Monday, June 7, 2021

another beautiful summer day...


and then i look at calendar and realize that summer solstice is just weeks away!!  no!!  we will reach our pinnacle of day light and start the process back towards darkness.  
in truth i love the drama of this place.  how each day is a new adventure.  how you can walk the same trails day after day and see completely different things.  new flowers pop up, then the fungi start to emerge. 
i have made a few errands, shopped for some items for the Element.  looked up the plan i want for a bed in the back, called the insurance and got the car updated again.  
the Element has returned with her new engine and is ready to roll.  so far it sounds good though i have not driven it very far. hoping to get the bike rack off and take the car in for a good wash.  actually thinking wash the CR-V after a little drive and exploration trek today.  
thinking of making the drive out to matanuska glacier with some stops along the way.  just a day trip. 
the new car is already at over 2000 miles.  i really do beat up my vehicles.  
need to get a second state park pass for the Element. all these things on the to do list. 
i did make a few appointments today. i really do not like making appointments. i think for a few reasons.  just a bother, i have to give up my time for boring things and i have to deal with the other humans more.  
the first 3 days of this stretch of work is done.  got the car back.  got the official measurements for the flooring in main room and stairs/upstairs hall. so that process is in motion. stressful as it will be a bother.  they will have to get someone to disconnect the stove and fridge and move out of the area. i'll have to move as much other stuff as i can.  also will have to decide about's really old so i should sell and buy something new...still a drag though.  all just a bother.  will be nice when it's all done to have matching flooring on the main floor and not have to deal with the uncarpeted step that Tusker chewed up as a puppy. 
i also need to sand and paint/stain the stair rails to update that as well. 
now that the dogs are better on the leashes i have been doing more neighborhood walks with their harnesses between shifts. they initially are bummed about the harness but once we are on the move they seem fine. 
this week i worked the first night in the ICU.  the second night i worked both ER and then was moved to the ICU. last night i was on PCU. 
the ER night various people/house sups kept apologetically warning me that i may be pulled to ICU.  i always think this is funny. i'm in the float pool so i am aware that my skill set may mean shifting around to where i am needed.  that is the float part of the float pool.  i don't recall really flipping about that ever in the past. i suppose others have though. 
so they started me with ICU patients in the ER, then i moved to the west side to take Hold patients, soon after that i was moved upstairs to ICU and ended up just taking the original ICU patient i had cared for in the ER so it was fine. 
the first night i worked ICU i was in the Covid ICU section.  we had zero actual covid patients, which was really nice.  
hopefully, we can continue to keep this moving behind us.  
yesterday i just hit the dog park and then drove up Arctic Valley Road, just to drive.  saw a black bear from the car.  they like to eat dandelions.  always a fun sighting. 
i also did the first mow of the lawn...or the parts that have actually grown in.  set some bricks under the little free library to make a small flower/rock garden under there.  
we shall see what comes of that.  
still want to get a rack for the CR-V and i need to check on the planter boxes i ordered.  
several of these are from the middle trek to Homer.  i'm thinking i may head out towards Valdez my next stretch off.  
i now have dog and human check up's scheduled for the day before i head back to work. 
we are set up to head inside the buildings and actually see the Dr's so that is great.  again, good signs.
i do feel that Covid has been more than a virus experience. it's been clarifying. 
a painful realization of who really is in your life and who is not that interested in being in your life.  initially painful and stressful...more and more it feels freeing. 
there is always good that comes from bad. 
would i change things in my life.  not really.  life lessons come from failures and successes...but those things come from putting yourself out there and getting outside of your comfort zone/bubble. 
i wouldn't be here if i hadn't left there.  
i am not a person who is adored by many.  i feel i'm an acquired taste and really, not that many people really want to be bothered to invest the time to get to know my quirky self...just makes me more grateful to those who have stuck around with me in this life.  they are not obligated to do so, they just do. 
obligation relationships are now a bit easier for me to accept.  it was me who was putting expectations on relationships with folks who just never wanted more than the obligatory relationship.  i do feel i am learning to recognize the difference and let go of expectations.  they are tough though...expectations. 
moose poop and the lines that are left as the tide moves out. love the ripples.
it's nearly 11 am so i'm not doing too badly getting my day moving.  i will no doubt hit a wall at some point.  thinking i'll stop at reflections lake on the way to the glacier.  stretch the dogs.  will need to put their harness on.  perhaps take the cleats and walk a little further on to the glacier.  we shall see. looks pretty out there.
more ripples
work on the Element and then start the search for someone to make the little platform bed i want.  not confident that i could pull it off.  would be super easy for someone with skills. 
cool rock.  i just got my rock polisher so i may try some of the agates in there when i get home tonight.  
rocks are becoming a new little hobby.  
Ivy keeps Tusker cleaned. 
love her ears when they are flying.
watching the latest season of Kim's Convenience.  i'm a fan of brainless tv.

not much else to report in my exciting life. i didn't take any time off again this summer.  i really need to get back to making bigger plans.  i have many adventures yet to go. 
sunset in Homer
the greens are now going crazy...this was the i said, things move crazy fast here in the summers. 
the baby musk cute.
seaweed and happy dogs.
thankful for: A. the drama of nature B. a repaired Element and the prospect of a comfy bed inside C. little adventures that bring me cool sightings like the bear yesterday

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