Tuesday, February 2, 2021

moving forward....

Ivy is healing already. seems to have forgotten that anything happened and is totally ready to make a run for it.  keeping her restricted for weeks will take perseverance, drugs and a lot of patience. 
not much for sunset or nature viewing this week.  todays big ticket item was going out back and picking up as much dog poop as i could before i grew to uncomfortable.  it felt like a bit win.  
Sunday i decided to hit the walk in ortho clinic and make sure that the leg wasn't more than just muscle spasms.  didn't want to be making things worse...so that bill will be coming for sure.  the action of getting up and down repeatedly...like my injury last spring getting up and down from the chair at work..well it caused bursitis, some tendonitis and irritated the arthritis that exists in the joint.  so keep doing what i am doing.  take it easy.  
i'm sure i have much more i need to be doing at this moment but blogging clears my head.  do feel more like i'm starting to come out of the worst of it...dare i say. 
Ivy still has her cone on. hopefully we can decrease her cone time after her first recheck this Thursday.  her staples come out.  still will have to watch her.  
she is more meticulous about grooming than i realized. she's had some night visits from the cats and the cats entertain her outside her fenced in paddock in the living room. 
she was getting pretty wild in there today despite the 200mg trazadone and the cbd oil. so i gave her that extra 50 trazadone which is her max amount.  i mentioned that we will have to have a good plan for her sedation wise and really clarify what she is allowed to do.  don't want her doing more but also don't want to drug her so much in the next several weeks that she gets behind on her physical therapy
i've done some of the exercises but she is sitting and standing and stretching and she's squatting to pee and poop better than she did before surgery.  
today will be the first day i will be the one taking her out for each of her pee breaks.  i've always been able to get someone who stops by to do at least one of them. that has been the toughest part with my knee pain.  dealing with her out there.  she is not sympathetic to my knee instability issues or pain.  
neither are the dogs next door who can really bark and get her a bit excited. 
so for now she's still wearing the cut up long johns and the collar. 
the paint is coming off. 
she's had a few visitors.  early in the week they would spell me so i could take a shower and a rest.  now i even have slept upstairs in my own bed for two nights. i set the alarm for every 2-3 hours just to have peek down the stairs. i've been leaving the tv on to distract her and so i can see her activities.  she's doing very well.  
it was great for me to get some sleep in the real bed.  the couch just is not the best, the floor horrible though.
my friends have been amazing.  i could not have done it without the help of my friends.  i was pretty anxious that first night trying to figure out how i would cope.  we do get by with a little help from our friends.  i am very blessed to have such kind and generous friends.  it's really tough to ask for help but at some point i just knew i was not going to be able to manage this without help. 
i get in the paddock with her a few times each day, she loves to be brushed.  her human buddy SH has even braved the Ivy lick fest a few times. i just handed her the brush...it did help calm ivy down a bit.  
GT came over and sat with her while i went  to the clinic.  it felt great to just leave the confines of the house. even today i braved picking up dog poop in the yard.  not with either dog so that was my outside time. 
the knee seems to get a smidgee better each day.  i will have extra walks soon.  will have to block Tusker off and take her for a short leash walk, then get him out for a bigger walk and later take her for another short leash walk.  so my step counts should improve in the next few weeks..my knee willing. 
ice, elevate and the massage gun...i just keep doing what i do.  the rest of my body is sore because i'm walking so odd not being able to extend that leg that it puts pressure on the other joints/muscles. 
seems to be no way to delete..i put it in twice i guess.  cute shot.  
trying to keep myself entertained.  much of the time the pain has limited me.  i just couldn't focus long enough to really settle in with any projects, anything too mentally taxing.  so games on my phone, tv/movies.  just watched the first season of that Brigerton?  painted a few rocks...new game i figured i'd try
with a visitor.
late night visitors. 
i ordered Moose's tooth last night as SH volunteered to pick it up if i did.  she also got me some eggs and more pill pockets.  she's eating better so i can put more of her pills into her meals.  
will just have to find ways to distract her over the next several weeks.  
also need to get up here and do some real computer stuff.  perhaps my next break from downstairs.  check emails, tomorrow try to figure out the retirement stuff again. my knee is not keen on sitting but the ipad/phone seemed to not work very well for some of this stuff. 

another repeat shot.  clearly my brain is a bit in a fog still. 
does feel much better though today than a few days ago.  
my apologies.  the January/February photos will be more dog/cat filled and less filled with beautiful shots from the Alaska outdoors...though i do have plenty from previous months years that i can always pull from.  better go check on the beasts
grateful for A.  real sleep in my bed.  B.  again...friends. i couldn't be making this work without all of them.  it takes a village to deal with Ivy's TPLO.  C.  entertainment sources. 

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