Thursday, June 3, 2021

what pictures...?


there was a comment on the eagle shots.  deleted them to prevent issues. it is harassment no doubt. gotta stay on the right side of the law. 
the day after Homer was a break day. i did get my new plates, which i had to pick up at the dealers so those are on and the new vanity plates are on order.  WALRUS was still available. 
i also cleaned the top of the dresser...something others probably do much more often.  i'm not the best housekeeper.  i am a failed home maker for sure. it wasn't for lack of trying by many.  that was the era i was raised in.  our careers were supposed to be a back up.  we were being raised to raise kids and tend to the home.  
that is fine for many and i do not judge those who do enjoy staying home and raising kids, no matter which sex they are.  it's good to have options and it's good to be taught that you have those options. we are not all cut out of the same pattern.  
stopped by the garden shop and now the bulk of the planters are planted.  still supposedly have some planters on order so we shall see if that happens.  i don't have to pay until they arrive anyway so that is good. so if the guy flakes i'm not out anything.  
the Element is nearly done is the report so i will head to bank so i am ready to pay the balance. a few extra costs as once he pulled the car apart there were bound to be a few other items that could use some fixing.  so hopefully the car will have a new lease on life.  feels crazy taking a risk and putting your faith in someone you have never met but sometimes in life that feels like the best option and you just have to make the leap.
i have made many leaps in life so what is a few more.  it's gotten me here, which is overall a good place. 
fear will paralyze you.  it is frustrating dealing with this new  anxiety. i mean i have had anxiety in certain situations in the past, like planes and roller coasters but now it's more random. some of it you have to just push through.  
just fight the anxiety and leap anyway.  it could become too easy to allow fear and anxiety to prevent good experiences in this world. i have seen many in this life who have given in to fear and they are stuck..emotionally and mentally.  
we all have our bubbles but you really have to climb on those bubbles and allow them to burst and see where that takes you.  life is really too short to never pop the  bubbles of our lives. 
sad really, to live in such a closed in space and mind. have those conversations, read, be alert, listen. you would be surprised how many ways there are to life! and i do mean life.  there are many ways to see this place.  
just a few days cute.
i always thought the concept odd growing up that somehow we had been better souls in a pre-life and therefore we were dropped into the right country, right church, right family.  looking back now i see how superior that thinking is.  i got lucky...that is really all there is to the fact that my parents weren't drug addicts or alcoholics.  that i was raised in a relatively safe and spoiled environment.  i was not a superior soul in some pre-existence who deserved more..but really, that is what is presumed. whether we were aware or not. 
life is a lot of luck.  there is also things that happen that are unlucky.  then there are the choices we make.  those are the ones we are most responsible for. 
what do we do with the luck we were given?  
what do we do with the good choices and the bad choices? i think the true character shines through when the bad stuff comes our way.  how we respond to the things that go wrong or that try to destroy us. what do we do when life is cruel or unjust. that is the true content of our character.  who do we protect, who do we acknowledge. ultimately, are we kind, do we have good intentions. 
each day really is a gift.  spring is always a renewal.  watching the plants grow and the babies being born.  up here it is all so rapid.  just makes it tangible. 
the guy came to measure floors.  anxious about moving stuff and having it all work.  it will all work though. 
plan is floors this year and then the doors will be next.  
my bedroom and bathrooms will be after the main room and stairs.  that is the hope anyway. 
left one behind in Seward.  
old stuff still on the beaches.  the town was ripped up by the tsunami back in '64.  i suspect much of this is leftover from that.
head back to work again tonight.  now i get texts from work stating where they are short.  does that mean i will be in ICU again? we shall see.
i want a new desk, couch and bed...those are the other purchases i'm looking into.  sick of the clutter in the office.  
the couch and bed are just so old.  it's time.  
also need to sand and paint the stair railings.  thinking that will be cheaper and update them a bit.  
try to do what i can i guess. new rails sound great but would add to the costs.  reports were a neighbor just sanded and painted and they look, that is a goal for the next few weeks.  preferably before they come do the carpet so i don't get paint on the new carpet. 
in between all that i do need to still get out and have fun.  
meeting a friend in a few minutes for a walk. 
better get the shoes on and get ready to go. 
just thought i'd toss in a quick blog post first. 
the former one has closed down his blog.  since he was taken off twitter he had attempted blogging.  he never could make coherent sentences for twitter posts and many of his followers don't seem capable of reading more than a sentence so it's no shock that that was yet another fail. 
i do wish the Dems would stop trying to work with the GOP, they have not shown any interest in working with anyone and only obstruct.  

well, off i go.  woke up too hopefully i can get in a nap before work.  
grateful for A.  all the good luck B.  surviving the bad luck C. those who stick with me. 

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