Tuesday, March 27, 2018

less words, more pictures...

 at least that is how i feel today. these first few are from the Alaska Wildlife conservation Center. 
 the ravens don't actually live there, they just visit.  many birds figure out the bear feeding schedule. 
 didn't see any grizzly's out but the black bears were out.  they had just been fed some dog food which tells me they had been out for at least 5-7 days.  start them out slowly.  like our bear in the wild munching on buds.
 here is the second bear emerging from the den...bears wake slowly it seems, coming and going from their slumber for a bit before they really start to venture out.
 i feel like that every morning so i can relate.
 another raven. 
 guess a 3 year old died up in Barrow last night...can never easily recall the new changed name.  had a patient from there once and i asked him how to pronounce the new name and he said, "Barrow". so clearly not everyone up there was happy with the change.  it was a gun shot.  not sure of the details just that according to what i read the child died en route to Anchorage for further cares.  this happens way to often i can attest to that.
 a woman died in Anchorage after her car went off the overpass and landed upside down on the road below i think? heard reports that she was driving erratically before this.  it's good no body else died in this one.
 the bridge north is open i think?  that was the rumor, that they would have it repaired for Monday's commutes.  spendy accident.
 break up means a dirty car so i tend to use it to spread the walrus love. 
 i do love a sweet musk ox too though..don't get me wrong.
 these are from tonight's trek down to Woronzof again.  the ice won't last long and the sun was setting. the dogs approved. 
 today we had 3 for the Monday walk so we did gasline-powerline-tank.  it was pretty out and then we enjoyed our Kaladi chat time.  always fun.
 a bit slippery out there at this time.  ice/hills.  trying to prevent any broken bones before the melt is done.  always a good goal i think.
 read somewhere that Utah passed a law to allow parents to use "free range parenting" tactics without fear of reprisal...or as we called it when we were young, "just being kids".  sad that our society has become so judgmental of parents who allow their kids some freedoms and  sad that kids have become so overprotected out of necessities it seems. 
 of course, the headline in the Anchorage paper I'm seeing is "kick the kids out of the house for playtime..." so i think in general there is more freedom in this state.  kids have all that day light in the summers and they are out and enjoying it from what i see. 
 Alaska is switching over to mail in ballots for voting.  seems like it could help decrease the possibility of interference in actual election results which is good. nice to be in the comfort of home doing the vote i guess.  still some work to deal with details but i think it will be good.
 soon all this beach ice will  be melted off for another year.
 below is the remnants of melted ice on the beach.  it's like a big slush pool, kind of fun to walk in
 icicles abound..making for some fun photo ops
 it doesn't take much to make me happy i think. 
 always fun reading your patients stories in the local news reports.  life working in the hospital...news and obits become much more interesting.
 re-reading the sad tale of Petit and the lost trail.  Joar's interviews at White Mountain.  learning a bit more about the quiet new champion.  he's in the US on a sports visa so he donates his winnings since he can't keep them.
 got a few things done around the house this afternoon which is always nice.  cleaning is perpetual with animals.  it's worth it though.  slowly getting rid of all the carpet in the house.  not a fan of it, especially with pets. 
 reading about how two heroin addicts broke into a local gun store and stole 36 guns to sell for drug money....23 are still not recovered and one was used in a murder.  how legal guns rapidly become illegal guns....and how Good guys with guns easily lose control of guns to bad guys. 
 the iitoo has once again made a play at preventing transgender's from serving in the military.  i do always laugh...for as much as they detest transgender's they are actually protecting them, which seems odd to me.  just let them serve...who cares?  you aren't serving, someone needs to and they want to. 
 these whole bathroom issues are ridiculous too.  i guess up here we all share the same outhouses.  it's shit, literally a place to shit.  why get so bent about it all.  just enter, do you business and leave.  make them all unisex. 
 Ivy slips around the top part of this ice pancake on land.  it's falling apart underneath her but the top layer is slippery.
 Tusker is King of the ice berg
 the free items i put out front are slowly disappearing.  always fun to watch them find new purposes.
 enjoying the longer hours.  sun didn't set until nearly 8:30 pm.  as i was driving over there it seemed the sun was still pretty high up there, but it dropped pretty fast after i arrived.
 it's always a busy place there.  everyone likes to come watch sunsets there. 
 saw a few moose, a baldie and some adorable puppies...:-) 
 there was a German shepherd down on the beach as well. he stole our tennis ball so that was the end of that.  the pups were well behaved overall.  they stopped and stayed in place as requested both coming and going as others were coming up/down the hill.  i got impressed compliments on their good behavior.
 still a bit stiff in the shoulder but happy to say that so far in their 2 years of life with me i have not had any major injuries.  that is quite an accomplishment i think.  haha.
 I've been on a kick of snacking on herb triskets and cheese.  that is what i am munching on now. 
 was going to pick up some Henry's hard grape to enjoy for tonight but there is none to be found i guess.  boo.  good stuff.
 so just water...which is pretty typical.  good to drink lots of water.  supposed to drink it right before you head to bed i was reading and when you wake up.  helps with kidney function and helps to prevent those morning heart attacks.
 just ate cottage cheese for dinner.  chatted with friends on the phone and my brother as well, thanks for the call, he's a friend too, i am happy to say.  we have many great memories from growing up together.  we got at each other but what siblings don't.  trips to the beach house would have been very dull without him and my other brother as well.  the three of us spent a great deal of our non school hours hanging out. happy we were free range kids.  then later latch key kids i guess.
 conflict makes you stronger and wiser. 
 ice in mud
 turned out to be a pretty nice sunset. 
 I'll have to get back and post some more cute Iditarod dog photo's.  they are super cute.  mix it up a bit.
 hoping to head to bed soon though i think.  should probably try to arrange another appointment with the cabinet guy and make sure my construction guy knows I'm alive and still wanting the work done.
 the rest are a few cell phone shots from around...below is at the dog park
 my sweet Tuskers snow covered mug
 what a cutie
 blue skies
 and the little free library.  the books shift around, come and go.  will be interesting to watch it in the summer time.  hopefully, it doesn't fall over.
thankful for A.  my sisters safe arrival home, despite feeling sick B. chit chats with friends and family.  C.  evening mud fest to enjoy the sunset. 

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