Saturday, November 25, 2023

post Thanksgiving brain ruminations


more from summers past now. we are deep into winter, although it was raining last night. 
was at a friends house for Thanksgiving yesterday. we had more dogs than much entertainment.  lol. she fosters dogs, well, puppies. they have a puppy specific adoption clinic tomorrow so hopefully, they can find a few homes for the little pups. i really thought Sunny Boy would be stoked to hang with a pack of puppies, but he mostly froze and was like, they are grabbing my tail.  a bit panic stricken, funny since he's such an annoying puppy with his corn cobbing...i say puppy but he's now two. still doing the corn cobbing act on poor Ivy Rose.  he did not learn a lesson from his puppy experience last night.  he was pretty tired though. he preferred when they were in their gated area. 
i was a bit dreading this last work stretch as it was to be 3 on, 1 off and 3 on again as i'd picked up for a co-worker. in the end. the hospital wasn't all that crazy so last week and this week i got a night of on call where i never got called in.  lucky one night as my power, the whole neighborhood really, it went out and was out for nearly 5 hours. my little bedside dvd player holds a charge so that was my main night light for the night.  i watched dvd's and eventually fell asleep. another night i was on call and did get called in to do holds in the ER. worked PICU a few times...had 3 babies all have code browns one night. that may have been my last stretch. it all  blends. i worked ER a few nights that both ended up with me being able to head home an hour or so early, always a treat. so not bad at all. 
the snow mess turned into a rain/ice mess. our street is uneven as all hell, but people are no longer getting stuck.  i ordered some replacement traction pads since the guy i helped get unstuck did not return them as promised. i helped several people, including him twice and in the end all that good will directed towards others just got me shorted my gear. just when you have a warm and fuzzy feeling about your fellow man...they go and pull that crap.  
my old neighbor Ramsey would have just said the traction pads were just not mine anymore.  like some universal power decided to gift my gear to another. really it was just downright rude of the guy but in the end, i ordered more as i do not think i'll ever see those items again and better to not stew over it. better to be prepared myself in the future. i have driven around a bit looking to see if i can see where they live. it's close but they may actually park in a garage. who knows. 
the universe gives and the universe takes.  it's just stuff in the end so you hope that he in turn uses the gear he kept to help someone else down the road. 
my last stretch off was really just dealing with the snow.  i have felt badly for the dogs as the walks were less than optimal the past bit.  we've hit the dog park several times.  this snow was heavy wet snow that was punchy and just a a bit bummed that we missed out on the usual snow fun due to the mess of it all. the dogs did have fun...they are pretty easy to please.  will be lots of tennis balls in the back yard in the spring i suspect again. 
one day i did brave the streets and made it to the dog park.  we weren't there too long before a young bull moose was out amongst us charging everyone...cleared the park. i stuck around a bit to see if he'd move on and we could walk.  he didn't.  so i went to Campbell Airstrip only to be met by yet another irritated young bull who was charging people...i think the snow was too much for the big beasts. 
Sunny still interested in moose but lately i've luckily seen the moose first.  whew! i have no desire to see him get kicked or to get stomped on by a moose annoyed by my silly dog. 
holiday season is upon us. i did take advantage of the snow induced downtime and got the bulk of the Christmas cards addressed and the bulk of the calendars ready to ship out.  i got the fake tree out and have started re-fluffing it.  never thought i'd do the fake tree but by the time we get them up here half the needles are off just setting up the tree. i may buy a small charlie brown tree to enjoy the scents. nice to be able to put the tree up early though and enjoy it longer. 
i do like to get the business stuff of Christmas out of the way so i can enjoy the season and feel of the season more. it's not a religious holiday to me.  just an extended reminder of kindness and giving...oddly, the things that Christ actually taught that seem to have been completely lost of many of his followers. 
always so odd that what i read in the New Testament was basically saying all the crazy rules from the Old Testament were not necessary really. Jesus basically was simplifying it all.  be good humans, love one another, help each other, do not judge....but from what i see people have returned to complicate it all. 
it's like the conspiracy theorists, who are frequently the same people who have complicated religion.  not sure why this happens.  in complicating it all does that make people stop asking questions because they believe only certain humans can really understand it all.  they allow themselves to be spoon fed these complicated routes back to heaven. a complicated heaven.  they are then taught to utilize these thought terminating cliche's or thought numbing cliches as i see it.  they learn to stop asking those questions and instead accepting the most bizarre, fantastical explanations of something that is no doubt much less complicated.  
why would a God require special clothing or underwear or handshakes or made up names.  all of these things actually created by humans. if you ask a few questions the crazy religious rules fall apart quickly.  there is no way all of the humans who have ever lived can be baptized by proxy. it's just a bizarre ask really. it's all just bizarre asks. 
still, i'm trying to be more accepting of their acceptance without question. brains just work differently i think.  i wasn't okay with the terminating cliche's. i needed more answers...and those answers do not exist really. not the way these religions do it.  i just do not believe religions should be so complicated that only a few well studied theologians can possibly understand it. i don't believe those people know or understand any more than any one else, they simply have worked their way through the complicated crazy conspiracies. 
i'm not wondering more and the bible nothing more than the wild eyed conspiracies of another generation. to my mind, none of them actually know any more than i do. there are things we can't know. the difference between religions and myself...i accept that i do not have knowledge of what happens or why while they demand others believe that they do know. 
i watch the madness of what is happening in Israel and just gets down to who has the better God, who does God like is complete madness. so many killed, so many wars...all over who has the right conspiracy theories about the potential afterlife?? who is wearing the most God approved clothing and avoiding the right sins. eating the right foods, having sex with the right people...
to my way of thinking it all just feels so egocentric.  that there is some all powerful being up there paying attention to my problems, paying attention to my infractions of these insane laws...they must realize that whether you drink coffee in this life will have absolutely no bearing on your exaltation in the next life or not. 
that a just God would favor one group over another simply because they wore special underwear and chanted in a temple while wearing strange clothing and practicing handshakes through a curtain. 
people do believe it though.  hard as it is for me to accept that, they are happy living that life. they prefer to have things all tied up.  they want the most convoluted answers to be the answers.  they like believing they had a leg up in the previous life and will quite possibly live in a better place than most of the other humans that have ever existed on earth, simply by following these rules. 
it's not an easy thing for me to accept some days. it's frustrating.  i am the problem. i try to force them to ask questions that they have no interest in asking and even less interest in hearing the truth about. 
in the end, the most kind thing i can do is accept defeat. leave them to live this life and no longer tempt them with things that might make them ask the questions that always came so easily to me. 
luckily for me, this is a simple process.  they have proven over decades to have little interest in any real relationship with me.  it was only me who believed it was possible. it was me trying to make weekly calls or holiday calls. most of which weren't answered or returned.  i just do less of that now.  give them the peace they want while allowing myself the truth and therefore peace myself.  
hope/expectations can be painful if not managed or realistic. 
you must surround yourself with those who see you and who accept you as you are.  i wasn't accepting them either. i wanted them to ask the same questions i'd asked, i wanted them to see what i saw. so real love is acceptance and all that is left is to walk away more and more and give them their peace.  they are better off without me trying to wake them up to things they do not want to wake up to. they prefer to just cover the strange, unanswered questions with thought terminating cliche's. it brings them peace. 
bottom line, i'll send them calendars/cards at Christmas.  wish them well and listen to them if they do call. my goal going forward is less though. those who accept me, i will accept into my inner circle, those who don't, don't want to be in that inner circle.  it's not that difficult to discern which is which. 
you do not have to hate or dislike even. you can love, it's just a love that has always had limits and boundaries. it's a love that i was anxious and stressed trying to make more than it ever could be. 
religion divides people.  you must match to remain, if you can't match, you can't remain. 
it's been a stressful few years but i do feel i have grown immensely. we are always growing if we allow ourselves to. i personally, fear that religion also can stunt some.  acceptance of the bizarre with complicated and impossible goals and outcomes.  nobody can really measure up. i never could for sure. the goals are not within our grasp.  for me letting it all go was so freeing. 
i do not know the answers to many of the big questions in life but it's much more comforting to me accepting a lack of knowledge than trusting the craziness. i could never make it make sense because it never can make sense. there are things we don't understand...some of those thought terminating cliche's have that's just that for some of us we accept the nothing and for others they have to have something to fill the void. that something that they fill that void with is so outlandish as to be forever indiscernible. 
it makes them happy to believe it all, crazy as it all is to me. 
so i will try to do better and be better at just leaving them in their world.  
the frustrating part is so many in these religions can't or won't leave others alone. they want to insist the rules of the land reflect their religions while not accepting other peoples religions either...because, well clearly their God is the better God and their God endorses their religion not the religion of others. not sure how the rest of us who have not tied ourselves to any particular religion avoid some engagement with those who are trying to inflict their religious conspiracy theories on us all. 
will say, this week was one of the most fun weeks i've ever enjoyed with blood.  they are blood in body and spirit. it was good to know it was possible. that acceptance was possible.  i've spent far too many decades attempting to fit in and failing. feeling so awkward and out of place. 
i do much better in smaller groups as well, that includes family. being around so many was never comfortable.  we were talking about big thanksgiving meals.  for us, every Sunday meal was 15-25 people.  i was never comfortable in the crowd that was family. it was just way too many people.  
add in all the entire wards/stakes...we are not all built to be around crowds. all those activities, trying to make nice with people i couldn't always relate to. it was always awkward and uncomfortable. to me just another reason why religions are wrong...we do not all fit in the box that we are meant to fit in. nothing can be right that only works for a small number. 
i am thankful though.  it's the holiday to give thanks...a holiday, like many others, that comes from bull really.  the spirit of it i like. the spirit of being thankful, like Christmas to me is more about the spirit of kindness and generosity. 
i'm thankful i asked a lot of questions. i'm thankful i met people who would not accept crazy thought terminating cliche's from me and instead kept pressing me to use my mind.  i'm thankful that life brought me to Alaska.  i'm thankful for all the people i've met along the way.  i'm thankful for all the animals that have shared me life with me. i'm thankful i have been lucky and haven't had to deal with some of the torture and atrocities that others on this globe have to live with far too often. i'm thankful i've had the health and freedom to explore this beautiful place and other beautiful places.  i'm thankful i've been able to have independence and freedoms that were not always granted others. i'm thankful i had a career that i didn't alway love but was a constant reminder of what i have that others do not have. that it's allowed me to meet people from so many places and spaces. thankful that the bubble of the world i was expected to live in was blasted apart and i have been able to peer into others lives. 
still so much more growth to happen.  once you quit living you are dead...something i thought in my teen years.  i've been lazy, healing really.  having another period of life to deal with all that has come in and find a way to make it work again.  create the world all over again. it's stressful, learning and changing. when you aren't spoonfed "the answers" you have to climb the mountains. 
i hope each of you out there doesn't shy away from the mountains and the explorations of life. it's crazy and stressful and even painful at times but the end result is always a larger view and a deeper perspective and understanding. 
it's time almost for me to start looking for summer  fun. the dogs and i have some more exploring to do. 
there are rivers and mountains and flowers and mushrooms to see....
there are people to meet and laughter to be made. 
you can't please everyone and you can't change anyone that doesn't want to change.  so all you can do is change yourself, find others who live for the adventure of  it all and allow others to do the same...or to not do any of it and hope the path they were born to was miraculously the exact correct path. that feels like a pretty big gamble to me though. chances are pretty slim. 
probably should head to bed pretty soon.  can't believe November is almost over.  crazy.  i need to do some exploring and make some plans. 
life is short...
use it or lose it, right?
exploring the Kenai. i'll need to look at tides and plan accordingly. 
not much black Friday shopping for this girl.  perks of getting older is you need less stuff.  last years gear is good enough for this years adventures. 
simplicity rules the day for me.  my life is simple and i enjoy the simple beauties of it all. 
enjoying the views with some super cool blood! 
already did the grateful for list above i think...not that there isn't always more. A. turkey noodle soup like Mom used to make after Thanksgiving  B. chocolate chip cookie dough.  B. a friend who takes in strays and cooks for us.  :-) never thought i'd be a stray human, but here i am. 

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