Sunday, September 6, 2020

a lot of sleeping...

 pretty much slept all day friday, which is unfortunate because i just realized tonight that i had made Ivy's appointment at the vet for Friday so i missed that. i will have to call and apologize and re-schedule
 mostly feel bad for Ivy as i hope to get her some good pain control.  a better plan for sure.
 i felt super sleepy today for much of the day and really didn't get out until nearly 2pm. did get a few things done though.  dishes, another round of scraping the cabinet doors.  still need to get the little bits of the cabinet face done. the difficult part of that is containing the mess so that i don't drip crap all over the washer and dryer and all that. a pretty tight space in there.
 at least there aren't a bunch of nooks in that portion. should be fairly straight forward.  still messy though.
 so i will probably crash again fairly soon.  have debated a run north.  i may just stick closer to home.  perhaps try to do some bigger hikes/walks locally. 
 we shall see how i feel tomorrow. always lots to do around here. this is a great time for fall colors up north though.
 three nights of work completed.  it's always exhausting.
 i worked ICU, then ER and then the last night i was in the ER until about 5 am then i moved to the ICU and took a patient that had been in ER the entire night.  i was kind of surprised that i hadn't been moved up, but sometimes not everyone thinks of that.  i asked the charge why that patient was still down there and she said there was no staff to take it in the ICU and they would have to pull PEAT.  i was all, you know i do ICU and it's not really been busy here.  i really don't like sitting around doing nothing...either find me some real stuff to do or send me home. 
 so they found me real stuff.  mostly by that time you just settle in a patient but they were pretty swamped in that area.  death and mayhem so it was appreciated that i could come take that patient and the others could keep working on the more ill patients.
 the sun is setting earlier and earlier.  there have been northern lights out i guess.  friends saw some in darker areas.  i didn't go out and look. 
 the walks this week have been good...always hunting those mushrooms this time of year...and it's been a great year for that. 
 one day between shifts i stayed home and just tossed the tennis ball in the yard. the dogs are pretty chill about what we do as long as they get tennis ball time.
 i was surprised at how many different types of mushrooms were in my little yard.  even a cup mushroom.
 i finally ran across some of those super pretty and tiny blue mushrooms that turn the wood blue. that was at the dog park.  always a favorite.
 above is Kelly Lake.
 the pups pose with my stick figure dogs. most of these are still from Homer.  i still haven't looked at the photos on the big camera.   not even the ones from Valdez.  that is the summer it has been.
 Covid cat has been sticking inside a bit more.  hopefully, that trend continues. i do prefer them inside.  i'm fine with him in the back yard but i don't want him to make a nuisance of himself.  in the valley there has apparently been someone going around killing cats...shooting them i believe. we are surrounded by some real jerks...the comments on the article just shows that there are many out there who seemed supportive of the cat killing.
 such idiocy.  there are many who want to go to battle so they can have an excuse to kill each other off.  can people ever exist without having a need to kill each other from time to time?  is it possible?
 all i can do is hope that cooler heads prevail.  i hope that this current fool is given the boot from the job.  Biden was not my first pick but at least he is civil, dull and has kindness in him. 
 an article came out in the Atlantic.  there have been many public statements that show trumps lack of respect for those in the military who were POW's...he has shown disdain for McCain and for Gold Star families. he's shown total disrespect for our Generals, since Mr Bone Spurs believes he knows more about everything than everyone.  he has zero empathy or sympathy.  the article brought to light other horrible things he has said over his tenure that show total disdain for many in the military.
 he has wanted a military style dictators have, and he wanted to make sure those veterans injured in war would not be allowed to participate.  he has zero idea why anyone would serve in the military.  his base will no doubt do the usual, make excuses and look the other way....they will say he has done "more for the military than any other president" echoing his words and those of his surrogates.
 the propaganda machine is busy making it out that all hell will break lose under Democrats...even though all hell is breaking lose now under his rule. the Russian trolls are busy trying to undermine Biden and the Democrats...heard my brother echo the russian trolls about Biden having dementia.  people don't even know they are buying into all these crazy stories.
 fireweed in the fire zone
 finally, turning over the calendars on Sept 6th.
 loved the light on the water. this was the first night in Homer this last trip.
 the lines are always very cool
 i'm always obsessed with them when i'm on these beaches at low tide
 still  been hanging close to Anchorage with my walks.  i see so many doing big grand hikes and i know i should be doing big hikes...the trails have been crazy busy during Covid so i think it's been easier to just stay away from the busy trails.
 these daisy like flowers are dying off now...not many flowers out now.
 loved this view on the walk in Portage.

 pretty sunset in Homer.
 love these jelly shots.
 i put these bits of blue wood on this mushroom, turned out it looks like a marijuana leaf.
 quartz Lake
 back at the Kelly Lake walk.  things load oddly.
 the pups would love to be at the beach again right now
 here is Tusker in the fire zone
 loved the rocks that are cracked.
 drew a heart in the ash....kinda cool
 Miss Breezy still enjoys this little cat tent. she is for sure coming out of her shell a bit more.  have seen her downstairs more. she actually was laying on the couch with me one evening.  i almost scared her off as i was surprised to see her.
 no on calls this week. a conversation with a brother turned political and it's more and more clear that conversations will just have to happen less and less with some siblings.  mostly, they seem happy to just see an occasional photo on the group family page...that is really all the relationship i suspect they want.  the politics is destroying any families that have differing view points. there is no meeting in the middle there is only my views and your views.
 i have no idea how this nation sews itself back together to become one again.  i have no idea how the family does either.  i suspect he has a lot of frustration in his personal life so a disagreement can probably ramp up more than it would have a month ago or more. i get that.  better to just stand back a bit though. 
 the perk of being single is i get to have a fairly drama free life.  there are very few folks i argue with. occasionally on the internet but mostly, i just don't have arguments with anyone...and i actually enjoy that.  my childhood we fought all the time.  it wasn't really fun for me.
 Covi Cat on the fence...he's made use of the upside down roof drains i put up in an attempt to prevent him from climbing the fence.
 don't think i'll be escaping this week so i guess i will plan on getting those cabinets done.  it will look pretty when it's all done.
 baked some cookies tonight so the place smells good.  i was baking and scraping this evening.
thankful for A.  having a job.  it scares me some days but at least i have one B. the furs...they have been constant companions in this new world we all are living in.  C.  any hope for a future for our nation

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