should be napping. will have to rely on some caffiene tonight at work. i got off easy last night as i got to orient a new travel nurse. she seems like she will be awesome so that meant i had very little actual work, just help her find stuff! that is how a travel nurse should be. of course, since i realized that my ACLS is due this month that also gave me the opportunity to run through scenarios and do the class online. just have to pass my exam now. it's not easy doing those mega codes on the computer. did much better than i did the first time i had to do it online though. i'm teachable. but enough about me....
obviously i have to get ready for work but thought i'd post a few more pictures and give some updates. above is a favorite lance mackey. most who follow these races know who he is. he always looks a bit rough. he is a throat cancer survivor and i think it's still tough keeping the calories in and keeping his mouth moist. he's in a decent position in the race. all the top players are pretty bunched up. he flew through takotna. conditions continue good on the trail.

seavey is actually the leader at this time, mitch that is. his son dallas i close by. linder got to the gold of the halfway point first, but he hasn't taken his 24 hour so there are some strange looks on the leader board. as i said it gets confusing. aliy was in front, but with the 24 hour stop, they start with the time from the start line calculated in. so that meant that seavey was able to leave before aliy.

two teams have now dropped out. this is relatively few, especially compared to last year. the rookie from norway with the hair that i thought was a big fur hat dropped out. furtwangler. and ryan redington dropped out. he is the brother to ray.

my friend, sandra, in willow.

i think some meat selling company just came to the door. i hate door to door sales and just let the dogs bark at them, but don't answer. they make me nervous. above is deedee jonrowe. another cancer survivor. i'm pretty sure that is the reason for all the pink. she could just be super supportive of breast cancer, but i think it's more than that. of course, i am on little sleep at this time. there is another musher out there with an active cancer. there are some tough folks out there. deedee is always popular and has done alot of these races. she is usually in the top half, but hasn't been at the top 10-15 for many years. she's started 29 races, finished 27 and was 2nd twice. so impressive no doubt.

okay, got unlazy and looked. she had breast cancer back in 2002, ran the race just a few weeks after completing her chemo. impressive.

bib 16 is trent herbst. he looks like he's in the front but that is just because he hasn't taken his 24 hour. i suspect he's currently on it though. he is listed as being from anchorage. not too many from anchorage run, but there are lots of kids in the city running dogs out here. kids here do less of soccer and more of cross country skiing, hockey and dog mushing.

friends out at willow on the lake for the restart.

the northern lights are supposed to be exceptional tonight due to some major solar flares...i'll be at work so i won't have a chance to see them. boo hoo. poor me. had a hard time sleeping as my front bedroom gets super warm during the days. i woke up due to being overheated. had a hard time getting back to sleep. finally just woke and took the dogs out to the bog. there was a mama and baby moose chilling in the center bog area. snuck past them and took a few pictures. will go back to posting my walk pictures after the iditarod ones are done. it's just dogs for now though. may have to sleep in my back room tomorrow. the dogs would be so confused though. the temperatures were a bit lower this morning as i drove home from work and the trees all had that beautiful frost on them. maybe i'll take a bog walk before it melts in the morning tomorrow. i will probably be totally wiped though.

quite a few folks on the bog today.

so the iditarod in cruising along. everyone seems pretty happy. the dropped teams were pretty vague as to why the dropped out. like i said though for only 2 teams to have dropped out is pretty low numbers.

gonna be an exciting ending i suspect as the teams are all so close and there are so many fabulous mushers and dog teams in those top 20. amazing! #15 is pat moon. of course i've now looked at my newspaper sheet several times as it's saying this is a girl,but that picture looks like a guy. hmm....perhaps lack of sleep again. well, i better get cracking and get ready for work. will have to do my own work tonight and i also have to do that exam. i'm already sleepy just thinking about it!
switch that the sheet says pat moon is a male and this picture looks like he's a she. i really do need sleep!!!