Tuesday, May 7, 2019

FOMO....that is Ivy Rose...

 she is for sure scared she will miss out.  saw a few moose out near Campbell Airstrip yesterday.  they were munching just further up from the trail head yesterday, today i saw them as i came down Tudor road near the curve.  I'd seen an older female within a few miles.  perhaps the pair have been booted out on their own but are still within range of mama.
 did a nice long loop with my friend LS, who tolerated me coughing and hacking and stopping.  today i was on my own.  i headed to Kincaid and did a loop around Little Campbell Lake.  there are some hills so i was a bit wiped out after.  had to take a little rest. above is Ivy desperately attempting to collect the tennis ball that had gotten trapped under the ice in this  very muddy tiny creek.  they were unsuccessful, thankfully i had a spare.  i take care of my puppies!!
 woke up with a bit of a migraine today.  coughing with a headache, always a nice added bonus.  having some coughing spasms these past 24 hours.  not too awful still.  no fevers still.  just a bout of bronchitis it seems.  not that i love that...but it rarely just hits me with must bronchitis so i shall not complain too much. headache is gone now and i took the narcotic cough med for the night. i only take that at night...last night i also took an evening dose of the regular Robitussin cough medication...between the two of them i got the cough simmered down enough to rest finally.
 it's Nurses Week.  this is me in 1993. just short of 30.  amazing how young i look.  has nursing aged me or is that just how time works.  i was much smaller then as well.  i wouldn't mind getting that back.  haha. through my 20's i was an animal nurse, a vet tech.  it was great training for my life as a nurse.  i never planned on being a nurse, but in the end.  those grades and my trying to figure out life weren't leading me to the Veterinarian training i had once hoped for.  life, in my mind, is about adapting and finding happiness in what life brings instead of what you expect of life. there is a line in a movie that i saw around this time that i do try to keep in mine.  the movie was "leaving normal".  a pair of women embark on a trip to Alaska.  the one was returning to Alaska and was full of expectations and the other had never been and had no expectations...she was asked, why does your friend hate it here, she replies, i guess she just expected things to be different.  then she was asked why she is happy there and she just says something about she figures it's because she hadn't expected anything. 
 life works the way it is going to work.  it's best to try and not have grand expectations for how things will go and instead be willing to adapt to how things end up.  when you allow life to wash over you, i suspect it's easier to welcome the happiness that is sent to you.  too often people determine at a young age what their life will look like.  this just leads to disappointment from what i have seen. with my career i tend to make sure folks who don't know me have no grand expectations of me either...in the end they may discover i am smarter than i initially looked.  haha.  better to surprise folks than to try to convince them of your greatness. i see that all the time too.  it's annoying...
 can't recall if i posted this the other day.  can't even really recall when i did it.  that is bad.  i did a few touch ups today. 
 enjoying the greening up of the area.  hopefully, we have some nice weather when we paddle next week.  i ended up renting a kayak through the water taxi place in Whittier.  thanks to SH for the offer of her kayak use.  just wasn't sure who i would find to help load it....this was just easy. i will have to pack my crap though.  the dogs are set to be cared for.  hopefully that goes well.
 i also got an estimate on tree removal for the back yard.  there is one leaning into the shed that needs to go...there are a few others that are leaning as well so I'll get 3 trees out in 3-4 weeks.  cheaper overall to remove a few.  there are quite a few cottonwoods back there. 
 so I'm slowly making stuff off the to do list.  last night i put together some of those attachable soft floor panels.  figured that would be good for the drums.  so i moved the drums from the guest room down to the garage. if i can't park there i may as well beat the drums down there.  they take up so much room.  so slowly re-organizing and cleaning.  the handyman will come do lights for me in June or July i think. i should work on getting new counter tops for the bathrooms...seems easier...not sure if it's cheaper, probably not. was looking at the premade set ups for bathrooms.  most seem to be either too big or too small for what i have. the last counters took 6 weeks to get put in so that would give me time...maybe i could get him to connect the sinks back in as well. paint touch ups and then the bathrooms will be on the road to looking more modern.  still need floors in down stairs bath and main area eventually. 
 the lichens are coming through strong.  early birds.
 lots of craziness in the news.  not sure when or if this crap will ever get sorted out.  the Dems are investigating, the GOP is in pretend there is nothing to see and act like the Dems are nuts to want to continue to investigate.  i always think that is rich since the GOP has been trying to get the Clintons and Obama for years and there is no end point for them...yet they believe the Dems should walk away.  oddly, nothing has been found as it relates to the conduct of Clintons and Obama really and yet, the investigations just keep opening into trump.  so much there, so many caught lying.  many indictments, more coming.  over 13 more investigations are still on going.  at some point you would think some of them would get that this is not the nothing burger they have repeated for months.
 the GOP seem to also be totally fine giving Rus a pass on attempting to interfere with our election.  many, no doubt, were so happy that HRC wasn't POTUS that they are fine with Rus interfering with the election if it meant she lost. the truth is...we should all find it unacceptable that a foreign power/s interfered in our elections.  that has been proven by the investigation.  Russia interfered.  they attempted to get even more by way of contacts via trump aides and associates.  not sure that worked out, but not for not trying.  there is much Mueller couldn't find out, details. 
 the trump regime continues to put up road blocks. if  Muellers report clears them of any wrong doing then why not make a public show of it.  if there is nothing to see there then let them all be asked questions in an open hearing.  i mean if it's all bull then the DEMS would look like fools publicly, but they continue with a wall of obstruction at every turn.  if the taxes will show nothing out of the ordinary then why hide them. if the bank records are clean then why hide them. we have checks and balances in our nation for a reason.  no one is above the law.  the moment you circle the wagons and obstruct one branch from having a check on another you are screwing with the very basis of our nation. the Clinton's put up with the whole oral/oval office bull...it all looks pretty stupid now considering what is going on that those same folks could care less about.  i mean really!!!!!
 the New York Times just came out with yet another report of insight into the financial workings of Trump.  they got a hold of tax information from '84-'95 i think it was. not complete which we do need.  the picture that is painted between the last article on his finances and this one is WOW really.  first off, his Dad, Fred, was very good at making money.  sadly, Fred gave much more money to his son than his son implies.  for years, Fred funneled more and more money to Donald and for years Donald lost money.  for these 10 years, Donald lost over 100 million/year.  over 100 million per year.  that is crazy.  now the big question is with is father dead who is now funneling over the money that Donald loses.  he's getting it from somewhere.  he takes others money and then he loses it.  he is then able to count those loses as his own and not pay any taxes.  for like 8/10 years they were able to look at he did not pay taxes.
 it is known that he was having more and more difficulty obtaining loans from banks in the US due to his bankruptcy's and failures...yet he was still getting cash flow. from where? this should be of interest to all Americans.  this man has access to our taxes.  is the US government just another place for him to get his money from.  has he gotten loans from other nations who he is now beholden to.  these are serious questions that should not be brushed aside...yet, many on the right seem totally fine not knowing the answers to these questions.  questions that they would be screaming to know the answers to if the tables were turned.
 why the lack of curiosity now? why don't they care?  the bulk of things are going the way they want them to.  they feel they have been the victims in our nation, not getting their way...so ultimately, it no longer matters to them how they get their goals, just that they get their goals.  they believe their goals are in line with Jesus so that somehow justifies the means to the end.  they feel their goals are the moral high ground so what ever means is needed...they are right, the Dems are wrong so what ever it takes?
 it's pretty crazy.  trump has put in positions of power folks who have no doubt promised loyalty to him...he installed folks high up in the IRS...this was a bigger priority than getting Barr through.  McConnell has become his bitch though.  whatever he wants.  McConnell is just giddy because he is finally able to accomplish his goal of loading the courts with conservative judges...this will give him what he wants ultimately...control of the judiciary branch of government.  those damn Dems...if only they could get rid of them...of course, without the Dems, that they hate, what do we become?  we become a one party rule....I'm not sure many really see the outcome of this all out battle to destroy the Dems.  in order for our government to survive intact as any sort of Democratic Republic, we need branches of government to be able to check each other.  to be able to continue this battle.  it's slow and frustrating but that is how it works in this sort of government...unless the truth is the GOP would prefer to be the only power.
 can they successfully weaken the Dem party to the point that they are essentially a one party ruler. 
 it's pretty pathetic that they have chosen to circle their wagons around this guy.  he's a terrible choice.  he always was.  he lies, he is unpredictable, he throws them under the bus all the time...and the worst of it really...
 in the end he is in no way loyal to them at all.  it is not reciprocated.  for all we know his true oath is to Put or the Saudi's or some blend of others who he owes money to and favors.  he thinks Put is his friend and some sort of business partner.  Put just wants to destroy US and rise to glory again as the Russia they once were.  US stands in their way.  trump is just a tool.  he can give trump his little hotel with his name on it.  i mean trump is easy to play in some ways.  make him promises, feed his ego.  as long as his name is up in lights and he gets constant praise, he's good.  the chaos that surrounds trump is easy for put.  once he has control....trump is easy to ditch or kill off really. 
 all the oligarchs bow to put...that is just how it works over there at this moment.  he holds them all. 
 seems outrageous to not care where trumps money is coming from.  he lies, about everything.
 he was losing over 100 million per year at the same time as he was writing the art of the deal book....he is a fraud many times over. 
 it's all about keeping up appearances to him.  his image, his persona.  he is not bound by duty to country or to the constitution.  those things do not concern him.  he screws the little guy and has over and over again. that is how he works in business.  somehow he just keeps landing on his feet, somehow he just keeps finding other peoples pockets to pick. 
 so many of his followers believe what he tells them.  he's a great salesman, i will give him that.  he convinces folks that he is on their side while he picks their pockets and digs their graves.  he convinces them he is moral while he displays his complete and utter immorality.  he answers to no God because he believes he is better than any God could be. 
 the rest of these pics are from Costa Maya with my niece and her kids.  so fun.
 i believe these ruins are still at Dzibanche but it could be Kohunlich too.
 Prevo is retiring.  taking the money and running.  i guess Cohen reported doing some work with Falwell to cover up lewd photo's that he had. so many of these crazy preachers are actually sexual deviants hiding behind their charades of honor and upstandedness.  it's disgusting really.  they have milked their followers for millions of dollars, live the big life.  i can't help but wonder what happens as they attempt to cross those pearly gates into heaven.  is this really what Jesus envisioned for those who followed him?  i think not. 
 the plane that skidded off the runway in Florida did have victims. there were several pets in carriers below deck. they drowned as the water rose to that level.  there was another accident in Russia. not sure what happened there. the plane was on fire as it was landing.  i think half of those folks perished.  numbers still not clear.
 another shooting in a Colorado HS.  another day, another shooting.  nothing changes, thoughts and prayers.  here were 8 injured at least, i just heard that one of those injured may have died from those injuries. 
 over 650 former Federal Prosecutors, from all political sides, have signed a letter which states that Trump should be indicted for obstruction of justice...it seems those counts are still adding up as we speak. it's never stopped, he continues, basically, unchecked to screw with what is normal and appropriate. 
 a bald eagle flew through a window in a house in Kodiak.  bird was then scratching and flapping all over the inside of her house.  made a huge mess i guess. i mean it was a juvenile but that still is like an 8 foot wing span. 
 up to 1 million plant and animal species face extinction a UN panel says...
 trump gave his buddy Tiger Woods the Medal of Freedom.  a fellow womanizer and with a history of  pain killer abuse.  not sure i would agree that he deserves this honor over thousands of much more deserving people who actual contribute more to humanity than winning a golf game.  he gets monthly checks for life now from us tax payers. 
 beautiful down in Costa Maya that day.  hot though.
 some of the photo's give some perspective on the steepness of the stairs
 cool to see plants growing out of the ruins.  many had been taken over by the jungles.
 they figure there are still more that are buried out in those areas.  time just moves on.  will our society be killed off at some point.  taken over by nature and then re-discovered thousands of years later by another civilization. 
 G makes his way up the next ruin. happy my niece selected sites we could climb on. 
 the drugs have calmed the coughing a bit this evening. I'll hit the inhalers and probably retire early again, watch a movie
 don't think i climbed this one...left it for the young healthier knees.  haha.
 they look so tiny up there!!
 looking down at our guides...this was our first one i think. they eventually ran up...they do it all the time in this heat.  they joked that they have hot and hotter.  i said in Alaska we have cold and colder. 
 here they come
 a few shots that give you more of a view of the area. so pretty.
 well i have bitched enough...well for today anyway.  tomorrow, what hell may come. 
thankful for: A. those who stand up for what is right  B.  a change of scenery C.  cough medicine. 

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