Thursday, January 31, 2019

suddenly feeling very hungry....

 i may have to rectify that soon.  Skelly finally got out of Christmas mode and into Valentines mode. his vast wardrobe is shifting to the garage. hopefully soon i will have that all organized. 
 slept in, as usual.  continued a text discussion with my brother that started last night....more on that later.  met one of my nieces old roommates from college for lunch.  she moved to Juneau last year and was up here for a marine biology convention . Marine biology was one of those dream jobs..i think i was headed that way for about a minute.  took quite a few classes actually.  headed to vet tech, then the goal was vet school.  i had many majors.
 my life pass took some wide turns.  i took the road less traveled and as the poet said, it has made all the difference.  i do recall us reading that poem in a class in Jr High i think and somehow knowing at that moment that i would be taking the road less traveled...and i am so happy i did.
 above is the puppies helping me make the bed....I'd kept Ivy Rose off but then Tusker jumped up as i was putting on the comforter...Ivy Rose is at the end of the bed sulking a bit.  she is currently behind me here in the office.  last i saw Tusker was again on the bed.
 after lunch downtown i headed over to the dog park.  i really need to get more adventurous on my walks next stretch off.  enjoying a down time week.  i think i needed a mental break after the whole kitchen remodel. 
 got news pretty early today that a medivac plane was missing outside of Kake.  i know many of the nurses that have gone on from ICU/ER to work on these flight crews.  always makes your heart break.  they have found part of the wing i think i read.  just makes me sad.  i read that the nurse was pregnant so that just adds to how sad this is. my heart aches for those who know the crew on board, their friends, family...even their pets...i think i saw another medivac plane crashed in the mid west somewhere a few days ago.  it is a dangerous job. 
 baked some cookies the other evening.  getting better with my oven. 
 Skelly was one of my first guests in the kitchen...yes, that is my life.   easier to dress them inside where it is warm. 
 it does appear that Round Island has found funding to get through this year...Hooray!!  so that was a high point today.  hopefully the boat captain is stable this year for taking people out. 
 where to start....? iitoo is my code for trump, it just means idiot in the oval office, which i believe he is.  i also believe he is putting our nation at risk.  this allows me to speak about him without having to have his name all over, for various reasons.  writing that has absolutely nothing to do with whether he is legitimate or not or whether i think he is legitimate or not. 
 his is a grown man and if he can't handle the heat as they say, he needs to get out of the kitchen...not sure why folks on the right feel the need to defend him and act like he is more abused than any other POTUS has been...they all get it, probably more since Nixon and his shenanigans.  people just don't trust them as much since around that time...i wonder why...that is on both sides.  of course, the iitoo does a crap ton of whining and his supporters seem to be sucked into that belief that poor trump...forgetting that it was him who totally pushed the birther bull crap about Obama.  if you can't take it don't dish it out.  so whining that we all need to just accept he is the legitimate potus and we should all be nice...seems a bit ridiculous after he spent years saying every nasty thing he could about did all the folks at Fox and Brietbart and many...
 so many options to get your right wing "news"...or news in the shape of conspiracy theories that come with little to no proof and little to no indictments for any bad behavior.  this really just says that their enemies are so incredibly brilliant that they could not be caught...i don't think any of them are exceedingly brilliant.  it does take some guts and ego to deign to be POTUS, but in the end.  they shit the same as we all do.  they aren't bigger than us...just braver or more arrogant.  in the end i think one must have that level of arrogance to do this.  one also requires a fairly large ego to be a crazy adventurer.  that is just a requirement...if you don't have those personality aspects you probably won't take those risks. 
 we all must be willing to look at all sorts of sources.  just because one leans left or leans right doesn't mean that they are always wrong.  even a broken clock is right twice a day...i think that is how that goes.  I'm tired of  the whining.  the right  has gotten into this habit of playing victims.  they have decided that they are being picked on, that they aren't represented enough....they are very powerful.  they just elected their potus with a minority of the votes, that is not the first time that has happened. they have the edge because of the electoral system...and because they have just of late been the party that is better at rigging the system better....via voter suppression and gerrymandering.
 i find pretty much any and all discussions with those on the right leads to a but hillary or but obama....i guess that is an easy off ramp when there is no defense for the crap this current iitoo pulls.  turn and cough and crap on the other guy...if that doesn't work, go back to wild conspiracy theories that have been researched for years without any evidence that can indict anyone.
 since the beginning of the Mueller investigation the right has been in some big hurry to end it...witch hunt, nothing burger...and yet these same folks have no issue going back to hillary over and over and over for years, spending tax dollars.  give it up.  you have failed.  your options are A.  she is incredibly brilliant and commands all around her to protect her...not likely as i believe she lacks the charming personality of her husband B. the GOP is the most inept at doing an investigation since there is so much evidence and yet really zero indictments or C.  she just is not as evil as you all have been convinced she is. 
 making people hate hillary and obama with a passion has been a very effective tool for the conservative party. hate makes people easy to manipulate...gunman shooting up a pizza place because he was convinced Hillary was somehow holding children there is a sex slave ring.  the ridiculous conspiracy theories just keep coming.  one crazier than the next.  these theories have been blown way out of proportion.
 lets let Mueller complete an initial investigation before we determine on day one that this is all a witch hunt.  if in 5-20 years we are all still mulling over things without evidence then we will talk. 
 i am not obsessed with Put.  there are legitimate things that are concerning.  if our potus was trying to create business opportunities in Rus and is beholden to Put that is a potential issue.  Put is much more savvy than the iitoo.  he has gone out of his way to defend Put, he has had closed door meetings with him, where he collected the notes from the translator or only allows Rus translators in...where he doesn't allow even his own staff inside or tell them what was said.  i do not trust any POTUS to have that sort of relationship.  spending 2 hours with an adversary and have no record of it or have any other of your staff involved is just a total lack of transparency. 
 having all the National Security advisers speak and basically contradict the bull that the iitoo tweets out constantly is pretty wild.  more wild is to then have the iitoo ,be mad at people he selected, for speaking the truth of the current security risks.  as in all things the iitoo believes he knows more than anyone on every subject despite not actually taking the time to look into facts on any subject.  he "hires the best people" then calls them stupid and fires them. 
 it is scary to have a potus who refuses to listen to people with expertise in any and all areas.  the border crap is mostly a smoke screen it seems.  if McConnell and Ryan really were on board they would have made it happen in the first two years when they had power.  i think they realized what a waste the whole thing was.  they know there are other ways to protect the border without the hassle of all the lawsuits over land rights...the GOP is the one that gets the most irate over the feds coming in and just taking land...suddenly when it comes to the wall, they are willing to roll over land rights issues.  it makes zero sense.
 there is an assault on common sense and common decency in our nation.  an actor who is gay and black was just beat up with his attackers yelling "MAGA country" racists have infiltrated the GOP and they are in there thick...unless the GOP starts to loudly denounce this behavior, unless the citizens who are Republicans send a loud and clear message to the leadership of the GOP that this is unacceptable, the situation will get worse.  the racists and homophobic personalities have become more and more empowered with this administration.
 then you have his Press Secretary going on record saying Trump became POTUS because that is what God wanted.   when you look away, when you are willing to accept heinous behavior, you become part of the problem. 
 who we interact with in life has a large influence on who we are and how we behave.  if everyone around the POTUS is corrupt jokers how long will it be before the potus himself is also found to be a corrupt joker. getting  Rus to drop the emails at convenient times is working with them to advance your candidate...if he was involved or's really not being obsessed. it's not that far of a leap.  i think it's worth finding out where those connections go if they go anywhere.  those on right have decided it's all "fake News" before allowing it to move forward. the truth will set us all free.  they are angry that all their investigations of Hillary has yielded nothing...she is not locked up yet.  how can they accept his people getting locked up while she is still free? 
 the rest of these are down in Homer in August.  need to plan a winter trip down there..beach time is always great.
 i do have a swim day scheduled.  will have to find another day so my friend can join me with her dog.  she's going on holiday so it will have to be when she returns.
 the hot mike moment with Obama and Medvedev has also been blown way out of proportion on the right.  there are many things that potus will put off due to elections...both sides.  it was also said in front of what looks like 50 plus reporters.  it was awkward but hardly the big moment the right likes to make it out to be...absolutely zero comparison to a potus being in a room with an ex kgb Rus president with no other US representatives, and then destroys the notes the translator took over a 2 hour period. 
 love to watch the pups play in the waves. 
 they were pretty good today out there.  Ivy jumped on me once, felt like bone on bone.  haven't seen a bruise yet, though i did expect one.
 supposed to get sunny out the next few days...while i head back to work.  boo.  snow again on my days off
 should grab a few snacks and head to bed.  watch a Gilmore Girl episode and crash.
 hopefully a nice walk tomorrow and then get my tool organizer for the garage. 
 then on my days off i can start working on the garage
 maybe i can even put some stuff out with a free sign...see if there is anything to sell on the marketplace.  hmm. 
 good night. 
thankful for: A.  truth  B.  safe's not something to take for granted.  C.  hope

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