Thursday, August 13, 2020

psyching myself up for more plumbing stuff

 which is really code for i'm procrastinating.  i really do have to psych myself up for the plumbing stuff though.  it's hard to get things turned enough to prevent leaking and hard to get them loosened because they were turned hard and put together well to prevent leaking. MT has been a lot of help with this....thanks!!  :-)
 have gotten quite a bit accomplished this week as far as these cabinets go so i have reached a bit of the goal this week.  the counters and sinks went in yesterday. MT stopped by to help get the sinks functioning.  i think i will change out both drop ins. the ones that came with the faucets seem pretty cheap. one looks like it cracked on install. today i think i'll make one more trek to Lowes to get a second one. the upstairs one is leaking a bit.  so then i will have to get brave enough to change them out.
 the downstairs cabinet faces need another coat of stain. then they all need to be hung and i need to brave putting the handles on them. these are simple things for some i'm sure but for some of us less able these are new challenges.  so good luck will be needed and a dash of bravery.
 overall i think it all looks pretty nice. it has been a bother to remove the paint/stain and all that but hopefully we can make the old look close to new again.
 i will walk the pups soon.  thought i'd toss in a quick blog since i've been tired this week.  actually working on home projects instead of being my usual lazy self.  still feels strange and wrong that i wasn't out adventuring some place. 
 did manage walks.  it rained off and on.
 tonight i head back to work.  the stretch begins...what will it bring?
 prepped/stained and before the counters
 Miss Breezy wasn't keen on eating back on the new counter today.  change is never easy.
 Covid Cat has been out adventuring.  late nights...he was seen yesterday morning jumping over the fence with a feline friend running behind him....being chased or is he ganged up? he has quite the personality....hard for me to imagine the other cats in the neighborhood not falling in love with him....haha. hopefully, he stays safe out there.  tough to let him wander. 
 lots of mushrooms out there to find on our walks  yesterday we ended up just at the dog park as the counter guys got here at noon. it really didn't take very long. they had already put the undermount sinks in at the shop.
 we had puppy sitting duty on Tuesday so that wasn't a big work day in the bathroom.  a nice break from it all. it was raining off and on that day for sure so we just did a loop in the bog.
 the puppy we were watching is only 9 weeks.  Covid cat was not happy, but curious.  no major encounters. the puppy, Audrey, did get one time out for being overly curious about the cat. she took a few long naps..puppies like kids just need to be worn out. 
 she was scared of the big puddles on the bog i carried her over a few.
 i had some trail drama as a mosquito flew into my mouth and lodged in the back of my throat.  this caused a great deal of coughing and gagging and eventually vomiting on the trail.  now, with covid out there, you don't want to be seen or heard doing anything that makes you appear's not was a mosquito.  luckily not many were out braving the rain for a walk. 
 this morning Covid Cat found a new place to hang.  i have never seen him on the tarp on the outdoor run. it's not all that strong so i suspect it will not last if he hangs there too much. may need to order a new one.
 he had fun though, he seems to alter his hang out locations.  i just wish they were all with me. :-)  he's about 10 months now so i'm sure a bit of the exploration bug is hitting...need to get past this and hopefully he will mellow into a happy, simple life of playing and eating.....mostly here at home.
 Ivy with the Lions Mane from the other day.
 Audrey walking with the big dogs
 the curious young critters
 Tusker a bit wind blown
 did manage a long stroll at North Bivuoac this weekend. so many mushrooms it kept me walking longer and longer.
 may head back there today. 
 just a bit more of the bear season and mosquitos and we will be back in the cold safety of winter.
 it's already getting dark earlier for sure
 i have a zuccini growing nicely. 
 leaves are changing.
 my next stretch off i really need to plan the next adventure.  perhaps Homer/Seward this time and north the next time to start to see the fall colors popping out
 i was a bit obsessed with this lions mane...a cool sighting though
 have avoided the tv and news in general. my newspapers are stacking up.  the people are just too ridiculous. our situation is too crazy.  everyone seems to be counting the days til election and hoping for a change.
 anyone who votes for the orange fool at this point must own all he does 100%. the writing has always been on the wall but so many have just chosen to ignore the facts laid out before them, preferring to just live in some fantasy world. 
 at this point voting is out best option. i do hope he and all his sycophants get theirs one day.  life isn't fair....there are too many with money out there who get away with horrible crap. 
 i'm the white trash of my family i'm sure...recycling cabinets in my little zzl house.  oh well, it is what it is i guess.  i have never had a lot of ambition.  many do not.  simple is better. the more stuff you obtain the more of a hassle it all is.  money complicates can be nice, but it can cause more trouble than it solves some days. 
 often i watched folks in poorer nations or poorer places...we were supposed to pity them  because they were poor.  when you watch them, many are close and happy or find ways to be happy with the simple things out there.  their lives are not complicated or dramatic. 
 i often think society has evolved faster than we can adapt to it.  we have all these things but the more things we have the less happy we seem to be. when you are poor you are busy making sure you have shelter, food and the basics, you have less time to be wrapped up in all the drama. 
 the forest creatures are nibbling on the mushrooms
 the critters are chilling...well all but one. not sure where he is at the moment...often the case. the others are all in side. 
 i'm sure there will be mushrooms to look at out there.  then back to work..on the house and at the hospital. 
 hopefully i don't have a bunch of repeat photos in here, i got a wee bit scattered.
 the dogs are happy, the cats are happy, the human is happy
 the world beyond us is crazy and out of our control really.  we are all just pawns out here.
 Biden picked his VP, Harris.  will the iitoo now boot out Pence, blaming him for all things Covid and install a new flunky....perhaps his daughter? Haley? who knows. two old white guys and their evangelical followers. 
 it was a triumph getting the sinks out!!  that took some major psyching out
 these are all looking much better now.  :-) 
 it is good to see progress.  flooring will be the next big project.  not really looking forward to that since it means moving lots of crap. in the end though it also means getting rid of lots of crap usually.  that always feels great.
 Covi feeling empowered no doubt. 
 Girdwood below...and i'm out
thankful for A. simplicity B.  a little help from my friends C. the furs that help me endure

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