough medicine these past 2 days again. bummer. not bad in the mornings but by the end of the day i get to hacking away.
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