Tuesday, August 18, 2020

bored of the insults....

 the right are really becoming terrible humans at this point.  they pile on and are incredibly rude.  they are filled with hate and rage and anyone who disagrees with them at this point is a target that they will happily unleash that hate and rage.  my friend, like a few siblings, won't intervene, won't defend.  i guess that is another friend that isn't really a friend at this point.  i have kicked many to the curb.  sadly, these folks so filled with hate and rage are the ones who would happily kill me and others like me as soon as they are given permission.  that is Rwanda, Serbia, Germany...that is how it works.  we are surrounded by folks who don't kill because of the societal restrictions...but as soon as you give them some excuse, some permission, they will slaughter...it's in them, it's just waiting to be released.
 anyway.  on to other things.  i have been busy this week with the house projects. i have the cabinet doors back on...don't look too closely
 i also have put half the pulls on...though i think i have given up on the screws..i'm going with gorilla glue.  a bit unconventional but it should work. far too much swearing and blood the old way. 
 i now have a nail/screw in the wood without a top so it's stuck in there for good.  i went to the store and picked up the correct drill bit for putting in these pulls, but as i was drilling it kept smoking...i mean there was actual ash coming out of the hole.  rather than burn up the cabinet doors and perhaps my house, haha, seemed easier to just use the super glue.
 i think i have the leaks all taken care of.  don't want to take that crap apart again.  plumbing is a pain.
 it all looks pretty. these are shots from around the house and town.  no adventures my last stretch off. Covi Cat got pretty comfy during this nap. Audrey above.
 the usual walks and mushrooms, cats and dogs.
 got through the first stretch of work and now i start back tonight for the next three.  last week it was a night in ER where i felt coated in Covid by the time i left.  thankfully i got to leave an hour early.
 the local internet fools like to quote the number of hospitalizations but don't comprehend that these numbers do not include the number of people who come to the ER feeling crappy and are discharged back home. some return. 
 our numbers haven't been growing for positives and have been staying 50-110's i think.  really don't like this virus though.  it's turned life upside down...impacts all and then we have a stupid portion of the population that just refuse to believe anything but the spin and bull they get from the right.
 there is zero point trying to be rational or have any sort of discussion with those who are trump believers. they are set, they are unchanging.  like him, they take no responsibility and are only capable of blaming others at this point.  attack is their only defense.
 my second night was again in the ER. it was the first time i have done hold patients since before all this started. i have to admit i enjoyed the normalcy of it. 
 the second night didn't feel as covidy.  i was happy for that.  also we were given flowers and offered coffee as we came into work.  not sure if that was paid for by the hospital or by Kaladi's.  it was nice and a good boost to morale.  many enjoyed the flowers especially.  they had brought all the extra's in to the ER to share.
 my third night was spend in the PCU.  i shipped one out and ended up never filling that bed so not a bad night there either
 it seems like i am more often going where they have had a covid exposure and folks are off work because of that. 
 saw this little family as i left work the other day
 so i guess if trump manages to screw up the election results or refuses to leave office...no matter what happens the rules are that he would be escorted out in January and if the election is yet to be determined Nancy Pelosi would be installed until it's all sorted out.  that would be hilarious. the right is armed and ready for battle i suspect so i have no illusion that we will have a peaceful transition of power..the first time in our history.  those damn Republicans have so screwed up our nation at this point with their commander.
 the iitoo is busy trying to open up ANWR and Pebble mine... the environment has taken a hit since he came into office.  money rules all with this group. 
 i still haven't even looked at the photos in the big camera.  not much summer left for us here.
 only a few more lawn mows to go.
 i'm kind of happy to put this summer behind.  i want to put this entire year behind.
 it's depressing how hate filled so many have become. how rude and hateful they are. 
 i really do not see any way back from the division of this nation. 
 Covi kitten was hiding behind the puddle pool.
 he's been out wandering the neighborhood a lot this week.  i want him here at home. can't blame him for enjoying these last sunny days.  will be interesting to see if he chills more at home come fall.
 loved the blue wood next to the red mushroom
 look at this huge mushroom...my feet look tiny
 playing with puppy.
 amazing how big the Covi is getting.  like getting photos of him next to Miss Breezy for comparison
 perhaps this next stretch we will manage another run down to Homer or Seward.  a change of scenery is always good
 Tusker was less happy with the mushroom on the head. 
 the peony's. pretty....
 puppies...gotta love them
 attacks on the postal service.  many just refuse to see what is happening out there.  so blinded by their hate and rage, they buy into the lies and become obsessed by the smokescreen of conspiracy theories. they will never believe the truth no matter how clear it is.  they don't want to believe any of it at this point so instead they dig deeper in.
 puff balls.  sorry, i have no more words really.  the idiots have gotten to me today.  best to just take the dogs out for a walk and then go to the hell that is work.
 it has become hell for most of us at this point.  this virus has made it hell. 
 my new face shield has arrived.  it flips up which will be great when i'm sitting at the desk. 
 all the extra gear is hot and uncomfortable.  in the ER i now wear an N95 covered by a surgical mask.  a face shield and often goggles to boot.  add on that double gloves and gowns in suspected covid rooms. the tests are inaccurate at best...i think the rapid tests are only like 70% accurate.
 so a lot of false negatives.
 my pups are chilling in here with me. they would rather be outside. i'm moving slowly.  will have to grab a bite and then head out with them. 
 they keep me sane and keep me entertained.  morning play time with Covid Kitten the other day. 
 he had some good moves out there.
 the mushrooms will soon be gone and the snow will return.
 not sure if this big one is still out there....may have to just go check on it.
 the animals give me peace in a world of hate. 
 have a happy day.  let the hate wash off of you....find your peace.  all those screaming at me and being rude on line have really only proven my point...the point i made early on which was that they were blinded by their hate and rage.  they gathered against me and attacked me, releasing their hate on me..just proof of who they really are.
thankful for A. the animals and nature and the peace it brings  B that there still are sane and kind people out there.  C. that the next three days will pass no matter what assignments i am given.

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