Friday, February 16, 2018

hate is not mental's terrorism

 feel like our mentally ill population is getting blamed for something they are not responsible for. 
 if this shooter was a radical Muslim we would be saying it was done not due to the mental health of the gunman but instead we would scream terrorism and terrorist and blame hate...we would be right...a radical Muslim that kills to kill is doing so  in the name of hate.  why is it that we can't see that a white guy doing the same thing is also a terrorist?
 we have done poorly in our care of the mentally ill.  they are, however, more likely to harm self than others.  this gunman that took out 17 human lives probably did not hear voices in his head telling him to do so. he was more likely filled with rage and acted out of act of terrorism.  he aligned with the white supremacists and with Trump....proudly wore his MAGA hat...or hate we should say.  too many pretend that this iitoo is not negatively influencing our nation, but it doesn't help that he and his administration have pretty much taken white supremacy out of the loop of terrorism.  they are terrorists.  we need to take them seriously and do what we can to decrease their influence.
 lets not so easily blame our mentally ill population for things because they are easy scape goats. a population hiding and afraid to admit they hear voices.  that they are having a difficult time functioning in our world, that they can't afford their meds or cant' stand the side effects of those meds.  they have it rough enough, don't they?
 for those who still want to blame the mentally ill, this administration made it easier for them to purchase guns as well. 
 we can't even begin to hope to solve this issue if we can't even say what it is.  hate/terrorism. 
 yes, you must be "nuts" to do something like this, but that doesn't really mean a diagnosis of mental insanity...
 i just feel badly for those who suffer with true mental health issues.  they have enough trouble finding acceptance and being treated with respect.  being treated at all...since many think any money spent on them would be an entitlement that they don't deserve.  we are a wealthy nation, we choose to spend money on walls and military and trips to mar a lago now.  we can afford to care for our population.  we can afford to care for those who are mentally ill....we choose not to.  a percentage of our population callously believes their fellow citizens do not have a right to be taken care of, now or ever.  they believe that if you are on the streets treating your mental health illness with drugs and alcohol you do not deserve care...
 instead when awful things happen we blame a population for the acts of terrorist.  we do this because we don't wish to admit that we have created such hate in our society...that our fellow white citizens could do equal harm of those radical Muslims we have feared for decades now.  we focus our own hate and fear on radical Muslims and the mentally ill instead of seeing who the true perpetrators are.
 we assume it's the mentally ill who have done these acts.  it's not true in most cases.  most of our mentally ill do not have the funds to pay for an apartment or their next meal in many cases...they certainly can't afford an assault type rifle.
be kind to those with mental health illness.  they need our help not our blame....instead we need to admit what these shootings are.  acts of hate, acts of terrorism. 

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