Monday, August 2, 2021

we all get the twisties....


dealing with the whole Simone Biles thing.  i suspect sports like gymnastics are often mostly younger folks as they still have no fear. they haven't had pain that lasts very long.  the older you get the more you remember the pain and the recovery.  the more you get hesitation.  
we get that with every aspect of our lives. our own twisties. i can feel it when i go out walking. the other day i arrived at the Campbell Airstrip trail to be greeted by signs of a recent grizzly bear charge...i went to another trail.  years ago i would have just walked knowing that bear wasn't just sitting there in wait for me.  they move constantly.  a sign yesterday doesn't mean a  bear today, but our past experience comes back to haunt us.  
i'm no doubt that way with relationships and with work.  you know what can happen and it's harder to ignore it. 
mostly i feel badly for the person who didn't make the team...i imagine this is very difficult for them to watch. the possibility of being at the Olympics and now watching the person that earned that right over you not participate.  i do kind of wish that Simone had made a choice to be in or out rather than this daily attention over it.  it distracts from the team in general.  will she, won't she.  it doesn't take away from her overall career as a gymnast.  you really can't take that away.  it is a sad way to end though.  always in life it's good to know when to step back.  when to let others take their turn in the sun.  it can be a tough choice to make either way.  who wouldn't want to have one more opportunity.  
i don't think i'll ever do another cartwheel...something that as a kid you just did without thinking.  now you know it will come with some possible pain and even a chance at injury. 
i always enjoy the Olympics.  so many amazing stories in there.  covid, has of course, had it's impact on this as well.  some may see the fact that family and friends aren't there as a total negative, but one thing i think has been a positive is that i think the old olympic experience has returned somewhat.  the athletes are meeting and interacting with each other more. they are in the bubble together.  many were skipping the olympic village all together and staying with family/friends away from the other athletes.  i suspect most are staying with the other athletes and have become a support for each other.
many on the right are once again seeming to tarnish this with conspiracy and negativity.  we all can choose what we focus on.  a few personal moments of protest vs the overall positive Olympic experiences. there are many out there now who could take a room full of butterflies and find some conspiracy in that. 
if the side you are on is mired in hatred and may be on the wrong side. 
i fear that like everything else...add the Olympics to the things we can't speak to each other about because it's been made into a divisive and political pawn. there are no safe subjects anymore.  
three nights of work down.  2 and 1/3 night spent in the ICU and 2/3 of one night spent in the ER. 
covid, covid, covid. work is more exhausting these days.  is it the covid or am i just getting older...probably both. 
one patient absolutely flipped out over the mask, left against medical advice and common sense but that is how it is.  strange to watch someone lose their crap like that, but more common now.  it's the stuff of video's but there are no videos of the crazy crap we see every day in the hospitals.  it's a constant snapshot of the bizarreness of humans, especially in these times.  nobody could possibly comprehend what medical staff see day to day.  shocking really. 
fountains of shit flying out of an arse....death shit really.  entire family units being mass covid spreaders.  hospitals are currently understaffed and burn out is high.  how many rounds can we go through before we break. it is frustrating to watch the people come in, unvaccinated, putting us at risk.  some are making some sort of political statement, others just are clueless. 
it's hard to have sympathy some days, especially for those who are hard core right who are listening to fools and end up sick and still sticking to the idiocy that has brought them to their current situation. they are willing to go down with the ship for fools who could care less about them.  it's nuts really. 
back to the usual situation in the dogs car.  today we walked N. Biv.  just a smallish loop.  starting to see some mushrooms popping up.  
i did get through some stuff this week. may toss a load of free stuff out front tomorrow.  doing late spring cleaning a little at a time.  started putting those buttons back in the stair rail. also have some stencils that arrived so i may do some of that tomorrow. 
projects, always the projects. 
i took a nap this evening.  met with my friend for dinner.  good to catch up.  he won't be here for several months again so happy we could meet up today.
when i got home i tried to mow the lawn.  got part way and the mower has been acting up. i put some oil in and some gas in and then the thing started totally smoking.  i left it out in the yard in case it caught fire.  did i put the wrong oil in, was that not really a place for oil?  it has been making a lot of noise the last few times  i used it. i have appeared to have killed it though.  i have enjoyed having a real lawn mower over a push mower so we shall see what i can do...replace?
these are mostly from July. 
this was my other project. the card table is gone....!!  does look so much nicer now. i had wanted to find a corner desk...but in the end i recycled the old butterfly computer desk into a corner desk. i still have a few things to sort through in here and then on to the guest room to sort that space out as well. 
clutter weighs in on you from time to time and you just have to get through it.  there is always more clutter and more to get rid of.  we all just seem to collect crap over time.  
i don't really like her being in such a precarious position, especially post op. i'm becoming a fan of having them more safely in the back. i do love having the element for dog walks.  just will be less wear and tear on the new car.  supposed to go in tomorrow and get the bit fixed that fell out.  will try and see if i can leave the tire there to be made into a full spare as well.  also need to ask about the other side of the trim which is not secure and will no doubt fall out as well. 
overall i am happy with the new car.  loving the new vanity plates.  
building the desk below. always happy when i complete something that i wasn't too sure i could handle. 
always love the daisies.
they are all over now.  the fireweed is exploding as well. 
some of these are from Hatchers Pass, Independence Mine. 
it's already August...summers always go so fast.  i will do the Kenai Fjords trip to see whales twice this month.  never tire of seeing whales though!
my friend just booked a cabin at Eklutna so that will be a nice get a way as well.  
my niece and her family come up later this month so lots to look forward too this summer still. 
another friend may come up early September. 
i am starting to get tired again.  
those evening naps make me stay up odd hours.  i try to go with what my body needs though.  if you are tired, sleep.  
perhaps we will find a nice hike to take tomorrow. 
may stop the element off to just get oil checked and fill the tires.  
so much to do, so little motivation to do it. 
i am pretty lazy at base.  working nights takes it out of you a bit though.  can't imagine dealing with all those extra people on days though.  way too peoplely and too many upper administration...i have way too big of a mouth to deal with those folks.  hopefully i can push through for a few more years and then happily retire from it all. 
live a life with puppies and kitties
i would still like to try and get that Spencer Glacier trek in. 
pretty out there
it's pretty everywhere up here. you really can't go wrong. 
unless you meet the producer of this stuff below.  bear poop. 
supposed to be another blue sky day

i actually do not do well on hot days like today...i know hot is relative but i'm not a fan of hot. 
so not a bad week but much of the is all busy and tiring. 
from the last trek to Homer. big star but missing some of it's legs
sunset that first night.  any sunset is great, but a beach sunset is always sweet.
finally, the amazing fields of fireweed.  many are headed to Skilak Rd to see this amazing sight. i had posted my photos on an Alaska FB page and got well over 1000 likes.  always fun.  
thankful for A.  the Olympics and the hope it brings in a world that can feel hopeless some days B. the lessons we all learn through the good and the bad times of this crazy life C.  those who have gotten vaccinated and those who will do so...

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