tanya and karen on the trail. just thought it looked cool with the snow all around them.

it was lovely to sleep in today. got a few things accomplished. at least got a few packages mailed, got stamps, got a new headlight. okay, that's probably about it.

the day turned lovely and i headed towards the blue skies which were over rovers run. the blue skies got bigger so i took a side trail out to homestead trail and then back so we walked for over 2 hours and probably close to 5 miles again. wore my stablicers as it's getting that time of year. stablicers are a slab of rubber with big cleats in them that velcro over your shoes. kept running into this couple with 2 big, nice dogs. guess they were mildly lost. i asked what trailhead they'd started at and it was prospect hieghts. they were way far from that. i gave them directions and off they went. hopefully, they are home. the girl was thinking of hitting a road and hitching back. probably not a bad idea.

many of the buildings were pretty buried looking. still fun for photo shots. always love it up there.

just was catching up with my friend natalie in california. always fun!! we were talking a bit about people who grow up in a bubble and just never leave it. kinda sad in my opinion. seems a waste of all there is in thier world to take in and learn. i'm all about this life being an experience and adventure. just seems sad to never experience it. the religion of my youth taught us we had free agency, but in the same breath we were taught to hold fast to the iron rod. i remember just thinking what was the point of free agency if you never got off the rod to see what was out there. i'm not saying everyone needs to be a total slut or meth head or anything. it's just that i've benefitted so much from meeting a variety of people and it's changed how i see the world.

i like to watch american idol at times. tonight was actually a really good show. i think they all did really well. some great voices this year. several of them will end up with careers in music i suspect. after the show i thought i would play my guitar for a bit. i use a little tuner and for some reason my good tuner had a dead battery. the other crap one is just impossible to work with for me. i finally just gave it up. a moment of frustration. will have to pick up new batteries for the good tuner. would love to go play my drums to relieve that frustration, but i suspect that would be less than appreciated by my neighbors at this late hour. i try to just play drums when i know they aren't home.

melt, melt, melt. seems to be going pretty fast, though looking around it's hard to tell. thinking i will start tossing a scoop or two a day from my driveway onto the road to aid the melting process. the forecast keeps talking of snow. i'm all for it snowing on the west side of town where they measure for the record books. the east side and hillside have already surpassed the records so i think we're good. i would like to get the record...i mean we are so close. when i lived in ketchikan we came close to the record rainfall. again just a few inches shy. can't remember what that is, but they do get like 12 feet/year. at that point it is disappointing to not get the goal.

i've survived the disappointment of our inability to get those last few inches of rain and i'll survive if we don't get those last few inches of snow as well i suppose. the older i get the less competitive i become. our society and culture is just so driven by competition it makes me nuts. i think dating was like that for me in the end. just hate how it infects everything we do anymore. saps the joy out of stuff for me when people turn everything into a who does it better game. who does this better, who has better gear, who's been better places. just seems difficult for people to just relax and enjoy life or enjoy the successes of others. it all means that there is a winner and a loser.

used to play a fair amount of tennis. i never really cared even then if i actually won a game. i was happy with a good shot or two. i compete with myself i suppose. that seems healthier to me.

the culture i was raised in seemed focused on perfection. i watched so many people who put up this act of having perfection only to see it all go to crap. i knew i wasn't perfect, i knew i was so less than perfect. eventually, it seemed more rational to just not try to keep up with all those perfect people. the ones that would always just excell and make me look and feel badly about who i was. the ones that in reality were probably miserable, but pretending that all was great! i now don't believe that god wants us to be perfect or desires for us to obtain perfection in our lives. i believe we should be good, kind people. the message i got from the scriptures i read of jesus was one of kindness, acceptance, treating others as you would wish to be treated.

jesus didn't seem to me to be overly competitive. i doubt i'll get to the pearly gates and be turned away for not being competitive enough, for not trying to win often enough. i live my life without the benefit of getting a ribbon each time i do good. you just know in your heart when you have done the right thing. i don't need no stinkin ribbon!

love the old wood on these buildings.

obviously some of the buildings have some maintenence and upkeep while others are allowed to collapse upon themselves. can we equate this to one who gets plastic surgery, while the rest of us slowly see the results of aging on our bodies. the buildings are empty despite being less dilapitated on the outside. all things bring on philosophies, right?

what plastic surgery would i get if money and all were not an issue. i was asked this by a co-worker one night. she was kinda a nut case i must say. i would probably get my boobs smaller and my saddle bags removed. when i asked her what she would have done she responded that despite the fact that she was pretty fat, she had a perfect body and when she finished her nurse practitioners she would lose all that weight and be perfect again. i saw her years after she graduated and that hadn't happened yet. didn't say a word, but in my brain, my eyes were a rolling away.

like the black and whites out here. would be good to use a program and add the red window paint back into the black and white.

rio is happily snoring behind me. she is wiped, blossom is as well. she usually goes and lays outside in the cool air on the deck, but she hasn't done much. i got her all brushed out. first i wear her out then i do things like brush her, clear her ears or trim her hair. she's much more accomadating after a long walk. it gets tougher and tougher to dig the tennis balls out from the snow. the snow is wet and heavy this time of year.

there is a new postal worker at the local place here by my house. he is super friendly, chatty, helpful. i keep wondering when they'll break him of that.

back to work tomorrow. definitely sleep in. i need a new mattress soon. maybe with my permanent fund this fall. mine is over 10 years old i think...way too old. there are so many choices...it will be annoying shopping.

was happy my brother sent me a tv for christmas one year. i was so dreading trying to figure out what to buy. for those big purchases there are so many things to think about. still haven't gotten a good system for watching movies on the big tv with my dvd player.

not many photo's today. found myself looking in the trees more for porcupines. none seen.

blossom goes deep in search of her tennis ball. she was eventually able to locate it. like i said, it's getting tougher and tougher!

always great to have the sun come out when you aren't really expecting it!

maybe i'll get further along in my national geographic magazine. still so hard to not save each and every issue. so many wonderful stories, great information and awesome photos. heard the encyclepedia britanica has stopped production. we grew up with those as resource. always so great to just look through them. the internet has done away with them...and so many other things. life changes. not sure i'm keeping up with all the changes, but i'm not as far behind as others so hanging in there.

couple from yesterday i tried to blow up more. karen got an awesome shot of one flying, thought i'd take another look at my distance shots. this is all i got. they are sure beautiful! i was such a delight just watching them out there. thanks to boddhi for all the activity!!

off to read and sleep. have a great day....
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