Saturday, February 8, 2020

Where to start....?

 so i'll work my way the Skelly crew up and ready for Valentines. i'll be working but there will be no Valentines for me anyway.  my skeletons get more action than i do. 
 the stretch is finished.  ICU-ER and PICU this last week.  at least i think does all blend together. a few moments tested my patience....not that i am the most patient person. i do say a little prayer on the way to work...praying for patience, kindness and that i don't kill anyone.  that is the sort of stress that is in you as a nurse.  not the sort of stress the average person has going to work i suppose.
 do no's always the whole we are not perfect but we are in a job that expects you to never make a mistake.  that is not you just hope and pray that the errors you make are not fatal or damaging.  there are always those who i guess convince themselves that they have never made an error.  they would be lying.  most of us catch our own mistakes and most of them are meds late or missed rather than huge medication errors. the times you forgot to unclamp for a piggyback.  so annoying.
 i am currently cooking a meatloaf.  my mom always did a nice meatloaf. not sure how many eat meatloaf anymore but i do enjoy one on the rare occasion.  working night shift it's not strange to be cooking at 10:30. i did hit the dog park again today but then i returned to nap.  a bit of a lost day that turn around day at times.
 the state of our union.  the iitoo read his teleprompter speech.  he had a few great for tv moments, he told a crap ton of lies.  he trashed Obama. he claimed that everything right in the nation was 100% his doing and everything wrong he blamed on others. i'm sure those on the right ate it all right up.  he is their cult leader. 
 his power at this time appears to be unfettered. i feel like the Dems did all they could to bring the truth to light...the truth so many of the GOP members in DC know but are too afraid to act on.  the Dems had road blocks up every where they turned but they still had enough information and evidence to  have many on the right admit that they had proved their case.  we all knew trump would not be removed by his party.  they have made their bed i think.  this is now all on the GOP, all on the propaganda machine media of the right and sadly, all on each person in this nation who continues to blindly support him.  who refuse to look beyond the rosy picture painted by the right wing media.  who refuse to step back from each and every conspiracy theory that is thrown at them. 
 i'm not sure how you fall down the well so deeply that you buy into story after story.  that you are willing to go along with each trashing of even once respected GOP members who have spoken out against this potus.
 the pattern is so clear and yet they seem to just fall in line each time.  someone dares speak ill of the fuhrer, the iitoo begins his tweet tirades, the right wing media begins it's smear campaign.  the person from the right is deemed a never trumper or part of the deep state.  they are maligned.  new conspiracy theories start to be tossed about involving  them.  for some reason the right are sucked into each and every conspiracy theory. 
 they want to believe i guess. they choose to look away because the agenda they have been orgasmic for seems to be playing out.  of course, they don't even hear all the crap that is being done in their name as long as their key agenda points are being taken care of.  seems fine except that the stuff they are ignoring are incredibly destructive to our nation. at work i am often forced into the fox zone.  it's like nirvana for the rosy.  so much is just barely touched on or never mentioned at all.  they take clips from the good bits of his speeches (which is a miracle in itself) and they completely ignore all the crazy ranting he does.  the bizarre times when he just rambles on spouting total nonsense.
 they become indignant that Pelosi has done the most egregious act by tearing up trumps bull speech while ignoring or cheering all the nasty, cruel things their man of the hour screams on the tv or in tweets. they are just happy to see the left yelled at. their hatred is so complete, they have been made to feel victims of the left.  we are the enemy. 
 Romney was the only GOP member to actually vote to have him removed from office.  his head is on a stake at this time.  the right is busy creating conspiracy theories to degrade him.  they won't listen to why he did what he did.  many other Senate members on the right believed the case against him but were too afraid to break with party lines.  he and the right wing media have a hold on all of them.  fear is powerful.
 a few believed he would have learned his lesson by going through this process and being impeached.  clearly, as most rational people predicted, he has learned nothing but has instead become emboldened. 
 he is in full rant and rage mode. he has begun firing anyone who dared speak out, who obeyed their subpoena's.  Vindman and his brother (not sure why he needed to be fired as well) have been demeaned by this administration and the right wing media.  now to the right cult followers he is a demon and deserves to be punished. Sondland was also fired today. a trump supporter who, of course has also become a victim of the right.  one wonders how many they can afford to alienate and make enemies of.  will he run out of people willing to stay silent for him.
 he is surrounded by the yes folks, the last who remain are full cult followers at this point.  i really don't see the appeal to this clumsy, narcissistic man...except that he says all the vile things they want to say.  of course, this is how history works.  humans are often just controlled by social norms.  as soon as some one comes along that breaks with social norms, that tells them they are free to break with social norms....all hell breaks loose.
 in extreme cases even murder becomes acceptable.  it doesn't require too much investigation into history to realize that we are surrounded by people who would like nothing more than to actually kill those around them who do not fit into their world views.  once they have a leader or group that give them the okay...that tells them these person's or that group is the cause of all their troubles.  the right is amp'd up and actually in a good position for such an event. 
 they believe their lives are under attack (even though they aren't). no Christian in America is hindered from practicing their religion.  we have separation of church and state...that is very different. they use abortions as their mantle.  the baby killer Dems do not deserve to's not a leap to see all hell breaking loose. so many on the right have embraced the victimhood, embraced the extreme views and have been bought into all the conspiracy theories that seem to prove their point.  they believe they have God on their side, that they must do Gods work by destroying the Democrats.  while they all say we are a Democracy and that they are patriots they believe that only their way of thinking is acceptable.  at their heart they want the Dems wiped out...what they don't get is that also wipes out the Democracy they claim to be patriots for.  it wipes out the constitution they claim to love.
 maybe we will just have to go through it.  i have no idea how to break the spell he has on them. it's all on the GOP now.  they have created this mess of lies, conspiracies and hatred and only they can break it up.  will they?  i doubt it. 
 not until lives are lost and the idiocy of it all becomes clear to the more rational ones out there. the ones that are capable of being pulled back from the extreme.  right now, rationality is lost.  the right, in many ways, has been radicalized.  it's been building for years.  we used to laugh at the televangelists.  we even laughed at people like Rush Limbaugh.  now he was just handed a high honor. 
 he has perpetrated hate and division for decades.  he has been crass and rude.  he is a hero to the right though.  all these shock jocks are.  what does that say for those who follow, who cheer them on, who are happy to see a guy like this get such an award. 
 what does it say for those who have for years wrapped themselves in the hate speech of shock jocks on the right. they can no longer hide and make excuses.  this is what they love..the hatred.  they smile and cheer as a man like Vindman is driven out of the government.  a man who fought for this nation.   what does it say about them as they turn from each person...who they once admired or liked, who now must be demonized because they dare speak out.
 the truth is they are pawns in this game. in the end.  when the crap hits the fan, it's not the Hitlers who actually kill, they get their loyal surrogates to do the dirty work. 
 i have kept hoping and waiting for this or that to wake up those on the right.  to make them stop getting sucked into lies and conspiracy theories, but i finally realized a bit ago that this will not change,that history will have to play out and that lives will have to be lost before we see an end to the division and hate in this nation.  that is what history has shown us over and over.  those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  i have no idea what the US repeat will look like but the radicalized right are not going to just wake up one day and see that the fools they have been cheering are nothing more than greedy, power hungry humans who ultimately don't give a crap about them. 
 the white house is working to block Boltons book, they are looking into how he can be held criminally liable.  they are demonizing anyone who has taken part in the impeachment or Rus investigations. they continue to demonize Obama and laud Trump.  they have chosen to believe the lies over the facts.
 having nearly 100% support from his party, the iitoo is now free to do whatever he wants unfettered.  Barr even came out and said that any investigations into trump must go through him...he is in total control at this time.  we have lost, they have won.  what they do with their victory....i think it will destroy them in the end. will the election be able to put some of a challenge to their rule? 
 it remains to be seen.  he's counted on the support of other nations, especially Russia in the past and now he has the freedom to do more of this.  the lessons he learned were not the lessons a normal person would learn.  the lessons he learned were how much he could get away with.  who he could count on to stand up and fight his their own detriment. he learned that no matter what he does or says his base will not falter.  he has total control over them.  there is nothing he can do to turn them off.  he has done and said horrible things and yet they will vote for him again, they will fight for him and i know there are many who would kill for him. 
 if he does lose the election he will not step down without screaming that it was rigged.  it will, for the first time in our history, not be a peaceful exchange of power. there are many on the right who believe he is here to save them and that God is with them.  that will mean that they will believe God is with them in destroying their fellow citizens, whom they now see as their enemies.
 what will happen between now and the election?  i have no idea. more facts arise it seems daily if not weekly.  if he continues on this path of attacking and trying to destroy each person he sees as his "enemy" will he finally push too far or will his loyal followers push too far.  quite frankly, with his rhetoric i am surprised that none of these "enemies" have been taken out by rogue cult followers.  there are powerful emotions that have been brought to the top, boiling, festering and waiting to explode.  it really won't be long, especially now that he has been given full support and backing.
 these are all at the Matanuska Glacier by the way.  back in August.
 fox news barely covered any of the impeachment proceedings.  they did play his sotu speech over and over again. 
 the view on the right is that if this president believes his election is good for the nation, he can use what ever means possible to consequences and no accountability.  that is what their lawyers argued. they didn't even try to argue the facts of the case. they concede all of them.  the founders put the impeachment in there to protect against a rogue potus...sadly, they did not envision a rogue Senate leader and a rogue attorney general.  they did not envision an entire party going off the rails to protect the rogue potus. now how do we get back to where we started, how do we make enough changes to cover these possibilities for future administrations.
 for all the "winning" the US farms are going bankrupt at a high rate.  farmer suicides are up. the bail outs often went to large corporate farms over small family farms. bit surprise there.
 one positive so may change if trump and/or miller have anything to say about it...i mean trump needs the White supremacists and neo nazi groups to vote for him.  they are part of the base...that alone should give his loyal followers pause...that they are in the same loyal following as neo nazi's and white supremacists.  anyway.  Wray has put them at the same box as other radical groups.  they have seemingly always been protected. the whatabouters will scream about black lives matter...but if they actually check their facts they will be confronted with the long and violent history of the one and the shorter and less violent history of the other.  they will also be confronted by the difference in sheer numbers of the two groups or of that other very small group of radical left, antifa, they love to proclaim is somehow on the same level.  any and all radicalized groups should be watched, but in our nation the white nationalists/neo nazi's have been given a pass in many cases....even at the highest levels of our government...the good old boys clubs.  i would hope those clubs are getting smaller but who really knows.
 the treasury department has handed over Hunter Bidens tax information while still preventing any financials of trumps to be released.  they don't care about trumps many financial woes and entanglements but they are all nuts about the son of a former vice president...and by the way they didn't care about any of the Biden stuff until it looked like he may be getting read to run against trump. 
 trump wants his impeachment records expunged.  there are already gop congressmen who have expressed that they will attempt to do this if they win back the house. lets hope that norm holds...that there can be not backsies on impeachment. 
 i still suspect that in the end he may actually be taken out by his own.  it's really the only way.  how will that happen.  rage? someone loses it and actually takes him physically out?  he may win re-election but unfettered trump will eventually be too much for someone there.  he will piss off the wrong person. 
 the other day i was digging in the closet to get my sewing machine out...i did eventually get the machine out but that turned into cleaning out the closet.  that is how my mind tends to work. 
 guns and ammo were found in a students car in Anchorage.  an after school fight was planned.  thankful it was intervened on.  a plane crashed outside of Bethel yesterday.  all 5 on board were killed.  two folks in their 70's and possibly their son as well, who was 42 were found dead in their home. the older two had been shot...not sure what killed the younger one.  no doubt a murder/suicide.  i always think of something i used to hear often....that i had to have kids because who was going to take care of me as i aged.  i always see these stories and think, yep, their kid sure took care of them in their old age.  it's no guarantee. 
 the rest of these are in Valdez.
 got paid today i think.  i'll have to sit down and pay bills tomorrow.  also want to venture out more this week.  we shall see what the weather does.  warming and snow expected.
 flights get diverted to Alaska for many reasons.  medical is common.  we are a big hub between Asia and North America.  a flight was diverted the other day between Ca and Japan as a passenger went after a flight attendant, threatening to kill the attendant. as is often the case.....the passenger had been drinking....too much and the flight attendants cut him off.
 out in the village Numan Iqua (i've never heard of it) but a group of 4 kids headed out to the dump on snow machines. they did not return. they were out for over 24 hours without shelter. thankfully, they were found alive.  the boys were aged 14, 8, 7 and 2.  they had dug a hole and put the youngest in the hold and lay on top of him to keep him as warm as possible.  digging in frozen land not easy, probably just a hole in the snow.  those kids were doing all they could to protect the baby of the group.  they were in rough shape when they were found.  so cold. they weren't really dressed for the weather.  some missing gloves.
 my friend Libby was on this little trek.  we'd changed plans due to the many fires we had up here this summer.
 spawning fish.
 at least 138 people deported back to El Salvador have been killed after they arrived.
 asked a patient about dog racing, she then said she's only been watching fox basically.  she then stated that we have, "a wonderful President".  i then asked her about her grandkids....only by watching fox could anyone believe that nut job is wonderful.
 oyster catchers on the beach
 it is funny too that the right scream about Hunter Biden but seem completely blind about how trumps kids are using their connections to profit...for trump, who has made it his business as potus to fill his own coffers. 
 a few cruise ships have been put on quarantine as the Corona Virus has been found on them.  that is big talk in the news. this virus.  we have seen all our usual bugs this winter here.  they are deadly on their own.  we don't need any help.  no doubt China has lied about how many have been impacted or killed at their end.  i better go...i didn't get all my thoughts in here but it is getting late. 
thankful for: A.  that the slugs and kicks of that patient did not make sufficient contact with anyone.  B.  silly sitcoms to clear your head with and make you laugh  C.  a cleaned out space.  always great to throw crap out

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