Tuesday, August 13, 2019

bruises from a fall

 thankfully, nothing worse than that at this point really.  was hiking Portage Pass with friend.  I'd never completed the trek on the other side down to the beach at the lake in front of the glacier. it gets kind of brushy and steep that last 1/4 mile or so.  my ankle turned on me and i went straight down forward.  it looks like my knees took the brunt of it all.  i have no marks anywhere else, which is amazing considering how hard i landed.
 i mean i even bounced and then lurched further down the hill. the camera was around me and i landed on it a bit and it was fine as well. 
 it was hot out there and on this keto plan there isn't all that much i can really eat so my caloric intake has been pretty low...i think these were all factors honestly.  on the way back up my knee was swelling like crazy, the bruises getting worse.  it was more of a big hematoma. i wanted ice and to elevate my leg and carbs!
 lots of morning selfies with my pups this month. haha.
 the fact that i could walk out at all is proof that no permanent damage happened. thankfully, there was no twisting as i fell.  it was a solid pancake slam forward.
 there was a hiker headed up the hill and i fell right in front of her.  she was very concerned. she is probably traumatized and sure that i was going to need to be carried out.
 a piece of art that i bought in Sitka.  painted on bear bread. the artist is out of Wrangell i think.  i have a few other small pieces that are of walrus by same artist..eyes closed in those.
 our web page again kicked us out and stopped taking donations without informing us. multiple calls later and still trying to work out what is going on.  currently the place that manages our money can't find us....that is comforting.  grr.
 the island is closing up for the season.  crazy since the report is that there are currently over 5000 walrus on island, the most of all summer.  too bad the cameras aren't rolling out there.  so disappointing. hoping they can get things rolling again next season. also hope another transport option becomes available at some point. 
 the news in our world gets worse each day.  now this administration is trying to make it more difficult to protect endangered species.  along with their dedication to opening up our protected spaces to oil, coal and mining.  a real stellar bunch these guys are.  ready and willing to destroy the earth as long as they can add to their coffers.  assholes.
 much of the crap that they do against the environment doesn't make it through to the right wing media i suspect.  they only focus on the things they know their followers love, pain inflicted on any one who immigrates here, both legal and illegal.  they want to not renew green cards i think for anyone on any public assistance. such a kind and compassionate bunch these evangelicals are.  Jesus be dammed, children be dammed.
 isn't this sweet. 
 i think the swelling has improved enough i will attempt a walk again today.  perhaps not as ambitious as i was hoping for.  wanted to do Rabbit Lake today.
 some of these are Woronzof and below is Powerline Pass, which are also in here.
 just out walking with the pups.  I've been a bit of a loner this summer. it was nice to have a friend along walking yesterday. it was great to get down to the beach.  so beautiful and despite being hot it was a beautiful day out there in Portage/Whittier.
 the berries were picked clean though.  we did see some folks who were blueberry picking up at the top a bit off trail.  loads of tourists.
 it is funny that Portage Pass was a trail that's been there but that many i know had never heard of. seems to have had a run of popularity.  lots of bang for your buck.
 I'm on hold while i write.
 Epstein is dead. died in jail. was oddly taken off suicide watch.  the DOJ claims shock and outrage, trump tweets out some conspiracy theory about Clintons killing him.  possible suicide...assisted?  complicit.  this puts a stop to the main investigation. there are many in high places who would want this investigation to end.
 have been smelling smoke the last few days.  the paper today says there are two small fires, new, in the Eagle River area.  i think both are mostly contained.  one started from campfire that got out of control. people really need to use common sense out there in this dry and hot weather.
 so Ivy Rose.  the big lick.
 my sweet doodles!!
 we are dry down here but apparently it is pouring up north further.  i have the Hunter cabin on the 20, 21 i believe. if anyone wants to join, just text me.
 a few in here also from Byron Glacier hike.  so many fun and amazing hikes so close by.
 keto....well i clearly need a few more carbs.  overall i do feel better with the break in processed sugars.  too low of calories and no variety of foods is not so good though.
 lots of jelly fish in Seward the other day.
 and a few dead salmon
 at the beach on Portage Lake.  a bit of wind out there.  one tour boat, a few kayakers, brave souls
 not a bad view to end a hike with
 dogs have enjoyed the cooling waters and tennis ball chasing all week
 always think these purple pine cones are pretty cool.
 wild cotton.
 more selfies.
 our stopping spot in Portage Valley to cool off the dogs and allow them to stretch their legs.
 last nights view. this is as close to compassion as Ivy gets.  I'm icing my knee.  she soon jumped off and brought me a tennis ball.
 pretty sunset out at Potters as i returned from Seward.
 tiny cairns lined up at Worzonof. really the only place around with lots of graffiti.  maybe some parks but as far as trails and such, not much out there.
 Portage Glacier
 someone, probably the city painted these rainbow stripes over all the graffiti that was on the water tower.  they also appear to have moved a lot of rocks around it to prevent this...but it's just given the graffiti writers more places to tag i guess. 
 a noble effort though.
 me wading into the cold waters. i should have waded in to my knees...that ice cold water may have slowed the ooze and numbed the area making the return trek a bit easier.
 seemed a good spot to leave some puppy ashes. 
 lots of sunflowers still blooming in the parking area at Powerline Pass.
 still trying to sort out the web site issues.  quite irritating.  lots of phone calls to companies who aren't involved so a total waste of time.  they just keep giving me wrong numbers. 
 the knees looked pretty awful last night. lots of laying around time with the legs up and the ice packs on.  seems to have really helped.

 there are still a few phone booths out there that function, this one is on the Whittier side of the tunnel
 more of the cairn.  i guess i should get off here and try and sort out this thing.  then hit the shower and hike to take away all my cares.
 that is unless i meet an unfriendly bear or moose...then i would have a new set of cares to stress about. 
grateful for:  A.  minimal damage despite a pretty hard fall.  B.  the beauty that is surrounding us...may those who love money more than the earth lose many battles and much money over their plan to destroy the earth and the creatures who reside here.  C.  for those who fight those battles. 

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