Saturday, March 19, 2022

Puck Futin....


his total destruction of some communities in his quest is horrific. he needs to be stopped. he held a trump style rally.  appealing at times to the far right who have put all their intelligence into faith and have clearly lost their ability to reason or have common sense. for someone like putin to claim christianity and do the things he does is a stain on all religions. fox news talking points and russia state news talking points are word for word of each other at most times. they are a russian asset. 
trump is being found more and more to have been a russian asset as well, groomed for decades as have many others.  the gop is fast becoming the party of putin and russia. it's time for well meaning, decent people to abandon the gop...long past time. but i suspect there won't be any such revival there. in life you pick sides and some times you pick the wrong side. people would rather dig in deeper than ever admit they were wrong. the cause of a great deal of misery for them and for those they chose to disdain...mostly because they chose the right side. i still think this success by putin explains at least some of his arrogance in taking on the whole of Ukraine. so it makes me happy to think that the idiot gop with their god, trump will lead to the downfall of putin. 
he can't win even if he "wins".  the Ukrainian people will not bend to his will no matter how many guns he points at them.  his nation will lie in financial ruin.  the military is already being shown to be much less powerful than advertised. old, falling apart equipment.  many russian military who are becoming aware of the ruse that was played on them and how little their lives are valued by putin. he's lost thousands of lives and he doesn't seem to have any field hospitals to care for his own who are injured in combat.  just shoot the injured and burn the bodies. 
civilians are targeted.  war crimes continue to happen.  Zelensky spoke to leaders in our nation and in Canada.  thankfully, most of the GOP behaved themselves. there were the usual idiots...russian plants really at this point. one complained that he wore a t-shirt and not a suit.  he's in a war, staying to help his people when most would flee.  putin is hiding most of the time or pretending to be near others but faking it. trump also was known to hide in a bunker. not Zelenskyy.  he keeps leading.  goes to hospital to meet the injured.  that guy has guts.  he is who fools like putin and trump dream they are but are no longer capable of. i suspect putin was at one time but aging is not going well for him and it eats him up to be weak. but he is weak.  
enjoy some pictures of my sweet Tusker and local hikes and treks. 
the completely useless mtg was going on about we shouldn't send any help because Ukraine can't possibly win...which i laughed at.  really every day they survive they win. mtg and her foolish buddies are finally admitting what the fallacy of their guns rights arguments are.  if her argument is what she believes, then the whole we must be able to have assault rifles to take on a corrupt government.  they always say they can somehow beat the US military if they have their guns rights. now she's saying the entire military of Ukraine can't beat a seemingly weaker than US, russian military. 
so if an entire nations military has no hope against a super power how is it that some dudes in texas or michigan can take on the US military.  the same military they would want to destroy and yet they are the ones who push for the bulk of our tax dollars to build it up to a  point they couldn't destroy it...also the same military they claim to support but cut the costs for any veterans programs.
most of us have figured out that the folks on the right have lost their ability to reason or see irony.  they are incapable of seeing that though they fight for the lives of fetuses, they do pretty much zero for those fetuses after they take their first breath. they fight for the military to be supported while cutting the costs for those who have fought. oddly, many of the military vote gop...but voting against the things that would benefit you is a classic GOP voter move. they support the most wealthy with the hope that it will all trickle down to them.  it doesn't...or it doesn't when those who have the means chose to not allow it to trickle down.  they are mostly greedy and keeping it for themselves...which is why regulations were created in the first place. mostly by democrats and liberals and such. 
liberals/progressives....they protect your water and lands and air. they help the poor. they push for education access...
anyway...i hope putin dies and the sooner the better. i hope that there is someone who is more progressive that ends up in charge over there after he dies or that this mess he's made in Ukraine means russia ends up further divided and broken down. that the power grab turns in to a massive power loss in the end.  the sad thing is that many are dying because of this jerk. 
thinking the Skelly's need to have a change over to a Ukraine supporting theme for a bit. 
there have even been some in russia who have demanded that Alaska be given back.  it was purchased from russia. will nukes fall and where will they fall...these are questions that have come back to haunt us all. 
i'm awake and need to get these pups out for a walk.  i have a little bit to accomplish and now the push is on to get it done. i need to empty out the downstairs bathroom. the tile has arrived and they are ready to start on the install on Tuesday.  so i will have to get that cleared out and make the plans for where to feed the dogs and keep them separate. 
so i have actually gotten a few things checked off the list. bought the new toilet. 
at work this week i got the things done that were on the list of required crap there. i worked RCU, PICU and ER-holds. got some mandatory crap done...that stuff gets harder to do the closer i get to possible retirement.  can't wait to stop with the continued education crap 
love that face
miss this face! such a sweet pup. working on some more rocks. also want to do some Ukraine rocks as well.  just hearts with the flag colors.
some russian cosmonauts just arrived at the space station.  they changed into bright yellow space appeared to be a protest and show of support for Ukraine. of course, putin has already threatened to just leave the one American astronaut there to die on the space station. 
i also got a new badge.  mine has been failing more and more.  super old. so no new photo but i did get that. my little dvd player also died so i replaced that. the new tv system is working.  i need to just take the old stuff and drop it off at gci. 
i'm also needing to pack for an overnight.  friends and i are going to a cabin in Turnigan. just one night so that will be fun. the pups will be excited. guess we are going without testing this trip? hadn't heard anything as the last times we'd gotten together we did. 
puppy class again on Monday night. only a few left i think. he's starting to get stay command. i'm still behind where i was with two puppies. so far he seems to be becoming a good canine citizen. 
i had been doing a first haircut slowly, saving the fur. when i came home the other morning he had shredded the bag of hair and the hair is now ground into the carpet i guess. i never found wads of it.  started a new bag of fur. just in case....hoping i don't need a new hat for many years with these two. 
love this kitty.  
he's doing good bonding with the cats i think. still chases Covid cat. this morning i came to rescue Covi but found him behind the door with his little paws reaching out under the door playing so perhaps i need to worry less about them and let them just work it out.  
this morning Sunny was also sleeping with his head on Miss Breezy.
Covid Cat has been seen out on the fence these last few afternoons. getting more adventurous on these warmer days. 
the road in front of my house was a disaster. uneven ice formations. there was about a foot drop into one right in front of my driveway.  i woke on Friday to the crew coming through evening out the road a bit so that was super helpful.  thanks road crew folks
our long time congressman passed away. he was mid flight when he coded i guess. wasn't able to be revived. the guy who took over for years ago was in a plane when it disappeared. our senator died in a plane crash.  hmm. it was long overdue for him to leave office...though tragedy is not the ideal method. he should have stepped down ages ago.  in his earlier years he brought a lot of federal money to alaska.  not sure what he has accomplished lately.  
Ivy and Sunny surrounded by ice hearts i made. 
i could head to the beach i guess.  then back to pack and start to empty the downstairs bathroom. i'll leave them to the washer/dryer and toilet. i'll need to empty part of the downstairs hall closet in case they need to get to the water shut off. 
this guy has been itching to get into that closet for months. 
for the moment i have been moving slowly.  lots of sleep last night i think. i crashed early. the toilet was delivered at 10:30 am yesterday so my sleep was interrupted.  then we have been hitting the dog park a lot.  easy this time of year. there is a young moose chilling there...but this time of year, there are moose everywhere.
the other trails just get super crazy on the weekends. 
Sunny is loving the social part of the dog park action. 
he's enjoying life overall. such a cutie
love the snuggle time! look at that sweet face!
guessing we will just hit the dog park again so i can get busy with my to do least this is fun stuff. the bathroom will look nice and so will the house eventually and the get away is much needed of course. just have to be back in town for the class monday night.
youngs death is getting very little coverage. could barely find it. just local stuff.
soon i will be putting free stuff outside and getting rid of it. the delivery guy saw my drums and was asking about buying them. i told him $500 and he wrote down my number.  probably won't hear from him. i debate selling them.  i do feel instruments should be played and i don't play the drums often enough. probably should play them more because banging on drums is great therapy. 
we all just end up with too much stuff though too.  always great to purge stuff. 
well, i should really get off this computer. i'll get back on later and finish looking at the pictures from last week.  i hear the beluga's are out in the turnigan already. 
i could also head to the dunes.  the dogs love that too.
puppy with a fruit sticker on his head.  hehe
another memorial. this one was left at the dog park several weeks back
morning views
thankful for A. the road crews B. puppy snuggle time C. my questioning brain

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