Wednesday, September 9, 2020

dang you blogger!!

 they are making changes that might screw with my ability to load my pictures. you get used to things working the way they should and then they go and change it up.  so annoying.  the kitties eating together upstairs now.  i still have a place set up for Covid Cat downstairs.  hopefully this will eventually go away and the cats will just eat upstairs.
 i did get the other cabinets stained and the doors re-hung and the pulls put on...super glue for the lazy home owner. it was windy Monday so i ended up doing home projects.  got the shed door fixed, again, got some stuff put away...winter is approaching. fall is always quick here.
 Tuesday i did do the Spencer Loop.  i ended up doing it reverse of what i have always done.  i thought it might be a smidge easier, i think it was.  it does throw you off doing a trail the other direction though.  concern you will take a turn and get lost.  bear scat but no bears.  quite a few new bike trails through there so more bikers. 
 in some ways i feel like i wasted the week off, didn't go anywhere and didn't even drive out to do any bigger hikes. we did get out though.  in between i chilled with the furs.
 no human activities. i fear the rare human interaction i did used to have has been diminished even more so by the Covid.  tough to have any social life at this age, let alone try to start over re-building what little i had.  i am not the life of the party and  the invites tend to be few. i learned long ago my social skills were not up to par.  recluse, introvert, loud mouth, pain in the ass....not sure if it's one of these or a combo of all of them. i drive people away more than i pull them in.  charm has never been my gift.  i am an acquired taste i think and most folks don't have the time or inclination to take the time to get to know each other any more. 
 social is easier when you are in an all encompassing religious organization.  social was all done for you then, you were invited to every thing even if you lacked any social skills...i suspect that makes one not learn social skills as a rule.  the big world is a bit tougher.  still, i don't regret the choice to leave.  i just have to remind myself that since i walked away, this is just part of it.  thankfully, i have some core friends and family who seem to accept me with all my the end what more does anyone really need. a few great dogs and cats too i guess. some folks don't even have that so count your blessings, right?
 started working on those shelves. i also have some tile in mind for the floors in the bathrooms.  probably get enough for both bathrooms so eventually i can get them both done.  need to do the floors in the main living area/stairs and upstairs hall. why do homes often have broken up flooring??? because it can be too spendy to do an entire house at once especially once you are living in it.  :-) 
 my crown got put on today so that is done.  i headed to the dog park after with thoughts of heading to either Talkeetna or Hatchers Pass.  i ran into a friend so we ended up talking for a bit. nice to catch up.  meet her new puppy, see how much her kids have grown up.  that was my social for the week, other than texting and calls. 
 got some stuff put away in the cabinets upstairs.  toss old crap.  re-organize.  we all have way too much crap.
 i see there is a new article about the visiting policy and Covid.  the citizens are rebelling.  i suspect that will open back up a bit sooner than later.  hopefully, we never get back to the crazy open door policy we had previously. it was ridiculous. people coming and going at all hours of the day and night.  kids running around. rooms filling with stuff, drugs being brought in and used in patient rooms.  sex in patient rooms...everything that happens outside, happens inside.
 news for trump gets worse each day it seems, not that his devout followers will care. they are an angry bunch right now..i'm wondering if a few of them are going through the stages of grief, they've been in denial of his incompetence and total lack of empathy and now they seem to be moving into anger stage. a few books are coming out.  Woodword has tapes of Trump saying he knew how bad covid was but opted to act like it was no big deal so he wouldn't alarm people...he kept it up though.
 cohen is pissed because he is the one getting the shaft for trumps bad behaviour, so he wrote a book.  Melanias old friend was double crossed, so she wrote a book. trumps niece was screwed out of family money so she wrote a book.  he's pissed off a lot of people over his life time and eventually those people will start speaking out.  the article in the Atlantic has been confirmed several times over about the insensitive/boorish things he has said about the military members.
 i suspect he doesn't really see them as individuals but instead sees them in mass as his military to show off to his heroes like Putin and NK. this is why he doesn't want to have veterans and especially injured veterans on display in him it makes his military appear weak. only, they are not his military. 
 the financial connections are closer to being released.  Barr is doing all he can to protect the President...he's supposed to be doing all he can to protect the constitution and the law, but he's chosen his loyalties sadly and it's trump over the law.  he's even intervening on a personal case of trumps...totally not what he should be doing in his role. it's crazy.
 the local wildlife have been snacking on the mushrooms. these seem to be a favorite.
 bunches of puff balls.
 the US is number one in Covid cases, India just overtook Brazil for the number two slot.
 opposition leader in Russia is waking up after being poisoned...gosh i wonder if Putin had anything to do with that.  silence, as per usual, from trump. he's also not come out to condemn Putin for the bounties or to even say that if this is found to be true there will be serious consequences...nope.  for sure he will never actually utter anything negative about Putin.  one wonders why? 
 trump has also never made any serious condemning statements regarding the death of reporter Kashoggi in Saudi Arabia.  the killers were just pardoned and will not receive the death sentence.  the Prince has been kept clear of any knowledge of involvement in this, though that doesn't really seem likely. his dismembered body was never found.
 the world can be a pretty terrible place some days.
 Covid cat is never full it seems.  after he eats his food, he slides over to see if Miss Breezy has left any food, then he moves downstairs to see if the pups have any interesting food items to be shared.
 overall, he has been around a bit more this week than previous weeks.
 he still likes to wander though.  hoping that slows as he ages a bit.
 i think this month will put him at 11 months old. 
 love his fluffy tail.
 tiny purple mushrooms
 shelf fungi. i always love the purple in this type.
 Denali has had a strange year, they are contemplating increasing winter access, which could be good.  we do get more winter tourism...maybe not this winter but other winters for the northern lights.
 our local restrictions have softened a bit.  there is dining in at half capacity.  our numbers have remained fairly stable. 
 blue wood. always a treat.
 this pair grew together.
 more shelf fungi
 fall colors coming in more and more.
 the pups always enjoy their outdoor time.  they had extra throws today as my friends kids had fun with the chuck it. 
 haven't put the bag up yet, Covid Cat seems to enjoy sleeping there.
 it's all about keeping the animals happy.
 i sleep contorted at times, but it's worth it if they are happy.
 my back yard cup fungi.  simple joys in life i guess.
 the critters seem to enjoy life here as well.
 i have three sleeping critters in here right now...where Covid Cat is....hopefully not too far off.
 fall is my favorite but i really haven't even made any adventures out. 
 this was a good week for it. perhaps my next stretch off i will have more ambition.  i did get some stuff done around the house so not a total waste. 
 back to work again for the next stretch. 
thankful for A. those that take the time to keep me in their lives B. the pets who are always loyal and happy to see me...they don't realize i'm a social flop. C. mushrooms and all the variety and beauty of this earth. 

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