Sunday, May 5, 2019

rough morning....

 coughing/headache/sinuses....drag!! got quite a bit accomplished yesterday before i passed out.  took cough medicine last night....i think it dropped me into a coma..haha.  but at least i stopped coughing for a bit. the coughing is exhausting and i was and remain a bit short of breath.  the dogs must be walked though.  so in a bit i shall hit the trails and hope for the best.
 would really like this headache to go away though.  can't stand headaches...between the knots across my shoulders and the head doesn't stand a chance...sorry to whine.  this too shall pass. many have it much worse.
 got the deck re-stained.  just have some touch up to do today. of course, it is threatening rain so not a great day to paint. the pups were not happy to be cut off from the back yard yesterday afternoon.  we just hit the dog park at U-Lake. they really don't care as long as we get out somewhere.
 i also got the doors up and painted on the old cabinets in the garage.  now to load all these extra storage spaces with stuff and continue on the path of getting re-organized.
 i also got some of the yard raked up and the cat run put back in place. that meant doing repairs on the netting. 
 the neighbors cat was on my car torturing my pups the other day.  one day...they will get that cat.  not. the rest are from the drive out to Portage the other day.
 it did feel good getting some stuff done yesterday.  tomorrow i need to make some calls on the to do list as well.  have a paddle coming up soon.  really soon. 
 got to the bills this am so that is always good.
 last night as my cough medicine kicked in a watched a double header of old movies...i was wiped out from the day i think.  i watched a few favorites, "Once" and "Beaches".  both excellent and chill.
 i have got some massage therapist is probably post delivery of baby though and she moved to another place. 
 the dogs had fun swimming out by the big truth they were no doubt unaware of the big ice, but just enjoyed swimming.  i keep hoping to make some road trips but the weather and this cold have thrown me off for a bit again.  drat!
 not sure where to walk today.  short and sweet? probably. 
 at least a few evangelicals are least a few in the congregation  of shooter in Poway.  after claiming that mainstream Muslims should be held to account for the more radical elements, one pastor wondered out loud if they too should be held accountable for the hate that has come from their own pews.
 it's still a small minority.  it's something i have said for years now, but what do i know?  when you mix hate and politics into your religion you put your congregants at risk for radicalizing.  the stage is already set i fear.  tough to turn back those wheels once you've rev'd the gears and put the wheels on the runway.
 not sure how long it will take for us to bottle back up the hate that has been released.  it's not just us though.  it seems that the hate is building world wide.  is it just the set up of yet another purge of human lives.  our earth can only handle so many humans living on it before something takes out a large segment of the populace.  natural disaster, disease or violent bloodshed.  at some point something hits the breaking point.  something takes lives. 6 million Jews...that number is nearly impossible to fathom.  17 million total killed. 
 between 1941(maybe more like 1933 the beginning of killings) and 1945....that really is not that long ago.  not only were Jews killed, Soviets, Poles, the Roma, the "incurably sick", political and religious dissenters, communists, Jehovah's witnesses and gays. 
 there are many examples of genocide even over the past few hundred often has this happened over the years humans have existed on this earth.  we are brutal.  as a kid i remember reading about the Vietnam War and torture and then went to the library to read specifically about torture.  i was shocked at how horrible humans can be to each other.  things have not really changed.
 the Khmer Rouge in 1975 took nearly 2 million Cambodians, 1915-1923 over 1 million Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks killed.  1990 in Rwanda over 800,000 killed in 100 days.  humans are very effective killers. 1991 in Bosnia over 100,000 killed.
 there are some records of genocides that go back but details are difficult to nail down.  history through the ages is written to benefit the winner of any conflict.  history is forgotten and repeats itself, that is what they say.  those who forget history are forced to repeat it.  it is always forgotten.  i think of how recent the extermination of the Jews was...the 1940's, i was born in the 1960's but to me that just seems like ancient is easy to see how that to those born now may seem like more fantasy than reality.  even 9-11 seems distant because those going to college now were not born yet or were just babies. 
 i stopped by the Wildlife Conservation Center.  the bears were out playing.  they have new baby cute
 a few plane incidences this weekend.  a Russian jet landed in fire...some died, another plane slipped off the runway in Florida. i don't believe any died in that incident.  overall those planes take off over and over with out any issues at all.
 i know that in my head as i watch them take off over the city recently...they are doing repairs on the runway.  i know it's not realistic to fear these jets, they really do have an incredible track record...that is even in nations where safety checks are not done with great regularity or required. 
 felt dizzy, blood sugar feels low.  coughing uses a lot of least I'm convinced of that....eating some cheese. 
 the baby caribou were sleeping when i first arrived, by the time i circled around they were up and moving.  so cute.
 they are dark those first weeks of life. 
 always amazing how quickly wild animals are up and ready to move.
 NK fired of more missiles. no biggie...the GOP has it all under control.  haha.
 the current administration states repeatedly that they are the most transparent and yet...they refuse any oversight.  interesting.  always think about how they would be reacting if the tables were turned...and it would be that if this was a Dem in office doing what the iitoo does, they would be flipping completely out. 
 reflections of a baby caribou.
 dinner time

 the headache isn't improved much, but these dogs are starting to put me on notice...they want to be walked. 
 can't believe it's after 2 pm already.  i had done lots by 2 yesterday....amazing how different a day can be.
 have just been taking inhalers.  have a bit of a cough med hangover i suspect.  i try to avoid taking anything if i can. 
 i had just gotten tired from coughing last night. 
 a few of the whale.  the meat/blubber has been harvested and the head will be sent to a lab in San Diego i hear.  they are doing studies on hearing in whales down there.
 there the whale is, before being harvested...resting in peace for the last time.  as the crew headed over with ropes to tie off the whale i headed out.  i was good with this being how i remembered the whale. 
 low tide in the arm
 the green leaves are popping  out all over the community.  have a good day. 
thankful for: A. good cough medicine so i can get a break  B. patient puppies  C. lazy Sunday mornings.

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