Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentines Day..17 people are dead

 and so it continues in our nation.  mass shootings over and over....NRA/GOP supported murder.  they do nothing. they have nothing to offer but thoughts and prayers. 
 all they care about are having zero abortions and absolute gun once the babies are born and thriving you are free to shoot them all down in schools.  they need to quit pretending they believe life is sacred.
 it's a farce.  also quit pretending they are the only ones out there who think life is sacred because they have gotten all holier than though about abortion rights.  we all want minimal abortions...many of us just believe a better way to go about it is to educate and to make birth control available.  people who don't want these kids can make pretty terrible parents.  there are cases where abortion is the best option for some people.  teach responsibility. 
 people have miscarriages, they do not use a strainer and microscope to locate the baby.  they flush the tissue down the toilet or throw the pad covered with blood and tissue into the trash.  this is reasonable...sad for those who suffered the loss but reasonable.  we need to be more rational in this nation.  yes, the cells are destined to become  human, they have human markers...and my heart goes out to those who have had to endure the loss through miscarriage.  lets not make it worse by insisting they go through a funeral service...isn't that what pence proposed? that they salvage the tissue and have a funeral service with a coffin.  i think we all can support these women with however they decide to mourn their personal loss. i believe,  at our core, we all realize that the tissue of the miscarriage is not meriting of a funeral.  we can show respect for the loss without making a show of the tissue itself being made to be more than it is.  this is the same tissue of an aborted fetus....still i would agree it's not something to be taken lightly and I'd rather we avoid unwanted pregnancies over aborting them.  especially for rape and health, i would prefer if the option was available.  there but the grace of God go I. 
 so another very sad day in our nation.  I'm sorry if i offend with my's just gotten so irrational.  that the GOP/NRA sit back and do absolutely nothing to prevent murder after murder while calling women who have abortions at great emotional cost to them sometimes,  murderers.  it's just so twisted.  that they go after abortion doctors and clinics and funds that support birth control and do nothing when 17 people or over 50 people....get killed, over and over again and they just look away...nothing to see here. 
 it's infuriating. 
 these are various iphone shots from this month.  above is each puppy with their most favorite toy...i find these toys outside the most though...clearly they are not too protective of said favorite toys.
 it's snowing right beautiful. i love when there are these big fluffy flakes like this.  bummer that i head back to work tonight so I'll miss the snowfall. 
 the Olympics continue. much of it taken over by this shooting today though.  enjoyed Shawn Whites big win. he is amazing out there.  of course, right after he was handed a flag and then i saw he was dragging it...all i could think was dude, you are going to be so ripped to shreds over this.  figured he was trying to deal with his board, his gloves, his emotions and the wind...but the trolls will only see the flag dragging...again, these trolls will be the same who look the other way when 17 get killed in a mass shooting.  priorities are pretty screwed up at this time.
 such a face on this pup. she cracks me up!
 yesterday i thought i may head to Seward, but in the end we just went as far as Portage.  the pups needed a few walks.  always pretty and relaxing though...and as usual. the dogs could really care less where we walk, they just want to walk.
 my one brother posted a shot of him getting his boob grabbed by a statue and titled it "me too".  i know he thought he was being funny but i found it a bit offensive...especially considering he has 4 daughters and that he was aware of the fact that i was molested and he really did nothing except ignore it and invite me to come over and swim repeatedly at the house of the family who's son molested me.  clueless.
 probably would have been easier to laugh at had he not put the me too in doubt he has little regard for the me too movement. probably sees it as some liberal plot.  this is what me too means though
"Women from all over the world have come forward to share their story of being sexually harassed.
They have done it on social media using the hashtag "Me Too", which aims to show the magnitude of sexual assault."
instead of showing any sort of support he has made a joke of it. i did not respond..there is no point responding to my two eldest brothers...they are gone, so gone.  neither has any interest in an honest discussion about anything...they just believe they are right and that leaves no room for discussion.  
 sadly, that is how a large number of folks are in our nation at this time.  no place for discussion, my way is right and the rest be dammed.  as was well pointed out by my co-worker who expressed that he is armed and ready for civil war...a large percentage of our fellow citizens would rather kill us ultimately than cede any of their viewpoints or even bother to have a discussion. 
 i certainly have found that in any attempts at discussion regarding any gun restrictions/rules/laws that may help prevent future deaths.
 guns don't kill people, people do.  virus and bacteria don't kill people either i guess...just the weak immune system of those the virus/bacteria invades. 
 if we take away guns from citizens only the bad guys will have guns...another lovely argument.  sadly, the truth is most of the illegal guns began as legal guns.  secondary sales/stolen guns...not sure of all of the logistics but i can assure you we do not have to import illegal guns in this nation...there are enough legal guns turned illegal.  you don't get to argue that since you failed to protect your legal guns, now we need more and more guns to protect us all from your failure to keep your legal guns out of the hands of the bad guys.
 so many hollow arguments...oh my favorite is the we must have a militia at the ready so we can take on the US government.  the same people who desire a ready militia to take on the US government are the same people who vote repeatedly to spend our tax dollars building up the US military to a point that no militia will ever be able to overtake them.  it makes no sense.  your little stockpile of arms, no matter how grand,  will ever be a match for the US military. it is far too powerful...thanks to you...!!
 so another sad day at another school in the USA.  brought to you by the GOP and NRA and those who continue to support them and defend them. 
 Portage lake is frozen.  i saw nobody out there walking to the glacier yesterday.  not going out alone.  i think we will go next week, but I'm thinking i may leave the dogs at home for the trek and walk them when i get home.  it's a long walk, which they love, but i get nervous out there with them.  worry enough about myself finding some opening and falling in....don't need to be worried about those two as well.  i feel bad because i know they would love the long walk...last time my fit bit vibrated 4 miles soon after i headed back from the glacier.
 hoar frost covered by a light snow...looked cool.
 what will work bring tonight.  always a mystery.  was going to rest before work but opted to write instead...better to clear my head. 
 my heart does go out to the families of all who will not return home tonight because of yet another incident of gun violence.  it's beyond sad...
 i feel powerless, especially knowing the pointless discussions i have had in the past with those who refuse to have a rational discussion of potential ways to restrict guns or protect lives. 
 so frustrating.  they this time anyway, they get to have their guns and the deaths that go along with them.  sadly, none of them are willing to own any of those deaths and the excuses have begun already.
 we hit the beach in Anchorage before heading down turnigan arm.  always a favorite.
 the rest are pups...
 they brighten up every day.
 valentines...really not a day that means anything to a singleton like myself. 
grateful for: A.  snow, beautiful snow  B.  fresh clear drinking water C.  rational people

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