rio looked fabulous in her new coat. the fitting isn't stellar but then the girl would not get off couch to allow me to test it out. i whipped it out without really paying to close attention to the details. with stuff like this i just don't get too worked up...it's a coat for a dog. she won't notice the little oops's. will have to shorten it by about 3-4 inches. it hangs over her butt. i'll just tuck it under and put in some stitches, should work. poor rio...the stuff she has to tolerate being my dog. she sure was a bright spot on the trail today.

these are the pictures from kincaid and the beach i took with my bigger camera yesterday. we are planning to head out to hatchers, gold mint, for a walk tomorrow. we'll head up to independence mine and get some winter shots up there if the weather is good for it! i've never really chilled up there in the winter. have wanted to. mentioned it to tanya and she was up for it as was karen...so we shall try it.

lots of ice out there! actually hungry now. i bought a frozen pizza only to fry that thing to a crisp in the oven. they say don't put it on a sheet, but then some cheese always drips down and burns and then you turn on the overhead fan which drowns out the sound of the ding saying the pizza is done...yes, i've done this before.

when i made the meatloaf yesterday i also put some blackberry jello in the fridge. it's been awhile since i made a thing of jello and didn't feel sick. my gramps years before his stroke lived above our garage in the apartment we had there. i must have been in grade school. i 'd come home and head up there and he would have some blackberry jello made up and ready. memories live on, it's all those little things that you remember the most. when he'd come by the house when i was really little he'd pop into our room and if it was clean, he'd hide a dollar somewhere. so fun!

loved this one of miss blossom.

juvenile eagle sits above the beach.

gramps always called cats that he saw puddy cats. he was always talking all sweet to them. he loved animals, though i don't really remember my mom talking about pets.

above in the distance you can see denali (mckinley to those in the lower 48)

there it is again.

all that ice out there is dirty and cluttered, but still beautiful in it's own way. kinda random.

another glimpse of the big mountain. was going to stop by kohls today to look for swimsuits. ran out of time and energy though. i had to stop by and pass off on my ACLS recertification. code running. have taken that class so many times. was terrified the first time i took it. in the old days it was much tougher. now it's pretty easy. it seemed to take forever today though as i was last person in and several ahead of me didn't find the mega code run through as easy as i did. the guy kept stopping and explaining stuff. people are just often in different areas where they are required to take acls but don't actually use the skills they learn as often as one does in the icu's or er's . i didn't worry too much. i'll get paid to wait.

dang i took alot of pictures of the big mountain...and several of the one below too. mt susitna. also known as sleeping lady.

this big bald eagle nest is just down the road from the kincaid park entrance. you can see the little baldie in there. no great angle. it's actually right inside the old closed military base so i can't go in. oh well.

through in the last of the moose pictures from university lake the other day as well. actually there are many more pictures from both, but i will spare you each and every one! these are just some of my favorites.

the guy below looked like he was stretching or strutting. hard to tell.

called my sister when i got back from the acls so we had a nice chat. it's been awhile. life doesn't slow too much after the kids are grown. she had wedding stuff the past few weekends and her oldest just moved and has 4 kids, pregnant with fifth so tired and busy so she helps out alot there i think.

they are just so cute...moose. how could you not adore them. was thinking how much i'd miss the moose if i moved back to the southeast part of the state. the weather is better up here too!!

rains so much down there. it's amazingly beautiful when the sun comes out though! that part i really miss and i do miss the long beaches and tidepools and sea life.

last night while i was writing i saw the critters all snuggled up together. so dang cute!

loved when sapogi, my polydactyl cat, was giving ms breeze bug a big ol hug!

on to the monday walk. just me, lena and tanya today. the numbers are starting to dwindle. this happens towards the end. as the seasons change people just head off in different directions. more trails to explore. sandra and karen both joined us for coffee afterwards. that is always a fun thing anyway. summers just are active in this state. everyone is busting it to do as much as possible on thier days off. besides, n.bivouac trails tend to have increased bear activity. for sure want to know that more than just me will be headed there. though in truth i hiked out there all the time when i first got up here by myself. ignorance is bliss.

manny above and rio below in her new coat. tried to take lots of coat pictures.

you can see how long it is in the back. will have to repair. fleece stretches so much anyway.

happy dogs getting loves from lena. no treats though rio was convinced they really were there.

okay...i got a little bit obsessed by the coat! just made me smile!!

let rio got sans leash the last part of the trail. used to mostly walk her off leash, despite her blindness, but she got too confident and followed her nose and moose off the trail. it's good for her to go solo though i think. probably tiring though.

blossom was doing everything she could at the coffee shop to get close to her buddies. sandra had to say hello and see rio's new coat. blossom has 3 paws doing a tightrope walk on the back of the car. silly doodle!!

stopped by pet smart and got the boys out for a playtime. everyone looked pretty happy. i wore my skhoop and zippered it all the way down and that first few minutes i stood by the wall to keep cooper from doing the zoomies between my legs. it worked!!

lots of zoomies going on so lots of blurry shots.

these are of austin waiting for some laser light action. easier for me to tell them apart when they are both together. cooper is lighter coated. austin has a little brown patch on his back legs.

lots of folks looked in the windows at them, which i think they both love, especially when the kids rush the window. great cause they get to check em out without the kids running around screaming.

this evening blossom was going a bit nuts on the deck looking back at the house. couldn't figure out what was up, maybe a vole? but then i looked in the cat run. my friend scott built me a little cat run for my cats. the door is closed up for the winter but in the summer they can sit out there feel the breeze, smell the smells and there is a little door that opens to the inside and another door that i can open to a second outdoor area that is enclosed that i put away for winters. this is a picture from the inside window. not sure if you can tell but to the left side the plexiglass window is busted out. some ice fell from the roof this winter during a chinook phase and busted it.

you can't see in the above picture very well, but if you look below there was a feline who discovered this little cozy spot and he's looking up at me! blossom had spied him. unfortunately, there isn't anything she can do about it as the snow level on that side of the house is over 4feet and blossom can't get through it. poor doodle was tormented. i brought her inside to save the neighborhood from her distress over the situation only to have her go nuts once the cat decided to leave it's little nook and run across our deck. then blossom exploded again.

hopefully, i can get scott to make the repairs this summer, if we ever get melted enough, so that my cats can again enjoy thier little outdoor patio.

visiting the dogs...tanya took this one of sandra, karen and i with the dogs. better get to bed earlier tonight so i can get a start tomorrow for hatchers. rio will stay home for that one.
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