Tuesday, October 17, 2023

stirring the pot....


admittedly, i do like to stir the pot a bit. i mean i live alone. i gotta have some arguments from time to time. spice is life.  can't argue with myself. mostly, i just like to toss something out there from time to time in an attempt to allow people to think things through on their own. i get it. most, especially these days, will not get it. they don't want to. 
so at least now, people rarely take the bait and i think most of the time i don't engage to the level i did a few years back. maybe most of us have learned how pointless it is.  arguing is a great way to expand your views though. i need that healthy dose of discussion to keep my brain fresh. it's way too easy in this current climate to just get set in your one way of thinking. 
a short pot stir will stir up my brain. 
example this week....it was about eternal marriage. a great niece is on a mission for the Mormon church.  in the old days, missionaries were only allowed to call home on Christmas and Mothers day. they could only write home on prep day, Mondays i believe. now i think they are sometimes even encouraged to be on social media. to use their personal social media to boost the church. of course, for most this is pointless because the bulk of the humans they interact with on social media are in the same mind on all things and ideas. 
anyway, she posted about Halloween and how she likes to binge Halloween movies and one of those spoke of a dead girl that can't get married because she's dead. this led to the eternal sealings that are done in the temple.  they seal dead people.  all i responded was that in the afterlife of the Mormon faith they will have multiple wives because they believe in polygamy in the next life. don't worry, nobody responded.  i wasn't even unfriended. i suspect my family just rolls their eyes. like, that's your crazy great aunt Betsy. 
anyway, that got me thinking about how these multiple wives end up sealed.  it's been awhile since i've been out of the church, but it seemed that the single women who were worthy would end up being married off in the next life...thus some of the plural marriage..of course, this goes into my thoughts of why plural marriage would be needed in the first place.  babies are born basically 50/50 M/F....did God just expect men to fail at a much larger rate than females on earth. 
as far as i know they do not seal unmarried dead women to random men in the temple though...so how does this happen?  does this happen in the next life? if so, then why wouldn't all of the dead people sealings just be done in the next life? if you must have a body to be sealed then why don't these single women require a body to be sealed as second, third or 60th wife? 
just so many things that when you actually ponder them...well it just all falls apart.  still, i enjoy breaking down the insanity of it all. 
of course, it could be that i just distract my brain with these silly internal arguments/discussions since the world is just getting way too crazy. 
the Israel/Hamas stuff could spiral out of control and become global...or has it already? 
we are bound to Israel as they are our only real ally in that region, we are tied to them. we would fight for them so we have to accept some of the bull they hand out to those around them. in truth, nobody really fights for the Palestinians. they are tools being used by multiple parties in a global game of chess. hard not to feel badly for them. they are trapped. Hamas has no problem recruiting them and using them as human shields. 
we are all just the puppets being played by "leaders" at the top.  power hungry and greedy no matter what side they fight for. they are always safe in their castles while the poor schmucks are out there getting killed. 
in the big picture, Hamas is just a small terrorist group too being played no doubt by a larger terrorist. did Iran and Russia send them off on a suicide mission to engage Israel and the US into a larger confrontation.  
time will tell how many secrets were handed over by our previous potus. secret documents kept in a bathroom....this will be spoken of for generations...if the world survives. Kushner got billions from the Saudi's after they cleared out their desks in DC...it's never been said why he was gifted all this cash.  what was the exchange? trump did give Russians secrets about Israel early on in office and he had several hours private talk with putin that has never been accounted for. 
Hamas is holding at least a few hundred hostages, many from other nations. will this end up in history being a crisis averted or the start of a larger global war...we may know soon. Hamas was brutal with those they killed, the stories are horrific. no way Israel was going to go quietly into the night after this...so why? 
these pictures are of happier times with little thought to global issues. just laughter and joy. 
enjoy each day, each moment because you just don't know. i have retirement monies now, but will it remain or will any of us remain.  it's all unpredictable at any given moment.  you can plan and plan but the world takes its own turns and you are just going to be carried along whether you want to or not. 
so i carry on and hope that this will be a crisis averted, that hostages will be released and that, like an earthquake fault, some pressure is released until another day. 
can't help but think they are trying to take what they can before plots get discovered. the walls are closing in and they must fire while the iron is hot as it were. 
Israel and the US have had internal struggles that have distracted our governments.  divisions sown in, in part, by other nations but also internally. 
it is odd that the GOP supports both Israel and the anti Jew groups in this country, which is it? of course, many evangelicals believe the Jews must collect in Israel so Jesus can return.  then the Jews are given a choice to accept Jesus...or go to Hell?? is that how it works? not sure.  there are so many crazy Christian beliefs floating around out there, who can keep track of it all. 
how these people make any sense of the religion and the complex conspiracies is baffling.  the stuff they have to buy into, the hoops they have to jump through...and yet, the most common sense argument is impossible for them to believe. 
can't figure out how to delete that one...it's a double. 
anyway, i have been baffled for years. Hillary and Biden are both dumb as fuck and masterminds. they are credited with both. this isn't possible.  they are either dumb as fuck or masterminds in these scenarios and yet the conspiracy crack addicts have to straddle the fence in order to make those conspiracies work for them. Hillary and Biden must be both. 
i have figured, after decades of intense investigation Hillary, Obama, Biden...well the left must be incredibly brilliant and capable or the right are the most incompetent investigators out there. then they are also baffled that their people are getting arrested...must be a conspiracy because they have investigated the left for decades and nothing! 
they can't conceive of any scenario in which they could possibly be wrong about anything, no matter how nuts it appears. that was my childhood in religion.  it was a no win argument/discussion.  there was only one correct answer...the church was true. any other answer that you came up with was clearly a sign of weakness, laziness, stupidity or just a need to party on your part. 
power stance. 
that is how God works too though. God gets all the credit for the good stuff that happens and none of the blame for the bad stuff that happens. bad stuff is blamed on the victims or Satan. the all powerful God clearly has no power over Satan though. 
is God good and kind? that's a tough call really.  according to the bible stories he doesn't seem to be all that kind or good. he flooded the entire earth, killing nearly every human on it.  the plan is that most humans will not make it to the good place.  they will go to the bad place.  i think, in truth, hell and satan were added in later in Christainity as added incentive to get control. 
i have rambled a bit, sorry...it's why i blog really. clear my head of all the ramblings and musings. 
my brain doesn't shut off some days. constant vortex of thoughts and ideas and questions.
in other news.  we had a lovely pumpkin massacre. the annual gathering. Halloween is my favorite, mostly because it's just about fun and candy and being strange. i put the pumpkins i carved out front...not sure how long they will last, there has been a mother and calf moose in the neighborhood this week.  they love a good pumpkin. i made some pumpkin bread today so i'll have that for breakfast tomorrow. 
My Christmas cards are ordered.  it was a long and frustrating process as right after i ordered them i discovered that all the photos i'd loaded had disappeared. the first order got cancelled and it's redone now.  takes time to find all the photos to load...so grr!!
drinking water that is thousands of years old. 
started to work on the calendar. wasn't in the mood to go through the same frustration so i stopped...it was also after 2 am...i do try to have some sort of regular schedule
fun times on a glacier. 
my last stretch was all peds/picu except my last night, that was PCU. a good stretch. 
on the ice.  you see the silty mud and it's easy to forget that what you are standing on is ice. 
dog park antics...Sunny Boy ran right up to a moose at the park the other day. scares the crap out of me.  dogs for sure get killed that way. it's always this internal struggle.  do you leash them and keep them safer or just let them run and have fun and hope that one day the bad thing doesn't happen. 
i would be filled with guilt if anything bad happened out there, but i'd also be filled with guilt making them always be leashed. 
fun to have a night in the cabin with my nieces. not sure how much any of them really camp. it's such a big part of my life over the years though....so fun to share it with them. we had the campfire and made the s'mores and all that. 
toenail update...the old nail is off and the new one is slowly growing in. mostly keep it covered and AB cream, thanks for the tips Speedy. i had no idea that runners lose toe nails!
got my annual flu shot. a little tender in the arm but i never really felt sick. still undecided about the covid booster. i know it doesn't have a lot of longevity so i'm hesitant to just get it without seeing a lot of new cases. we also had our annual skills fair. so i woke up and did that after walking the dogs. 
made it out to Seward for a short afternoon trip. turned out to be a beautiful day. frustrating drive as there was a lot of road work delays. cut into my Seward time. the dogs had fun at the beach though. 
better crash for the night. thankful for A. not currently living in a war zone.  looks terrifying and i'm pretty fragile i think compared to some of those poor folks who have been forced to live in constant hell and chaos. B. pumpkin fun C. MT for hosting again. 

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