the shots were not fired on Easter. i worked peds one night this last stretch and then i was a sitter on 5W-neuro. that patient didn't really need a sitter and ICU needed me so i was moved to ICU. i got there and they no longer needed me so after some discussion i was allowed to head home. i clocked out...on the computer in hopes that i no longer get missed clock in/outs. i headed out to my car. i pack in the back lot and it was 3 am at this point. as i was nearing my car i heard shots ringing out. pop-pop-pop-pop-pop, pause, pop-pop-pop-pop...around 9-10 shots. i saw nothing as the noise was coming from the woods beyond the parking lot and more to the right side of it.
i was closer to my car than to the hospital at this point but my car was in the direction of the shots fired so i worried a shooter would come running out of woods towards me. i chose to book towards the car for a get a way. i never saw any shooter or heard any further shots fired. i didn't wait around though. headed out and then called the house sup from the road to report the shots. saw nothing on any police logs so no idea what that was all about. got my heart racing for a bit and it took a bit to settle in and sleep.
it's been windy and snowing out the past 24 hours. well some rain and hail mixed in last night. the dog kennel blew over so i've left it until the wind settles. it does seem to be settling down now. thought i'd pop in a blog post, then walk dogs and hit grocery store perhaps.
i've had a bit of a bug the last 3 days now anyway. low fevers, sore throat. sinus plugged but now draining. aches/chills....the usual bug stuff. tired mostly. we managed the dog park yesterday. the trails are the usual spring mess. Ivy got a little bite yesterday. loaded up on pet supplies and that was all i could handle yesterday.
this religion stuff is very odd sometimes to me. i was raised Mormon. i left over 30 years ago. from what i recall of was easter baskets, new sunday dress, photo's and eh service. we always mocked those that just showed up for Christmas, Easter and Mothers Day. in truth looking back, Mormons were really only Christians on Christmas and Easter. aside from that, we were about Mormonism. we steered clear of Holy Week and no Lent and absolutely no crosses. it was almost arrogant...always the vibe was that Joseph Smith had talked with angels or God or i'm not even sure anymore...but he'd asked what church to join and was told that none of the churches were any good. so i guess with that history it's not shocking that most other Christians do not welcome Mormons in the Christian fold.
of course, i do recall as a kid that there was the beginnings of the Mormon church trying to fix this assumption and make it more clear that Mormons were Christians. eventually, they have tried to drop calling themselves Mormon. at the time it was just trying to emphasis the full name of the church, which is a bit wordy. it's been odd this holiday to hear family talking about palm Sunday and the other parts of holy week. i'd heard of them as a kid since my best friend/neighbor was raised very catholic. i know i was given the Joseph Smith talk about how Mormons do not do the whole Holy week/lent/cross thing. of course, as long as they have all that temple stuff and other doctrine that directly contradicts what mainstream Christians believe, they will have a tough time being fully accepted.
doing the braid thing
when i was young my Dad gave me this big chart. it compared all the major Christian religions and what they believed. Mormons were very different on this chart from the others. i can't recall why my Dad gave me this chart. it was eye opening to me. so i am grateful that my Dad was confident enough in his own faith to allow me to explore. i suppose that is family to family but i have always felt that those that fight against your faith crisis the hardest are the ones who struggle with their own doubts the most. those with a very solid faith do not need to convince you of anything. the truth is, despite the rumors to the opposite, a good percentage of folks who leave organized religions do so after a great deal of research. most hoped that their religion would hold up to scrutiny and quite frankly, it should hold up. that was how i felt. if it all falls apart so easily, it can't possibly be the one and only truth.
the truth is...the Mormon religion doesn't take that much of a concerted effort of research for it to fall apart...which is one of the reasons they strongly advise their members to not tempt their faith by doing this research. i think polygamy is a huge one, easy to tear apart the church with. i mean the bottom line is those guys were just perverts. i know that is not what folks want to hear but taking on one wife of a guy who died crossing the plains may be comfortable to explain away...taking in 10-60+ wives...that is a pervert. taking in girls under age 18, sending off husbands and taking their wives....perverts! getting yourself sealed to multiple women who are dead, including children so you'll have many wives in the next life...perverts. homophobia, racism, financial bull...history, it all crumbles. then add in all the bizarre, cult like stuff that happens in temples. underwear, secret names (which are really just given on a rotation), secret handshakes....i'm no brain surgeon and i figured it out.
Easter and Christmas historically were taken from pagan rituals. the Christians wanted to phase out the pagan stuff so they morphed the rituals into their own celebrations. this is why Easter isn't on the same day. something to do with the moon i think. also funny that the Christians are flipping out that it's also a trans celebration day today. they are screaming about Biden mentioning it and thinking he created it so they are using that to anger the Christians...which quite frankly, they are probably the easiest people to piss off. they have so much hatred in them these days. which is so odd because it's so not the message of Jesus in the New Testament. oh well. the trans thing was made back in 2009. every day has like a dozen things its the day of. it doesn't take much to create a day to celebrate stuff.
interestingly, Christmas and Easter seem to be morphing from secular holidays to non-secular holidays. just go to a walmart or target to see that. if you came from India around the holidays thinking it was religious you would think we celebrate bunnies and chickens and santa and reindeers. there is hardly anything left in these holidays that actually is based on religion...perhaps another reason the Mormons are trying to grasp for the holy week things.
i realize this isn't the most Easter post. i will bite the head off a chocolate rabbit today. that really will be the extent of my holiday. partly because i still feel a bit poorly and partly because the older i get the more i see it all as nonsense. i do like a cute bunny though and a puppy wearing bunny ears.
post trump there is a part of me that wonders if this person Jesus was really just a guy who could rally a crowd. was he more of a con man? are they all?
you shouldn't need a religion to convince you to be kind. to tell you to follow basic tenets of society like don't kill...of course, don't rape wasn't included. there are reasons why the religions across the board seem to favor the male of the species. no matter who it is. what great spiritual leader, they all seem to treat whatever female they have as a second class citizen. that is ancient and modern.
trump is selling his own bible now. $60 bucks and those idiot followers of his are buying it up no doubt. you can get bibles for free. king james version...well...who is king james? he ruled England from 1603-1625 and he commissioned a translation of the bible. it is pretty well documented he was gay, he was also married and had several kids. the bible has been translated many times and into many languages. it was written long after Jesus died. lets just remember that womens voices have been absent for generations
anyway, that is my Easter rant i guess. stolen holidays. a time honored tradition.
Christians are pissed at the present because their religion is not holding it's space as much as it did. they have all this money but they are losing members. people are walking away. greed and hatefulness are driving away members i suspect. they seem to hate everyone. it's the opposite of the teachings...lucky for them a good percentage of those who haven't left don't actually read the bible from cover to cover. some are willing to just be told what to believe and what to think. that is how cults succeed.
religion often uses fear tactics. i know the Mormons did. i was scared leaving but happy i pushed through that. people who have the truth and walk away are told they will be in the worst position in the next life. that, in itself, is proof of the lie. scare tactics do work though. also stress of being pushed away from family and friends. we do all like the comforts of our social circles. we rarely grow when we remain comfortable though.
i'm always grateful for the struggles. i suspect religions often stunt people. yes, it does sound lovely to do exactly as you are told to get to heaven but really, what is the point of this whole life experience if all we do is stay on the straight and narrow path, hold fast to the iron rod. there is no actual free agency when you give it up out of fear. life for each day instead of living for the mystery of the next life
saw a quote the other day...there is a time to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn't even jump over puddles for you.
i'd say don't cross oceans for religions that wouldn't jump puddles for you. these organizations are frauds and cons. sorry. i'm saying it. they take money and really help very few, depending on the organization. the Mormons are well known for not helping many despite their huge financial holdings. now they add in all these donations from these giving machines like they are the ones giving the cash. saves them from parting with their own cash. it's pretty amoral if you ask me.
i realize this is not my most uplifting blog. it's real. i said it. i just get tired of being the one who has to bow down to the great and almighty religions. it's sacrilege to speak ill of these mega churches but it needs to be done. they have lost the message of the Jesus they claim to represent. that Jesus, according to the messages they claim he is said to have shared, would be appalled at what these people are doing in his name.
there is beauty on this earth and kindness and grace...but that beauty and kindness and grace is not dependent on these greedy religions that lead with fear and hatred. that create self loathing in the people who come to them hoping to be filled.
i often think of all the issues in our society these organizations could help solve if only they were willing to actually practice what they preach....Jesus may have died on that cross for our sins but he did not do it so that organized religious corporations could profit from it all.
i'm sure this Jesus would be very shocked to see bunnies and painted eggs being part of the celebration of his life and resurrection.
better go walk these dogs. it's less windy. grateful for A. the journey that keeps taking me down unknown paths B. not getting shot C. chocolate bunnies