Wednesday, May 29, 2019

the usual stuff

 just a quick note.  had my Birthday..sans celebrations.  just me and the dogs.  some times you just don't want a fuss or don't want to ask for a fuss or whatever.  we hit the dog park and then headed out to Seward for a little day trip.  the weather and tides were right.  we stopped at the dog park first though.  thanks for all the love on my Birthday. 
 drove home singing 59th Street Bridge song, Feeling Groovy by Simon and Garfunkel...seemed like the theme song for turning 55!!
 this was the other day at the dog park.  I'm in a walking rut....and i haven't cared long as I'm walking.  bears out, new mama moose.  lots of angst out there.  i get it.  i mean if you just delivered a baby moose and the bears were trying to eat the baby moose I'd be anxious too
 Skelly and friends are all ready for summer.  that is the stress i have to deal with in my i really can't complain.
 flowers are popping out.  the lupine have really popped since just last week when i was out there.  the dead whale has become quite the tourist attraction
 this was in the bog by my place...loved the reflections
 the light coming back from Seward was just so pretty last night.  i stopped several times to enjoy.  chased the train coming back to Anchorage.  stopped for pictures. 
 I'm not so fond of planes but i do love trains. i love these sweet faces too.
 gonna meet my friend for a walk in a wee bit . then nap and then back to work.  boo!!
 train coming.
 Mueller did a little press appearance today.  of course, the usuals on the other side just repeated their same refrain of innocence.  i doubt many of them have actually read the report.  that would be my standard response to any one who has an opinion about what is inside it...have you actually read the thing or have you just listened to the spin and bought into it.  sounds a bit like how so many Islamic Terrorists have never read any of their spiritual works but instead rely on others interpretations/opinions.  read the dam thing and then make your own opinion.
 I'm in the middle of the second section, which is on obstruction.  this is the far more compelling portion in that this is the most impeachable section. basically, this was handed off to congress by Mueller....will they have the guts to impeach.  the GOP would have been all over this ages ago...i mean they impeached a guy for oral sex in the oval office...they do not have a high standard for impeachment...unless it's their guy then they circle the wagons no matter what heinous thing the guy does. 
 the other section doesn't discount bad behavior, it only states that there wasn't enough evidence to convict for anything other than those they did convict.  Russia did successfully interfere and will again.  the GOP shows little interest in preventing this in the next election..i guess because it benefited them. 
 i suspect Mueller would love to scream, it's all in the report if you would bother to read it.  i think he'd also love to scream at the Dems for being such wimps...just do it already.  pull the trigger.  start the inquiry.  he gave you the tools now all you have to do is act.
 planting least for the most part.
 i was more sore after gardening than i was kayaking.  seems odd to me
 lots of waterfalls. 
 more reflections in the bog.  never saw a porcupine...suspect Tusker could find one....he seems most likely of all my dogs to find one and end up with needles all over.  i do hope not though.
 new growth is all over.  the place is green!!
 put the old bones out in the planters.
 seems like my lawn never really grows in until July and then we only have a month left until it all stops again for the season
 in a few days the tree guys will come and lop out 3 trees out back.  i was hearing noises the other day as i was gardening. turns out it was the sounds of the shed creaking as the tree leaning in rubbed back and forth...i had visions of it all just falling over. 
 can't say i out did myself with the Skelly crew but it makes me smile so that was the purpose.
 Barr is in town, not sure why, something with Natives.  I'd love to go protest his presence.  not sure where or when that will happen, but i suspect there will be a few out there.  we have a pretty strong trumpy presence here so it can be dangerous.  they are some nasty angry folks sadly.  I'm guessing over 90% of them have neglected to read the report and are only going by others interpretations of it.
 got the pups some summer hats...really got them for me to enjoy the pups in them. Ivy wasn't too sure why i was torturing her but she sure looks cute
 we stopped for a swim in Portage....the pups always love that. i was trying to catch the low tide so i skipped the conservation center this trip
 this is like 9:30-10 so the train was fairly empty . they caught the best light though so pretty
 saw some otters in the water out there and sea lions and then in front of the Sea Life Center there was a mama and baby humpback.  they've been hanging in town feeding.  so cute. i guess the little baby was out breaching the other cute!!
 so i watched them for a bit before heading to the Sea Life Center myself.  wanted to get my annual membership renewed anyway.
 so a slow trip to/from so i could enjoy all the views.  so beautiful.  i am really blessed to live in this amazing place.
 even the dandelions make the world more beautiful.  they are a first food source for bears, moose and bee's so i am trying to give them more respect. 
 do love this time of year though. 
 will post more pictures from Harriman and Homer in the coming weeks i hope...along with whatever new stuff i managed to get out and see.
 spot two for train watching. on my third spot i took a video..which i think turned out pretty cool.
 Tusker is less thrilled with the fashion show. 
 hehe.  they really are cute!! 
 they were tired out last night from dog park, drive, two's a rough life for dogs
 this was my first stop with the train...wanted to capture the train with the lupine...i think it worked.  dead fish were scattered all over the beaches in Seward.  thankfully, the dogs are more interested in their tennis ball.  i think these are hooligan.  spawned out . have a good day
thankful for A.  my parents who brought me into this world and gave me all i needed to succeed.  B.  55 relatively healthy happy years on earth so far with the hope of many more to come C.  to live in one of the most beautiful places on earth!!

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