Tuesday, December 10, 2019

rain and wind...boo

 these are a few from the big camera that i finally looked at.  i think everyone was living the lazy life today.
 cancelled the Monday walk after i had to run outside in cleats and pj's chasing my trash can down the block.  lots of ice and the wind always makes things interesting.  more high risk. i feel better going out in sub zero temps than wind and all the ice..the schools all closed for the day too.
 it is always odd that the schools close when it warms up and gets icy but stays open for snow and sub zero temps. that is Alaska though. 
 i did get the dogs out walking.  yesterday and today we just hit the dog park due to the warm up.
 finished 3 nights of work.  CICU, ICU and then ER.  got to come home a few hours early on the ER shift.  i do like that.
 Denali in the distance.
 i also made it out to do a wee bit of Christmas shopping and i now have 6 more packages ready to mail off!! just one friend in the lower 48 to handle, but I'm not really sure where she is going to be to get a package.
 a few more cards to get sent off, but i need addresses first.  tough to know where folks live anymore since snail mail is almost a thing of the past.
 i also got working on my locals craft project.  got 6 made i think.  feel like i should get a few more of them and get those done as well.
 just realized i have to get my repeat shingles vaccine tomorrow.  sure hope i don't feel as crappy after this one as i did after the first. 
 there was a little avalanche up near flat top the other day.  a hiker was in the area an hour plus after the avalanche happened and saw some legs sticking out of the snow.  the legs were moving...miraculously!  he dug the hiker out. the victim was very cold but able to walk with assist back to the trail head.  that is one lucky person.   could have died from the cold if not from the avalanche itself.  ran out of oxygen in this buried state. crazy story really. 
 there is still a trash can out front unaccounted for.
 the medevac crew was not so lucky...sadly, there was another medevac service that had opted to not accept the flight due to poor conditions...then this service accepts and sends these three out and they all perish.  that is super sad.
 as the right bitches about the time and money needed to investigate the iitoo they continue to investigate conspiracy theories on the tax payers dollar, but they are totally cool with decades of investigations that lead to nothing as long as its for their conspiracy theories.  you can't really prove those wrong since they are so attached to them.  they won't believe the conspiracy theories are not true no matter how long and how much money is spent. 
 it doesn't help that the right debunks any investigations that don't turn out how they want them to or simply ignore the facts in those and find a few lines that work in to their silly threads. in doing so they discredit and trash the CIA, the FBI and any other investigatory groups that exist...deep state and all...so as you see it is all quite hopeless. 
 it also doesn't help that Barr stands up and debunks the debunking investigation and finds another way to open a new investigation in an attempt to prove the unprovable. 
 the bottom line in the GOP is that truth doesn't matter a whit...all that matters is that you can muddy the waters of what is true enough to keep the base singing your praises...just like with Ukraine...they didn't actually have to investigate the Bidens, they just had to make a show of it...which is further proof that they could care less about corruption actually. 
 trump is and always has been, a showman and a salesman.  it's about manipulation and convincing people that what they see is not to be believed and instead they are to believe what they are shown and told.  it is quite scary how effective a disinformation campaign can be.
 they lie continuously but since so many on the right are so bought into the conspiracy theories it no longer takes that much to keep them lapping it up. 
 the justice Department has determined that the FBI did have enough information to investigate members of the Trump campaign.  they also found that the Steel dossier was not the key source in the findings. i suspect that any investigation you look into you would find things that could have been done better or cleaner and it appears that this is the case with this one.  Barr undercut the inspector general again in a show of support of trump.
 another GOP rep going down..mishandling campaign funds.  as a show of how depraved the right has become, he was already indicted for the crimes and was re-elected.  better a crook than a liberal is the feeling on the right. 
 they have had to learn to look the other way at a whole lot of crap.  the Republican party is already dead...it's morphed into the mob rule party of trump.  he's destroyed the party...but he seems to destroy anyone and anything he touches.  look at Guiliani.  he just returned from Ukraine apparently...how far he has fallen. 
 the Saudi that killed 3 on a Florida naval base bought a gun legally to do so...seems wise to have laws that allow people who are from other nations to come here and easily purchase guns.  if that isn't a cry for some gun control.  the folks on the right looked the other way as journalist, Kashoggi was brutally murdered and cut into pieces so i don't guess there will be much outcry from DC on this act.  he can't go after the Saudi's...just like he can't go after the Russian's no matter what heinous thing they do.
 trump spent his twitter and air time exclaiming how kind the Saudi's were being and how bad they felt about what happened...the few GOP members who spoke out had, of course, gone back into kissing trumps ass mode over the impeachment...the same happened after he pulled the military out of Syria...they kind of bitched but soon returned to ass kiss mode.  business as usual. 
 the GOP members have turned out to be completely spineless.  i wrote my own representatives and got canned notes from two of them...one was like a nunes/jordon clone...Sullivan...sheep material.
so many on the right act like trump is close to a saint and that the left has been going after him from the start.  he is not a saint.  his supposed non-profit was shut down during his term because of misuse of funds.  he lost a lawsuit about a fraudulent university weeks before he took office.  he's since used that loss as a tax write off i heard reported. 
 he has a long history of fraud and failure to pay...his history is not that of a saint and people rarely change who they are at their core.  he has been watched because he deems watching.  he never separated himself from his financial ties which are scattered about internationally.  he has never been honest or open about his finances...going to great lengths to prevent his financials from becoming known.  the right looks the other way of course.  they don't care...as long as their agenda is being pushed through, as long as they are getting judges put in place. 
 a volcano erupted in New Zealand...at least 5 are dead and others missing. 
 in order to get parental leave a bill is mixed with the establishment of trumps space force...i hate  that these bills get so convoluted...that is one thing i think most of us would agree to...these strange deals need to be disposed of and bills must be about one topic.
 not much information  but several injuries in a coast guard vs navy boat crash out of Kodiak.  Naval special warfare combatant vessel? 
 an extremely violent man is free and wandering around Fairbanks.  his whole face is tattooed and he has apparently legally changed his name to Pirate.  the man kidnapped a woman and held her captive in a remote cabin for 5 weeks beating and sexually assaulting her...he got off because the woman later died of an overdose and was therefore no longer a viable witness.  pretty sick to think he is out there as is his next victim no doubt.
 the GOP will not remove trump from office but the house will impeach.  the illegal activity is and will continue as long as this administration is in office.  all you can do is put on the record an impeachment...when the truth comes out over the years it will no doubt be shown that the GOP was complicit...just like years after the Clinton impeachment the GOP was shown to have gone after him and only been able to get him on a sex charge and lie....it didn't actually do any damage to the nation though it was all embarrassing for the nation. 
 listening to the GOP whine about how unfair this is and how it's a witch hunt is pretty rich considering what was done with the Clintons.  they are irony impaired however.  just further proof that they never gave a crap about the sex...that it was never about their morals or ethics or values it was all about money and power. 
 these are the sunset from Campbell Airstrip the other day
 the rest are on a drive back from Seward.
 smoke is sad because of the fires but it can make for early and beautiful sun set views.
 it wasn't actually sunset but the sky appears to be sunset due to the smoke in the air.
 another sad tale that at least ended with the kids being alive...a 5 year old was left with a toddler sibling and ended up carrying the sibling in sub zero temps a half mile to a neighbors house...they were not dressed for the weather. the power had gone out i guess.  the 5 year old got scared after the lights went out and headed to the neighbors place with the kid at that point.  not clear how long they had been left alone to begin with though. 
 these are by Moose's Pass
 on the road again
 back at Turnigan Arm.  haven't made that drive for a bit....guess there were a few rock slides with this wind and rain today though so it's a bit dicey on a good day
 smoke....hoping next summer has less fires to deal with.
 the sun is actually pretty high up there so not quite sunset time still
 pretty though.

 Happy Impeachment....he won't be removed but it's a start.  also i think there are a lot of GOP members who will be permanently damaged by this whole thing as more and more evidence comes forward. 
 but there are many who will choose to never believe any of the facts but will cling instead to one conspiracy theory after another.  they are dedicated, i will give them that. too bad the man they have chosen to tie their wagon to is such a pathetic human.  he is not deserving at all of their affections or loyalty. 
grateful for:  a.  weather induced chill day  b.  puppies to chill with  c.  things to keep busy with

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