Sunday, August 4, 2024

the olympics continue


of course there is some drama.  the crazy trumpers can't control themselves and cause mayhem internationally as well as at home. it's truly embarrassing at this point. we all look like fools because of their need for attention at the demise of others. 
a few of their larger olympic outrage events.  first the olympic opening ceremony.  there was a scene depicting some greek mythology and they were sure it was mocking the last supper. there were drag queens so of course, they totally lost their crap over it all.  they call the left snowflakes but it is really they who are constantly offended and outraged over the smallest thing. the real issues of this world they barely react to at all.  mass shooting, thoughts and prayers.  drag queens...omg the world is coming to an end. 
their screaming did get the olympic committee of paris to apologize for offending people. ridiculous really, the last thing these fools need is to get a positive response to their foolish outrage over nothing.  the poor performers and those who set up the event are now made to feel bad and have been getting loads of threats and outrage directed at them.  they will never let anything go once they have been outraged over it. 
next they went after a poor Algerian olympic boxer.  she has masculine features and a woman she was supposed to box backed out after a powerful hit. they were on the rage about this boxer being trans and that we are all clearly fine with a man beating a woman.  
she was born and lives as a female. the olympic committee again had to come out and express that this person is a female and they were not going to make any changes. of course, their outrage now was directed at an individual. Algeria is not known for it's acceptance of's illegal to live freely there. like a trans person from a nation that clearly doesn't support this would just opt to be in the olympics fully out. that is highly doubtful. she was in the last olympics and lost. nobody was concerned about her then.  in the meantime there was an event that russia was in charge of and she was beating them so they went about smearing her then with zero proof.  at this moment i'm not sure what her truth is.  she may have a disorder that causes increased testosterone levels. 
i really hope eventually these crazy people are silenced and slink back under whatever rocks they used to live in. the internet has given them a voice and they are screaming without any research their outrage every chance they get. 
the rest of the olympics is the usual.  i've always enjoyed the olympics and the stories. so many great stories of how people come to be there. 
simone has gotten some gold for sure. the team got gold. she got the all around gold.  she got the vault gold. so things going very well for her. 
i was watching an event today where a girl from NK was a participant.  she was surrounded by her "coaches" and not allowed to interact with anyone.  pretty sad i would think watching all the other gymnasts interact with each other, congratulate each other. take selfies and she just sat there surrounded. 
i've been pretty lazy this stretch. i mean i've done yard work and house stuff so not totally lazy.  but mostly just dog park with the dogs.  have been working on a trip to Haines in Sept with a friend CR who is coming up. arranging a place to stay with dogs is first priority. it's a long drive, 14 hours so we'll split it up and stay some place in Tok coming and going. 
i've also got a train trip planned for tomorrow so that will get me more motivated to get out of bed quicker in the morning so i can walk the dogs before i head out.  i'll take the portage to grandview trip and see how that goes. so a few newish things on the list. 
arranged with Anji to get someone to work on those front deck/wall fixes. will see how that goes. haven't gone that route before. 
my work stretch was all ICU. nothing horrible.  last night was busy but not insane. 
more eye rolling stuff. 
one poor french guy at the olympics lost his chance at a medal when his manhood got caught on the bar he was trying to jump over.  couldn't have felt too good. he got right up and has now gone viral.  he may get offers as a porn star. 
mens swimming not getting as many medals this year.  phelps is retired. these things come and go. we can't always have the biggest stars in every sport. china has the diving still. that is many years now.  they also get ping pong. i watched that.  sure is different than the games we played as kids. a guy from Norway i think got to the final and gave the Chinese athlete a bit of a scare but in the end.  the guy from china got the gold. whew!
the puppies in their bath towels. so cute. 
was working on his hair this week.  always a work in progress. 
walked a bit with a dog park friend.  met this friend soon after i moved here.  have run into him twice this month.  just lost his great dane a few weeks ago.  he and his gf still have another dane.  we ran into a dane puppy today. so cute. last week i saw a newfie puppy.  as big as Ivy and only 5 months.  wow!
the fireweed is coming in strong this year. perhaps i'll do some day trips wednesday or thursday. 
as long as we have sun i always feel guilty chilling at home. 
will try to turn in fairly early today for the train tomorrow.  sometimes it's good to book something, anything just to make yourself move. too easy to be lazy some days. 
i had debated just going to spencer and taking a walk but i've never taken the train further so that sounds cool. 
we've done yard work, which means lots of tennis ball tossing for Ivy 
frustrated only by sunny taking the tennis ball and playing keep away. 

always beautiful skies out there.  later this week the rain will return. 
the shed...scheduled for the end of october! hope they are flakes. you just never know until people show up when they say they will. 
look at these cute puppies

i got Peacock for the olympics, it's been great.  i can just pick  a sport and watch it, or watch prime or whatever. so much better. perhaps i'll cut back on gci and save money there after the olympics. i want to change out my phone anyway.  i'm an apple girl and that other one is driving me nuts. 
cute covid cat.  there was half a shrew out there today.  outside is always better than inside. 
they have their buddies at the dog park. Sunny will turn 3 this fall.  seems crazy that Tusk has been gone that long.  time really does fly. 
views from work. i was taking photo's for a tourist patient the  other day of the sunset. 
making piles and leaving rocks.  i think this was at Byron Glacier trail. 
should look at a few photos from the big camera and then head to bed.  will probably mostly be scenery from the train, which the phone will do fine with. always good to have the big camera though for any surprise stuff. 
below is from the botanical garden. 
these ones are wild.  love the flowers this time of year. next comes mushrooms then fall colors, then it's winter again. 
still more to see before we get to winter again though. 
these are snaps from the walrus cam taken by the cam ops i think.  just cute shots.  thought i'd stick some in. the baby walrus is still doing okay at the sealife center they put a wish list on amazon so i bought them a cart for hauling things. 

love these walrus.  it's been a great year at the explore cam.  i think the crew leaves mid august so it won't be long.  

always love this view of the spine. 
totally relaxed

okay, i better get motivated and to bed soon. 
thankful for A. the lazier days even though they make me feel guilty. B. making plans and seeing new things  C. the olympics and all the stories of the athletes.  so inspiring. 

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