Monday, October 18, 2021

would you compromise your morals for the amoral?


it does appear that many have been willing to compromise their morals and values for one who has neither.  all in the name of politics.  it's pretty sad really.  
more sad was how easy it was to make people look away from all they know to be true and right in the name of politics.  all for one morally bankrupt man who could care for nobody but himself.  how does that happen? he never struck me as one with charisma or charm, but he seems to have been able to win over many.  he didn't use charm or charisma, he fed on the hatred that lives inside of each of us.  
the hatred that for many is deep in there, in places we just never go to. for others, that hatred was much closer to the surface.  waiting to have just the right person appeal to their hatred and turn that into righteous indignation.  tap their hatred and make them feel justified in their views of hatred towards others. 
we are all imperfect beings so i do not believe we are without scabs and scars that can be peeled away and used to bring out the worst our selves have to offer.  some may just control it better or have many other coping mechanisms that keep any hate we may harbor totally in check.  
where does that hatred rise from in others though. how do people who put out there that they have perfectly happy lives, have such anger and hatred in much so that they welcome someone who helps them wallow in that hatred and anger instead of seeking out those who help them hold any hate and anger they have at bay. 
how do we, as a society, find ways to help those who are on the path of hatred find their way back to a rational search for happiness and peace. 
more sad is that many who have followed this shrew claim to be Christians and that somehow this amoral figure has been sent to redeem Christians and Christianity. 
a man more of Satan than of Christ in his manners, statements and actions. there is not one thing that makes me think of Jesus in him and yet so many who call themselves Christians have chosen to look past his many obvious flaws and unchristian beliefs and actions, simply because the end result seems to be those they believe are Christlike. 
i do not believe at any level that God would send such a terrible man to fight for Christianity. 
the very basics of right and wrong are being tested and many have chosen wrong in hopes that it brings their view of right. 
i did finally make it out late yesterday afternoon.  i will get out there soon today again as well. 
slept in, ate breakfast, got some stuff done around the house 
love seeing these sea scenes.  always makes me happy.  guess i should have tried to head someplace today.
it is beautiful out there.  
it is Alaska Day.  a day to celebrate the official transfer of Alaska from Russia to the US. i have no celebration plans at this moment. 
it will be like most other days. filled with the things we all do day in and day out and a dog walk, of course.
should get the cr-v in for an oil change and should make a plan for placing winter tires on the new girl. should also make some Dr appointments and all that 

the day is almost over already. lost time is a common thing in my days.  then i stay up til the wee hours of the night 
i always hated waking up early. 
frustration is the word of the day really.  Biden is getting little done.  the GOP have perfected obstruction in all ways.  they have made our government incapable of functioning. so the rich get richer, the poor take the heat and the politicians do nothing. the GOP blames everyone else for all that they have done or not done. victims perpetually. their followers also feel like victims and blame others. 
the Dems are too weak, too willing to compromise, too hopeful that they can find ways to work with the GOP.  they are unrealistic and idealistic.  that is their failure. 
so nothing gets accomplished. the roads and bridges crumble, the education slips, the poor become weaker and more distraught. the rich send their wealth over seas and their jobs. 
we are just pawns, powerless really.  they are rigging the system every year to make our votes matter less and less...which honestly was the original plan of the founders.  at that time only land owners voted i believe.  that meant white men of means for the most part. 
it was a different time.  
if nations do not change to meet the needs of a changing world they will be lost.  dynasties fail.  just look at history.  what will replace this? we do not know at this time. for the GOP it would mirror Russia.  a few wealthy oligarchs controlling it all. 
so no idea where we are headed but morals have been compromised to excuse a terrible man's worst thoughts and behaviors. 
lots of swelling to that leg that first week after the closet door fell on me. much better now...still a bump on the bone though. 
Colin Powell passed away, complications of Covid. he was vaccinated but immunocompromised, elderly.  sad to see good people pass while the ones who are truly bad humans get through this unscathed.  it is distressing to never feel like the good are winning and to feel like the bad always do. 
good and right need a few wins.  
if there is a God, that God has a very hands off approach to life on Earth.  i have felt that for years.  we pray but it is really a rare occasion that God would intervene. we tell ourselves that the bad will meet their maker or that karma will catch up with them.  we do not have any proof of this.  just a hope that one day things will balance out and the good will win out over the evil.  
i imagine the millions of Jews killed prayed fervently.  i imagine that Rwandans prayed fervently....i do not doubt that the millions out there who died terrible and pointless deaths prayed.  i imagine that women who were raped repeatedly or lived in horrific situations like what the taliban do/have done for generations. those people pray.  why would their prayers go unanswered while i expect mine to be answered.  my life is no better than theirs. i am no more worthy than the many who came before and died painfully are. 
it's just ego sometimes. our desire to believe that if something terrible were happening to us, we would have our prayers answered.  
in our little room in Homer.  i don't need much and i don't think i ask for much.  i try to just be grateful for the many gifts i do have. 
i have had an easy life in comparison to so many who live in much more difficult places on this planet. 
it is sad to see so many who feel like they have little when they actually have so much. makes us appear as a very selfish nation.  so needy and self absorbed. 
this picture loaded twice and for some reason i can't delete i just made it tiny
these two wait while i shop. 
now they wait while i write.  soon we will head out there.  they love their walks. 
this poor star has some regrowing to do

a better view of the fly swatter turned cooking utensil
seaweed at sunset. 
a campfire is always a great way to end the day 
i need to get some logs for my fire. always nice at home.  a fire, some baking, reading. laying around doing nothing.  
grateful for A. those with integrity who have not compromised their morals and values for the amoral out there.  B. generally good health that allows me to get out there walking.  C. the best little walking buddies around.  have a great day

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