Tuesday, September 6, 2022

not sleeping tonight...may as well blog


kind of an off week.  thought about taking a road trip and even started to pack. some regrets but i think it's all fine. drove a lot on my last stretch off. there is plenty to see anywhere in this state that is amazing so driving is not always required. 
the car needs an oil change and i have failed every time i tried. will see if i can get it done tomorrow. could still do an overnight, but i suspect this week will be all local and some lazy.
these are from last September. the colors are hitting peak for this year up north. i tend to chase it around. today walked with SH up Arctic Valley. colors were beautiful. it was pretty packed as it was Labor Day weekend. loads of folks with successful berry picking. mine were one of just a few dogs off leash.  they do pretty well though.
it had looked kind of dark up in the mountains yesterday so SH and i had done a walk up N. Bivouac.  not too many mushrooms on the route i picked, but several fresh looking bear poops so not the best. the day before we had done a nice mushroom loop out of Abbott Loop. i have also hit the beach.  
we have had a blend of rain and sunshine.  the forecasts have been a lot of rain still. not thrilled to do a long drive just to be in rain.  today was good, but i'd have been driving up the Parks Highway on the best day we may get and that is honestly not the most scenic drive. once you get to Broad Pass it's pretty sweet and after that but the first 3+ hours, just trees and no real views. 
the weather of late has not been optimal, but i do enjoy rain and walks looking for mushrooms so i can roll with the weather. 
right now i feel out of shape.  really need to get back to the gym and more activities.  i do my walk but i need to do more to get myself back in better shape. i'm annoyed being so out of shape. clearly not annoyed enough to do what i need to do. 
several of these are from when my friend CR was up here. we hit Homer, Kennicott, a day trek out to Spencer Glacier. 
the tides haven't been the greatest so i haven't had much enthusiasm to head there. i think i will try to plan a trek down there my next stretch off  before the darkness makes the drive worthless. 
i still don't think there will be great low tides to enjoy.  will have to look forward to next years trips for more low tides.
had a few nights of work. was asked twice over 24 hours if i had retired. i suspect its because i've been in PICU more of late. maybe i just look old...probably do on night shift.  not too many of us stick to night shift as we age. it is a tougher gig.  for me though i have always hated the 12 hour days. too many people, too much management. up here you also spend days in the darkness.  working nights i can wake up and get some vitamin D every day. a 12 hour shift you go in when it's dark and leave when it's dark and you just skip the sun those days. 
it is more exhausting now than it was 10 years ago. haven't figured out the alternative yet.  retire at some point.  find some sort of part time gig that will get me health insurance.  get a government job...that is my advice for the young folks.  retire early with better benefits. 
did most of Sunny's groom the other day.  he's pretty good about it.  at one point i was shaving him and Ivy started to groom his face.  he just stood there happy to be getting all the attention.  what a spoiled and sweet boy 
will i need to alter his haircut for winter? not sure yet. still learning about life with a poodle. my brother thought they were called standing poodles not standard. haha. 
liked this gentle rafting trek from Spencer.  happy we got to do it. 
just a fun way to get out there.  every so often it's good to find a local tour to check out. we have so much out here. 
sometimes you find a cool trek. it's worth it to occasionally drop some cash on one
there is one tiny fly in here bothering me.  
got the lawn mowed.  really shouldn't have too much more of that. will need to dump out the planters and get things prepped for winter soon. should change the Skelly's...will keep the Ukrainian flags out there for support. 

below is the Matanuska Glacier. always a good fall trek. 
kids out swimming on a hot summer day.  we don't see this tons in Alaska, mostly because a hot summer day is not all that common.  if anyone is going out there, it's a teenager.
the rest are from this winter.  
the hunt for tennis balls. we lose a lot of tennis balls. 
ice on the beach in the winter.  this is the one we hit this week.  when we walked down no moose.  on the way back though.  there were several moose. the rut seems to be getting started. there were 3 male moose, one was pretty big.  also a female and her calf.  it was a bit tricky getting past safely with the dogs on leash. at one point i noticed that Ivy wasn't actually in her collar.  it's pretty loose.  she's a great pup though and she was walking right with me.  
Sunny Boy only barked once. still learning what to do with the wildlife.  luckily we haven't had any close bear encounters and i'm fine never having one. 
i took several graduation shots from his one class. i really need to start looking for more classes to get him in.  he is smart and needs to be challenged.  especially early on.  
snuggle time with the critters.  always my favorite.  i'm pretty happy just chilling with the animals. 
i've been keeping his face groomed. he has that long poodle snout. 
the cats are mixed in their feelings about the puppy.  they are found snuggled together at times. today i woke with Covid Cat and Sunny Boy snuggled.  so cute.
he is just a happy dog and makes you smile.  Ivy is super sweet as well. i have had a series of really great dogs.  they just never live long enough and it gets harder to say goodbye to these critters we share our lives with.  i suspect some of that is as we age we are just more emotionally dependent.  perhaps it's another covid thing. we are more alone as singles.  we got more used to being alone.  we accepted the loss or change of many relationships. 
the politics has also changed relationships. there really just are some views that just seem very wrong. to be on the same side as the nazi's and white supremacists just is the wrong side. to continue to believe all the crazy conspiracies...well, the truth is at some point i feel i have lost respect for many who refuse to see that this crazy crap is nonsense. part of me feels badly for them for getting sucked down this road of insanity.  being taken by this nut job who now has control over a party. the damage that has been done to our nation in such a short time.
happy that the Dems are finally calling it what it is.  make them have to defend themselves and prove the unprovable.  still doubt the orange fool will have consequences or any change in the life of privilege he's had but i hope that those around him pay dearly for their loyalty to him. i also want the truth to come out. grateful to all those working quietly to do that. many at great personal risk.
toy selection on last day of class. 
Sunny ready for his final class. he didn't like going in the car without Ivy. 
they are pretty tight.
the little dogs loved him and their owners wanted to use him to train their dogs to not be totally afraid of big dogs.
these photos of him are all right before his legs shot up

more beach ice. 
like this shot of me below. i've always done well with this color.  not sure if they still do those color things. it was big when i was young.  are you a winter? fall? summer? spring? 
yet another grad shot. he's just so cute.
it's after 4 am now.  will have to see if i can get  back to sleep. 
oil change, bank, check on WARIS mail box. should try to set up the paypal again.  i screwed up last time by putting in the wrong email address. couldn't confirm it. 
fun shots with Ivy Rose
Sunny found this gardening glove.  like all puppies, he gets super excited when he gets something he knows he shouldn't have. the chase begins

another dog picks their toy.  
off to try for another round of sleep.
thankful for A. fall colors B. the folks diligently working to keep our nation safe from con artists, thugs and fools. C. the sweet animals that share my life. 

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