Monday, April 8, 2019

WARIS taxes done!!

 it is pretty easy but still it has to be done.  as long as we keep making hardly any money we can keep doing the 990 EZ postcard, which though it is called a postcard can only be done online. above is todays walk to the beach with the dogs. family photo...
 a few from Honduras. 
 my grand niece and nephew.  so cute.
 don't think I'll ever be in Roatan again.  mostly a drive by for local stuff.
 there is the local hospital. would love to check out the inside...always interesting to see how other countries deal with the medical stuff.  we have it pretty good here....not as good as we should. 
 if you are poor the wealthy don't really concern themselves with your life here...being healthy is not something poor folks are entitled too...that is their word.  entitlement.  basic retirement after working your ass off your entire life is also not something folks are entitled too.  getting a basic education...well you aren't entitled to that either.   if you dare feel that our government should raise up those who are poorest among us, then you must be a dirty socialist.  personally, i just feel that our nation, any nation really,  is best served when all it's citizens have a basic and strong education and are healthy. 
 suffer the little children to come unto me...unless they are poor, or from Mexico or are Muslim or are running from danger in another nation and seeking refugee status or are sick...or the list seems to go on and on.
 i guess the current administration with their heartless separation policy never bothered to find any way to keep track of the kids they took from the parents...many on right seem to blame the parents for this...i mean they were desperate and seeking dare they try to make a better life for themselves and their families.  so now many of these kids, by the way, many more than were initially reported, will be separated from their families for a minimum of 2 years.  it has Stephen Miller all over it.  he just fired his homeland security chief...the turnover on this administration is insane...and yet he seems to find worse and worse people to replace the already terrible people he initially hired.  who knew there were that many horrible people in our nation...
 i skipped snorkeling.  never liked the mask stuff.  diving would  not be for me.
 we boated out a short distance
 hard to track them once they hit the water.
 an American tourist and her guide were freed in Uganda, where they had been kidnapped a week before.  they specifically had taken her and left others behind..not sure if it was just because she was from the US.  not many details out there. 
 love the change of water color.  so pretty
 the Dems are trying to get the tax records for the iitoo.  not sure if they will be successful...they should be.  just like the Mueller report, if there is nothing to see, then show us...but the iitoo even bullied his past schools not to give up his school records...if he was so smart he would happily share them.  he hides everything and so far, the bulk of the GOP is happy to go along with this secrecy.  what they don't know i guess.  easier to look the other way as long as you are getting your way than to dare to know what lies beneath. 
 are they programmed to look the other way when the truth may make them uncomfortable?  they have been in an attack mode for so long.  they would all  be going nuclear if it was the Dem's not releasing their taxes or the Dems not releasing the Mueller report or the Dems hiding grades.  why is it all peachy when it comes to their own. 
 Biden...i guess i should weigh in.  there is a huge difference between grabbing a woman's groin and slipping into dressing rooms of models over a guy who is too huggy.  none of those accusing him so far have felt sexually violated, they have only felt uncomfortable.  as a society we need to learn the differences between being too touchy and being sexually intrusive and then being a sexual predator. 
 i have had many who have invaded my space in ways that made me uncomfortable...these were not attacks on me, nor did i feel sexually violated.  i simply was uncomfortable with their level of personal space invasion.  this is very different from the guys who grabbed or dropped their pants and jerked off.  these were done to get them off sexually.  a hug is just a hug, but it can still make some feel uncomfortable.  a hug is not just a hug if in doing so the guy grabs your ass and grinds against you...can we all see the difference. 
 i hope so.  it is ironic that so many on the right are blasting someone like Biden while for years now they have basically kept quiet about the accusations and the actual tape of the iitoo bragging that since he is famous he can do anything.  kiss, grab spare me the outrage about a guy who is too free with the hugs and shoulder touches until you are outraged by the guy who proudly grabs women by the pussy. 
 a judge has put a halt to the iitoo executive order to open drilling up north.   he exceeded his executive is funny how giddy all are about him writing all these executive orders when they were angry and accusatory about Obama doing the same thing.  overall, i feel we need to legislate some control over executive orders on both sides.  our potus have been getting increasing power for years and it seems to me to be too much for either side...the legislature needs to learn to work together and get some crap done.
 the Taylor highway is open i guess...not sure if that is on schedule or early.  i know we have been super warm this past month...record breaking...majorly
 the rest are more from just day to day. 
 this beach ice was down to just a few small bits today...amazing what a difference a few days made.
 still loving my kitchen. need to clean up a bit.  have been good at keeping it clean overall though.
 a few cool larger chunks of ice out there the other day though.
 breaking up....which is what we call this season.  break up
 Miss Breezy Chatterbug shows up on occasion. 
 nose to nose with her big canine brother, Tusker.
 cool mud formations as the mud filled ice bergs melt. 
 this one below kind of looks like a king on his throne. i can see a face
 caught just a bit of an NPR conversation.  they were talking about the map of the US and how it has changed over the years.  they were saying that for a time the maps proudly included territories..this time was short lived. they were also speaking of how it was determined that those in these territories must never get the right to vote.  they can not become citizens fully.  our history is not always as pretty as it has been painted for us in our history books. 
 Sleeping Lady is always a focal point on our beach walks.
 there were lots of folks enjoying the beach today again.  ran into a friend and her daughter. fun to have that chance meeting and be able to catch up a bit.  Anchorage can be a small town at times
 churches seem to be trying to figure out how to deal with same sex marriage and the families that have been created.  will the Methodists break apart over it?  the Mormons altered their practices to exclude the children of same sex families to be baptized or blessed until after they turn 18?  not really clear what it was exactly.  i know many were not happy about how it was handled and the church has had issues with increasing suicide rates among their members who are gay.  this year they reversed that policy...seems like a step in the right direction. 
 how do these churches balance their teaching of homosexuality being a sin and yet find a way to welcome members of the LGBT-Q into their congregations.  there are really varying degrees of how congregants feel about gays.  it is interesting to follow how the various religions handle this. 
 Skelly in profile....looking good
 Ivy is ever hopeful that she will get attention.  she is close to me now.  sleeping...they are so cute and peaceful when they sleep
 this cairn was made by i made a few cairns out there.  need to carry some ashes again..
 it's been awhile. 
 below was taken through my car window.  this elderly gentlemen walks with his dog Issac pretty much every day. not always very far...they then will chill on this bench and chat with folks.  i met him years ago...visited him in the hospital when he took ill because another trail friend let me know he was ill.  he recovered from that, walking with oxygen for really short walks for some time.  there are some amazing and wonderful folks out there if you just take the time to smile and say hello.  everyone has a story.  the dirty window actually added to this photo oddly. 
grateful for: A.  the people we meet and the stories we share  B.  friends both old and new C.  dogs that share our lives with us.  some days they are your only friend, but what better friend to have than a dog.

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