Thursday, June 7, 2018

still battling after effects of the influenza.

 focus on pain these past several days.  seems to have amped up post kayak trek.  not sure if i have just re-injured the pulled muscles by hauling gear and kayaks or if there is possibly something more going on.  tried to get a Dr appointment, but they are booked til next week.  if it doesn't start to ease  up again I'll stop by the urgent care and see if i can get some sort of xray appointment. 
 the price went up on the next trek i was hoping for and with this added pain,  not sure i should plan for another kayak trek this soon. for sure want to get medically cleared.  ibuprofen and heat not really cutting it these past few days.  back to work tonight.  at least the coughing is improving so it should go ok i guess.
 today we hit the University Lake dog park. it was warm out and the dogs really love it there.  we took our time and they had a great day.  when you are single, stuff still needs to be done.  front lawn is mowed...back lawn is still attempting to grow in.  by the time it reaches full growth and is need of steady mowing our light will no doubt be fading and we will be headed for i should have minimum mowing back there. still more back yard projects to enthusiasm tends to wane as i want to be our enjoying the beauty of summer while we have it.
 these are from the one sunset i was able to stay awake for.  haha.
 my card of course said full right after this shot so i had to run back to the yurt.  liked this one shot of the bald eagle in the sunset but would have been fun to get more.  that is life in the world of picture taking though.
 there is a pair of ducks at the lake that i had seen like 8 ducklings before..survival of the fittest, today there was just one duckling seen.  a few baby geese as well.  I'm still not able to run across a mama and baby moose...just the way it will be this year i guess.  oh well.  every year you see different things.
 a few flowers out down there.  some starting to pop up out here. yesterday, i attempted to meet LS up at Arctic Valley, but when we got up there we were right in the middle of a cloud with zero visibility really...seemed a bad idea to hike in a mountain with no visibility so we headed back down and just did a loop out at Campbell Airstrip.  again, it's good that dogs really don't care where you go. 
 the dandelions continue to entertain.
 thought these turned out kind of cool with the sunset behind them . they are actually pretty crazy plants.
 i better go get finished getting ready for work.  have a good one. hope it's sunny where you are. it is here. 
thankful for:  A.  my constant companions.  furs are great.  B.  improvements despite a setback this week.  C.  overall good health. it's a gift that many do not enjoy. 

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