Wednesday, July 25, 2018


 really liked this iphone shot my friend SH took.  we were just cracking up out there.  it was her idea to take selfies in the lupine.  Ivy and Tusker of course had a very different idea and it got pretty funny.
 this is Ivy with her newly root canal'd tooth. these are just a few more current iphone pics...there are some others by others as well.  SH and LS.  thanks for sharing guys!
 one night down and two to go. I'm officially getting ready for work. 
 it is a beautiful rainy day.  amazing how happy rainy days can make me.  it's an excuse to be chill.  i slept a bit, ready and did walk the pups out in the Bog.  no moose or bears were spotted.  the mosquito count is starting to be less, June is terrible in the bog. that is Baxter Bog by my house.  i believe i have avoided it more than i should due to a traumatizing flight i took related to dog walking.  brats!
 many of these flowers are from the Reed Lakes area walk. 
 lots of beaver ponds out there.
 worked in RCU last night. not really a favorite but it went fine and i really had good co-workers and patients.  it can be funny ending up with patients i took care of weeks before in the ER or ICU. 
 RCU is pretty short of late so i may end up there a bit over the next weeks.  we shall see. i find it's best to never attempt to guess.
 interesting connections between this Rus female that has been taken into custody and the NRA.  interesting also that the current administration decided to make it more difficult to see who gives big money to organizations just like the NRA.  hmm... way too many coincidences to be a nothing burger.  i do not envy the crew trying to put together what happened from this mess of improbable and strange connections.
 the fake patriots of the far right have introduced an attempt at impeaching Rosenstein.  doubt it will go anywhere, but it is pretty ballsy.  also super annoying to watch the GOP trash our justice department after screaming for years that they are their biggest supporters.  funny how that changes when they start investigation them.
 our iitoo quote to his loyalists...."what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what is happening".  really, and we should believe you why?  of course, i see a weak man, scared and paranoid, i read his even weaker words and i believe nothing he says can possibly be factual and everything he says is done in some way to benefit himself and those who are loyal to him.
 2551 is about the number of children that have not been returned to their parents.  that were used in some sick game as a deterrent to those seeking help crossing our borders.  these are not the rapists and gang members he said he would punish.  we'd all be okay with these are decent humans who are desperate and trying to bring their families to a safer place and a better life.  these are people just like you and I but we were lucky to be born where we were safe and they were not. 
 because, really, that is the only thing that is different.  we are not better, we are not smarter, we are not wiser or more beautiful or more deserving.  we are not entitled.  we were just lucky.  we were not born in a war zone or an area riddled with government dysfunction and gang violence.  we were born in a stable government with free press.  i would say this administration is doing a job attempting to alter that dynamic. 
 if you find your self screaming things like "fake news" or "deep state" or "lock her up" you may want to do some research and make sure you have not been caught up in the propaganda that was created by the Rus government aimed at being divisive and tearing our nation apart. 
 not only is Rus attempting to disrupt our fair has made a good inroad at being able to disrupt our power grids if they so desire.  WWIII doesn't necessarily look like the others.  in this new cyber world we are already one foot in and if we continue to do nothing to thwart the incoming cyber attacks we have already lost.  this current administration is failing.  mostly because their leader fears being found to be illegitimate so he and his loyalists are hell bent to stop any information or action for fear it will shine a light back on them.
 chip, chip, chip...that is how this administration is taking down the norms of our government. 
 we will all fall down together if a large segment chooses to look the other way and another large segment chooses to ignore their right to vote. 
 our comfortable life is fleeting and must be fought for and protected if it is to survive.  we have all taken advantage of our good fortune for too many years.  when you don't appreciate what you have you often will find yourself in the position of losing what you have. 
 we are already in a terrible place.  what will you do? 
 these cuties, so much fun. happy i at least got them walked today. the bog is great for that. 
 i may have a group of 4 for the play...just have to buy those tickets!
 i better got finish getting ready for work.  got to chat with my niece before i headed to work last night. it was way too short of a conversation but she called right as i was ready to leave...didn't want to miss her call though.  :-) hope you have a fun trip CB!! 
 me getting silly on a's all fine until someone falls off  a rock and breaks a leg or something...thankfully that did not happen!
thankful for:  A.  a job B. the health to do my job C.  fair and free elections...may they remain so.

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