Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Happy Valentines Day...


i'm a few days late.  haven't had tons of energy.  my schedule is up and running.  so i had a few minutes to attempt a posting.
anxious as i head back to work tonight. will be a long night for both Ivy and I.  longer for her as she will need to hold her bladder for longer than i prefer.  it's not as bad as all that really for a dog.  i will leave as late as possible and come home as soon  as possible. 
some kind soul decided to deck out Cheney Lake Trail with all these frozen hearts. i just happened upon it.  for sure lifted my spirits.
quite the task really as there were many frozen hearts/decor out there.
i have been managing the schedule complete with walks for Tusker.  the next few days that may not happen but i can still hopefully get him in the yard for some tennis ball/laser light time.  i don't always walk them between shifts.  
it's still a bit of a bother to walk them both on the street since he's a bit of a puller and i want to be careful with her. 
they are generally easy going and happy dogs though so we will get through this. 
we are now at week 4! 
Texas and other states are being bombarded with Alaska like weather.  we are set up and used to it here. Texas declared an Emergency.  nice to have Biden in. Trump would use each natural disaster as an extension of his grudges, only helping those who gave him electoral votes and making getting disaster funding for those places that he saw as not supportive to him personally in a delayed, nasty way.  tweeting about how terrible they were and how they didn't deserve it.  Biden just signed it and wished them well no doubt. 
no tossed rolls of paper towels, no complaining that raking would have prevented this, no nasty tweets. so pleasant. 
i do have family down there and i hope they get through without broken pipes and all that. 
will conspiracy theories come out that some how Pelosi used space lasers to create the snowy conditions, always possible. the crazy conspiracy crack is still alive and well.  Parler is back up somewhere. it's really just sad how many have bought in to the total craziness of this crap.  there is it though.  
have had a few beautiful morning walks with Ivy Rose.  she's doing great still. 
her old right leg does seem to bother her at times as it had previously.  
i added back the truprofen.  no idea what i can work out with the regular vet down the road for a pain plan.  not keen to do a repeat on the right side and i have read that the dog insurance i have may cover the second leg but only after a year? will have to look into that.  still waiting to see what they will pay out for this one. 
Cheney got hot mopped as i was walking.  always a popular place for skating.  i will not be skating for some time i suspect. 
sad to miss out on the winter fun.  looks like Portage is frozen, many are making treks to Spencer, Knik and Matanuska Glaciers.  a few of those are long bike rides, but i think there are tours to knik and i'd love to try that one of these days.  
right now it's all dogs all the time at my place.
and now back to work.  
i do feel much better prepared mentally and physically.  
the knee is not at baseline but i am having decreased pain overall and more range of motion.  so i'm happy with the progress. 
i'm wearing bilateral knee bands and an added knee support over the left.  
like last time this happened, when i was at work, i put a knee support on anytime i am walking. 
my shoulder is still sore as well. it and the other knee took a lot of extra pressure as i moved around that first week. 
loved all these hearts...so good for the soul.
Tusker has been wearing the front paw booties.  so far he is still not limping. doubt that will mean we never have to deal with it, but putting it off for a bit seems okay as long as he is okay.

the to do lists are ever present.  some of my books about retirement have arrived so perhaps on my next stretch off i can look into that. 
loved this of Ivy with the sunrise behind her.
of course, the dogs are oblivious to beauty.  just doesn't interest them if the day is pretty or not.  they do like the snow and we have some fresh snow out there.
i was very lazy last night and i opted to try the order online groceries for delivery. that was great!!  probably cheaper really in the long run. 
there is a charge but it is easier to stick to the list. 
probably saves money in the end.  when you are wandering the aisles there are so many things you decide you need.
after this i walk Tusker, then home and take Ivy in the yard. 
even on the hood walks i now take her in the yard first so we get the bathroom requirements completed.  makes the hood walk easier. 
there were a few of these wooden signs.  the bible and mlk so equal opportunity.  make sure not of offend folks.  well done.
lined with hearts.
these had berries, it would be fun to make them with bird seed too i think. 
perhaps next year...
we still have some winter left though. 
saw someone did what looked like tear drops by using balloons filled with water and then hanging them.  great idea.  love how clever people are.
food color and ice....pretty easy.
Ivy is doing great, i'm improving.  Tusker is his adorable self. the cats have enjoyed having me around with them.  Miss Breezy was even on the couch with us last night. 
that silly Tusker likes to take my spot whenever i get up. 
Tusker on the trail.
fingers crossed that Ivy does just fine tonight and i have a decent night as well. anxiety level will be elevated for sure. 
better get this day moving ahead.  would like to take a wee nap this afternoon before i head to work.  
stay warm out there.  enjoy the beauty.  
grateful for A. the freedom to live out our own life choices B. the support i have received through all this C. hope

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