Thursday, April 22, 2021

back from the maiden voyage with the new CR-V

had to get it ready to roll.  all 6 nights of work last week were spent in the Covid ICU.  the last 3 nights i was the resource nurse, which was a dream really.  i had no patients to chart on, just was there to help the other nurses care for their patients, keep things stocked up.  deal with the iv poles outside the rooms.
the new car does have some good room in the back.  not ready to pack it up too much.  this trip was the first in dealing with getting it loaded.  as the pups aren't up front that was all usable space. 
the sad shot of the Element being towed away. it has returned at this point of course.  
contacted insurance and it will only cost like $30 every 6 months to insure the car sitting in the driveway. i think i add like  $125 every 6 months getting a new car. so not too terrible
got the gate up in the car.  most figured he would be up front, but they stayed in the back of the car.

it was decent weather down on the Kenai.  the cool part was driving in comfort and the very low gas mileage.  it only took half a tank of gas to get to Homer.  
Ivy is not keen on the ramp so i just encouraged her to lift up her front legs and lifted her in. 
i was worried she would over do it on the beach.  we spent a lot of time out there. 
i did let them chase a stick into the waves for swim time but really avoided the tennis ball.  
i figured she would be limping and beat by the time we got back to Anchorage and yesterday i just made it a day of rest.  she was fine though.  i was sore.  just from driving i think. 
today i have a headache and feel slightly nauseated.
yesterday i was without the car as it got the block heater and the roof rails put in.
had to use bungee cords to hold up the gate thing.  
they gave the car a wash yesterday as well.  it was funny as they figured it wouldn't be very dirty but for 500 miles i gave it a good run at the mud and sand. 
it looks all pretty again. 
good to break it in a bit though.  doesn't feel as much like a rental. just getting used a smaller car for packing and driving.
no regrets.  thoughts on the next car i guess.  this will do for the time though. 
i do like the good gas mileage.
zero calls while i was out there. i have been better at just not making the calls to those who really have little interest in a real relationship.  i have just reached a time in life where i can't be the bad guy in others lives.  it's not healthy for me to be the evil one anymore.  i am not perfect, but i am a perfectly decent human in the big picture.  some will just never see me as anyone other than who they chose to believe i am. 
you can't change how others see you, but you can choose how much power you give them over you and how you feel about yourself. 
this toys eyes popped out from under the snow on the deck.  almost all the snow is gone from both decks. the driveway is nearly clear.  next the lawns.
i slowly pick up the poop as the yard becomes exposed. it's not as bad as it seems like it could be. 
more this year because of Ivy and my knee issues.
mine still gets a little sore.
the GCI people are on their way over here.  so i'm trying to finish this out quickly
did laugh as there were several trump flags seen on the way up and back. they were so cheaply made that they are nothing but tatters at this point.  
hope that is a good sign of his future.
hitting the road with the pups.
not excited to head back to work.  i never am these days.  it's good to be around other humans though. 
here are the pumps out of the room.  the tubing is then draped across the room so you have to duck under it all the time.

cute puppies.
great to have a trip and some normalcy return
we stopped several times coming and going to Homer, so lots of short walks.  we stopped at Kasilof on the way back.  it's usually so packed with folks in the summer it's impossible. 
more shots from work
life in the land of covid
sorry, i didn't realize i'd taken so many car shots

one of our stops along the way to Homer

always a good stop at the church
the pups...i better run.
grateful for : A. people who like me for who i am and just accept me and don't blame me for things in their own lives.  B.  safe travels to/from Homer.  C.  that i am able to be independent in this life.  

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