Friday, May 3, 2019

a whale of a week...

 more pics of this dead humpback in another post.  i drove down to Portage the other day and caught a sighting of him.  the tide had just gone out and he had washed up, this time he had passed, succumbed to the stress of being trapped in Turnigan Arm.  the tides vary so greatly that at low tide there are only shallow passages to get in/out.  figure he followed the smaller beluga whales or the hooligan.  not sure why he was not with his mama. very sad.  they were planning on attaching a rope to his tail in order to do a necropsy.  the native population then came out to harvest the meat. to them whale meat is a delicacy. to have one come to them in Anchorage is a huge gift.  usually you must live in the villages for this. sad, but good that the animals loss was a gift to others.
 had done some shopping on Esty the other day. here is my new walrus necklace. always good to see there are other walrus friends out there in the world.  was watching tv and there was a Geico commercial that featured a walrus in goal for a hockey game.  hilarious.  shared that with the explore chat folks at the walrus cam.  really bummed to not being going live this year.  really hoping they get things sorted out for next year...and the years after that.
 roadwork has begun in AK...that is the other name for summer.  they don't have much time to get roadwork done so when it dries they get out there.  was waiting behind this iditarod finisher.  liked that he had a Bob Dylan quote on the back of his rig.
 dogs haven't had a great week for walks.  lots of tennis ball time and this day of running and swimming.  i worked two and started to cough more and more. i even got to go home early from ICU the first night. usually that means for sure they will get a good walk, but i was feeling super tired. the cough worsened over the second night and i felt crappy when i woke up yesterday.  no fever really though.  hate fevers, those really make me feel crappy
 this bug went right to my lungs though. i hit the inhalers immediately. mostly just tired and coughing.  hoping i can get some stuff accomplished over these days off. hated calling out sick.  i used to push through more.  I've just found over the years that when i do that i end up being sicker longer.  just smarter to just call out and let my body rest.  coughing is exhausting.
 a few more of the whale out there.  happy i saw it before it was cut up and dragged out of the water.  bummed that the outcome was what it was...but i figured it's fate was sealed as soon as it went up the arm.
 these old stumps are usually covered up by water, just the tops sticking it's been nice to walk around it them.
 did manage to put up a few of the old cabinets.  may do some painting inside and then load them up.
 the photo below is by ADN's Loren Holmes.  it is of whale meat being harvested
 the ice is melting fast out at Portage Lake.
 all these chunks are pretty much gone now.
 shows the old size better, next to the visitor center there.
 does give some indication of size
 pups are hoping for a walk today.  we will get out there. not sure how long.  shower wore me out.  have to pace myself today i think.
 bald eagle out chasing hooligans along with the natives and the beluga's.  some times this time of year you can see loads of baldies.
 there have been some good pods of beluga sightings as well.
 these are from the big camera.  we had fun chasing the tennis ball out there at the little lake.  eventually a young bald eagle joined in on the fun. the thing was keen on the tennis ball and the dogs running.  seemed curious mostly. flew close a few times and then landed in a tree by us and seemed to just watch the dogs and the tennis ball.  it was pretty fun to watch the eagle watching them. of course, the pups were watching the eagle as well.  they love to chase birds.
 strange news...some person was attempting to take a big bag of moose poop on an Alaska Air flight.  no idea why they would want to do this...or why i guess that this would be illegal....strange but is it illegal?  good manure?  art? edible?  no clue. 
 the supposed Attorney General...who is really just another lap dog for trump...refused to be interviewed by congress yesterday.  he went to the Senate for the hearing there but refused the house.  he felt it was not fair to be interviewed by a lawyer..funny that this was fine with the GOP at other instances...most recently for the woman who testified about Kavenaugh.  sadly, there is a different set of rules that only apply to those not in the GOP.  they can do anything.  total lawlessness at this point.  he totally worked his way around the Dem Senate questions at the hearing.  he is pretty useless.
 he did admit that he didn't bother to even look at the evidence that supported the claims in the Mueller report. this was a bit better than Graham, who admitted he hadn't bothered to even read the report. of course, the iitoo spoke at length to Put today and since he is Puts lapdog, Put also claimed the Mueller report was some sort of witch hunt.  always nice when our potus and the gop fall lock step with Putin and ignore their own security and law forces.  but then, that is the world we live in.  I'm sure the iitoo is just counting on Puts support again in this next election...since they have done nothing to chastise him for his involvement in the 2016 election.  better to have putins help than risk losing.  so many conspiracy theories...many of which Putin put in their heads to begin with. is actually pretty funny.  he's got a large chunk of our population trusting him and calling our CIA/FBI part of the deep state.  gotta give it up to him.  it wasn't that hard either.
 barr dodged the questions as best he could but i suspect even he knows he's screwed if he gets questioned by a professional.  he may well end up impeached for his behaviour.  it would please me.  so many of these fools have put the interest of their party over the interest of our nation.  some act like they are under some spell of trumps. we all make choices though.  it's biblical.  money and power really trash people, greed makes folks do things they never would have thought possible.  our nation is getting rocked, will it stay upright.  hard to say some days.
 Mueller had made many attempts to let Barr know that his letter of summary was misrepresenting the report.  he finally wrote a letter to put his objections on record.  apparently, Rosenstein may have been more of a trumpy than any of us knew.  he wrote a glowing resignation letter thanking trump for his leadership and for all the many great talks they had...which they aren't supposed to be having.  he ended it with America First.
pretty sad really.  i had really felt he was more stable and uncompromised than that. time will tell, will these folks have to testify publicly.  so far, most on the right feel they have heard all they need to hear from Barr and buy the line without reading a word of the actual report. well played GOP, when it comes to being crooked they are winners hands down. 
 no idea what will happen day to day with this administration.  this week they are trying to make it so that health care workers can deny care to patients based on their religious objections.  if you are against abortions don't work in an area of health care where you would have to deal with this aspect.  this is horrible precedent.  of course, the Christians that are fighting for these things based on their belief that they are somehow being treated unfairly, don't think about how this could impact them down the road.  many of or MD's here are from other places, who practice other religions. this could come down against them.  what about an Emergency where maybe your nurse is a Jehovah witness and refuses to give you blood....
 was laughing, after Barr testified and most news stations were discussing this...i popped over to Faux news...i do this all the time when news breaks...they were talking about crazy conspiracy theories as usual.  can't believe folks watch this crap. 
 one woman was speaking about how they lost her father for several years.  he'd gotten hooked on radio shock jocks for conservative views and then fox.  hours spent watching. he became angry and hateful just from the hours of negative reporting and conspiracy theories. 
 the right and the GOP can do anything.  they all look the other way.  they can support racism, they can make up lies and theories, they can break laws, they can forgo the most commonly held rules we have lived by for generations.  norms that have withstood administration after administration.  they are all being tossed aside.  it's all about getting their way.  they seem to believe that their way is the only correct way and so therefore it no longer matters what they do to get their agenda and their candidates installed. 
 they believe they have God on their side and that this is what is necessary to battle the evil Democrats.  they look the other way at all that the GOP has and is doing.  they scream about the Dems for even suggesting impeachment and yet, they impeached a man simply for having oral sex and lying about it. 
 they can slip in and out with Put to get elected, they can use money to influence other nations to get their way, they can be womanizers and even racist...none of it matters as long as their agenda ends up on top.  it's baffling to me.  they don't even want to know the truth.  so many have just abdicated any responsibility to watch this administration and be a check on them.  they look the other way.  they blankly say, all are corrupt so it doesn't matter what our side does...the other side had been doing it...that according to conspiracy theories fed to them so often that they now believe those events are historical rather than fantasy.
 Barr needs to release the full report to congress and the full summaries written by the team to the public.  "did not capture the context, nature and substance of this offices work and conclusions.  there is now public confusion about critical aspects of the results of our investigation. this threatens to undermine the a central purpose for which the Department appointed the Special Counsel: to assure full public confidence in the outcome of the investigations". 
 they are doing a great job creating a smokescreen.  repeating over and over again that there was no collusion and no obstruction.  ignoring that there was interference in our election process, which will happen again unless we take action.  also ignoring that there just wasn't enough direct evidence to prove criminality when it came to all the contacts with Russia...and there were a crap ton of contacts.  nefarious contacts.  non-reported contacts. 
 the report in no way absolves trump of obstruction...quite the opposite. it laid a path out for congress to study and take actions as they saw fit.  there were several obstruction elements.  they could not exonerate him on obstruction at all.  if you repeat lies often enough, people will believe it though.  they want to believe it.  they want to believe that this administration was not helped getting put in place by Russia.  they want to  believe that all their agenda dreams are coming true based on a fair and legal election.  don't you dare give a blow job when you are the potus, but no problem at all if you obstruct the entire justice system.
 they want to believe that this president isn't a racist and a womanizer and a lie and a cheat. never mind that he's had many cases of fraud brought against him.  that he's filed bankruptcy many times, that he has been accused of touching and groping women many times.  all of this is only bad if a member of the Democrats does it.  if it's a member of the GOP the excuses fly, the but Hillary, but Obama, but Bill....anything to deflect from the truth of this man that they voted into office. 
 they want to believe that hate crimes have not increased under this administration, but they have.  America is less safe...America is less kind...America is less respected. 
 Barr reported that there were no objections to his summary by Mueller and team despite knowing there were.  there had been phone calls and eventually the letter. he did lie, he did work around the truth....but that is cool as long as he's a member of the GOP and as long as their agenda gets carried out.
 trump has surpassed over 10,000 documented lies and misrepresentations.  they are ramping up...could it be he is getting more anxious. they are trying to get his finances and taxes and he is freaking out about it.  he needed worry, his supporters will tolerate anything. he was right when he said he could openly shoot someone on 5th avenue in New York and his followers would just cheer him on.  they would rave at his rallies like they do. anything he says, no matter how vile of offensive, they rave and cheer. 
 it's not normal.
 anti-Semitic assaults have tripled in 2018.  they claim to be huge supporters of Israel and yet they turn a blind eye to the attacks of Jews on our own soil. 
 this was our young eagle friend.
 watching you.
 saw the article about the moose poop.  it isn't illegal and he was allowed to travel with it.  he said it was something he collects and presents to politicians...a man was later seen handing out baggies of moose nuggets in Juneau, protesting our Governors proposed budget.  haha.
 Ivy and Tusker get some good swim time in. I'm getting hungry and these pups really should get a walk in. 
 I'm sure I'll be due for a nap after. 
 after a stop here to swim we headed to Portage Lake to check out the ice there.  it has decreased a lot from last i saw it.
 i really thought it would last much longer.
 the dogs enjoyed the sunshine for some more swim time with the big bergs.  don't think they actually noticed the bergs though.
 more fun photo ops though.
 well, i better get packing.  still working my way through the Mueller report.  last bit was about the meeting with Russians at Trump tower. encypted communications and refusals to testify hampered their investigation.  not much doubt trump knew about it.  suspect the Russians were surprised that trump Jr brought in others to the meeting.  in the end the Russians seemed as usual to be wanting to get promises about the Magnisky Act and other sanctions and Trump Jr was more interested in trash on Hillary.  as she joked the other day, China, if you are listening feel free to drop trumps tax returns if you have them, you will be rewarded...of course, if she'd done that they would be screaming impeach...rightly so...but it's their guy so it's all fine...there are fine Russians out there who just wanted to help get him elected because he's such a great guy.  haha. 
thankful for: A.  no fever so far.  hate fevers.  hopefully, this passes sooner than later B. rain.  we've had a a good rain.  the earth loves it too.  C.  patient pups...lets go. 

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