Saturday, April 2, 2022

there's always tomorrow for the to do list. :-)


may be a bit rambling tonight. worked one of three shifts. looked like lots of discharges happening and the ER was nearly empty by 1 am, which is nuts. i had a pretty chill night in PICU. had the admit bed but it never got filled. 
my retirement hasn't disappeared yet so there is still hope of an early retirement. do i drop one shift every other week for my mental health before then? do i look for a part time gig that i could expand into in a few years?  i really should be planning my future.  it's getting shorter. 
of course, it could always get even more short. i watch the senseless deaths in Ukraine and it's that reminder. one horrible human can fuck up so many lives. 
Ukraine is hanging in there and even making progress. it appears they bombed something in russia in the last 24 hours. oil refinery? had to do with oil.  they don't have the long range weapons that russia has. it appears that russia's military is not as mighty as once thought. they do have a lot of weapons though i believe so they can do tons of damage even if they aren't efficient at it.  they are killing civilians and who knows what has happened to the busloads of civilians they have taken back to russia. 
putin isolates himself more and more.  paranoia probably kicking in..the end of dictatorships are fairly predictable...again, he can do a lot of damage between now and whenever that deadly ending will happen. there is really no guess as to when that will happen.  i do hope sooner than later. there isn't enough punishment on earth or in whatever afterlife may exist for some of the hell some humans put others through. 
the gop refuse to vote for anything that would give the dems and the citizens of this nation a win.  most voted against a bill that would cap insulin pricing. 
slow progress in the Jan 6 inquiries.  the big question is will it happen soon enough?  if the gop take over the house they will put a stop to the inquiring. it's all super frustrating.  all you can do is hope there is stuff happening behind the scenes.  
the official call records for that day appear to be missing for around 7 hours.  7 hours!!  that is not surprising or shocking but those records are required and if they could even get that fool on that it would be great. he's already put the word out to his buddy putin that he wants help to win the 2024 election. imagine, when Ukraine has been attacked by putin unprovoked and putin and trump are openly demonstrating their corrupt ties. their propaganda news posted that they would basically be helping trump again.  again. they aren't even trying to hide the corruption.  they are so confident that they are above all laws. 
the right wing has lost it's collective minds. many support putin in this attack or just follow the russian propaganda spin...which is mirrored on the fox station. the hoops they have to jump through to keep all these crazy conspiracy crack going.  it' doesn't even make sense, the stuff they come up with is crazier and crazier. there was an embarrassing large segment of fools in the US back in the days of hitler that supported him too. 
Ukrainians are losing their lives fighting for a Democracy and freedom...stuff many here are willing to abandon for their cult leader trump. 
the gop is focused on taking away the rights of anyone who isn't an evangelical whackadoodle. 
the odd thing is their battle to control and demean everyone and anyone that isn't like them in many ways has the opposite effect. gay rights and now trans rights seem to be more generally supported. it's a backlash to the cruelty of their bills to destroy those who they are morally opposed to. they are even making statements of killing anyone who isn't with them. this from the pulpits. 
these evangelicals have no likeness to the Jesus they claim to follow. they are more addicted to trump and other foolish politicians who they believe are here to save their Christianity. a doctrine that they no longer have any real resemblance to. wars often are fought over religion.  presumed persecution and/or a feeling that one religion is Gods chosen one of the others. 
for years i have watched the crazy evangelicals become more and more like the radical Islamists. they are the radical Christians. the other Christians will be deemed far too centrist once the evangelicals get more control if they are able to accomplish that.  just look at what happened with radial Islamists. that is where we are headed if people don't get control of this madness. 
all the right has to do is say the things these people want to hear.  they don't have to do anything.  
i am grateful every day to be out of the madness of religion overall. i know it makes some people very happy. it never worked that way for me. there is a term high demand churches/religions. i love my low demand life. 
when you question things in high demand churches you never really get actual answers.  many just avoid the things that make them uncomfortable like polygamy by just ignoring it all. the line that gets pushed all the time is about things are just not clear on earth and those things will make more sense in the afterlife. this works for anything whacky in a doesn't work for anything outside of the church though. polygamy okay, gayness or trans stuff nope. a man having marrying multiple wives, many underage and some even basically taken from other men who were sent off on missions, no will make sense in the afterlife for some reason. 
it's really just how religious people shelf the things that would otherwise break their faith if they really thought about them.  
the man can become gods thing always fell apart under again, you weren't supposed to question it or ponder it or try to make sense of it. 
if it wasn't about ignoring the crazy/wrong or immoral past it was then about your personal failings. i mean, the church was true and that was the only acceptable answer.  if you did not come to that conclusion you were not trying hard enough. you weren't praying fervently enough or reading enough scriptures...even if the scriptures didn't make any real sense or were, in the case of the book of mormon, so fraught with fallacies. 
i'd ignore religion all together except the religions in this nation have become a political party that seems hell bent on making our nation a radical Christian nation. oddly the leaders of many of these churches and political leaders are often some of the most amoral folks out there. 
it's all about money, not about helping the poor as was taught in the actual bible. religions are nothing more than fronts for tax exempt corporations.  stashing millions of dollars and yet continuing to take money from their followers, who are barely getting by but have been moved by fear in this life and the next. 
when will the madness end? how many lives will be lost?
today, we were back at the beach.  the mud is coming back so the pups were tired and covered in mud. 
i did put Sunny Boy in the tub upstairs for a bit of a bath.  they have pool time coming up next week. 
a little Halloween pumpkin. the annual walrus one. 
these last photos are from a sunset at Potters area, walks with the pups and Halloween.
two dogs and one cat are asleep in the office with me.  Covid Cat is chilling in the hallway. 
i have some goals for this week.  nice to have the downstairs bathroom tile done.  looks great. 
of course, my maiden voyage using the toilet i realized i hadn't put the tp back in...oops.  always fun to be on the head with no tp near you. ack!! moved things around a bit and did some laundry.  
i was on call for two nights.  never got called in.  peeked outside as the lights were out.  not very bright in town.  being on call prevents taking long drives out of town hunting the least for me. 
walked the airstrip and n. bivouac. the trails are not too bad.  slightly slushy in places. overall still walkable.  it's the parking lots that have been a mess. the main roads are pretty good.  the parking lots of huge puddles, pot holes and uneven snow with big holes. 
will soon be time to get the tires traded over. keep the mud more in the element...but i'll still drive the cr-v on the road trips so the mud/sand will collect. tempting to make a drive south this weekend. 
the tides look good, not sure the weather does though. not keen on getting stuck in some big spring storm. 
my sweet boy.  do miss him. Sunny Boy has been a much needed addition to help with the loss. 
i do get frustrated at times with the training process. he's really smart, it's just me that needs to do the work and get him trained. he did better at some things today and worse at others. with training it's always one step forward and one step back. 
getting the schedule more normal helps with feeding.  amazing how having workers in the house screws up your routine. 
he's getting so tall. not sure how much he weighs 
still give him a brushing each day.  attempt at some grooming. 
should do it now, since he's wiped from his day. 
they would still pop up and be ready to play if i grabbed the tennis ball. 
loved this Skelly at the store. 
my Skelly's are supporting Ukraine at the moment. i should order a flag to put out there with them.
i have some rocks painted.  not completed. perhaps tomorrow i'll do that.  would be nice to collect more rocks on the beaches south too. 
watched 50/50 again tonight. it had been awhile. 
i watched the Mrs Maisel shows while the workers were here. it was pretty funny.  what to binge watch next. 
these sunset shots turned out beautiful. i need to be taking advantage of our longer days again.  make some drives places and start to escape the city.  
enjoy each day.  of course, i enjoy just chilling with the pets. playing and snuggling.  it's peaceful and comfortable hanging with them. 
the cats are getting more used to Sunny and seem to put up with his playful and cleaning antics more and more. 
grateful for A.  my escape from religion. B. my escape from the GOP, also in my 20's. C. playing in the mud

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