Sunday, August 9, 2020

"it is what it is"....

 not only do i have to wear protective gear at work i am now wearing it at home a bit more as i tediously scrap the old paint/stain off all the cabinets in the bathrooms up and down! it's more fun at home though. i've got a ways to go but the counter guy has the counters ready to install on Wednesday so i have a goal. 
 this Girdwood mushroom is a bit phallic i must say
 i was going to attempt to remove the old sinks/counters but i was unable to get the water knob to the new plan is to turn off the water at the source before i accidently break off the pipe trying to get it to turn.  that would be fun. if i do that it will be a spendy plumber call for sure to get it all back together again. i'm so hoping to avoid that. i'm hoping that i am just a weakling..which i am.
 got most of the old paint/stain off the main cabinet downstairs.  still have doors/drawer fronts to do. those are out in the garage covered in goop now. i'm also trying to get the last of the old cabinet liner paper out. i did not glue it in there. i had just put something over now i need to remove it. 
 did put some stain on, just to see how it will look.  i think it will all look good once i get it done.  don't anyone look too closely though...i'm sure it will not look that good. i picked up a few stencils...that worked well on the beam so i think i will do a bit of stencil work in the bathrooms as well.
 above was me attempting to take a peek at Ivy's pad injury.  she was not a very willing patient at the time as she just was ignoring it and wanted to keep playing. can't keep the silly girl down.
 puff balls!!
 Worthington Glacier on approach.
 a more sedate Ivy Rose on the drive home.  nobody wants the back seat in the car even though there is plenty of room for dogs to stretch out back there.
 work was busy and a bit stressful this week.  ICU for two nights and then ER. i worked peds ER for a few hours and then ended up mostly in the MRI with a patient...twice. i took his temperature when we got back, which was pretty elevated so that prompted more testing.
 not everyone should have kids....when you work as a nurse, especially in Peds you see stuff that you can never unsee.  humans are real jerks sometimes...and to be jerks to those who can't fight back makes you a special kind of ass in my book.
 a massage would be lovely.  have had headaches/knots this week.  the other day i had a headache and took some excedrin.  i started to feel the headache going away, was getting hungry.  i used the banger thing i have to attempt to break up the knots....not sure if i hit a bad spot but suddenly i was all, i'm gonna puke...and puke i did.  mostly just bile and dry heaves, but i hate puking!! the only good thing about puking is that often you do feel better after. 
 i've been in Kincaid walking the past two days.  yesterday after puking i just opted for a shorter loop with time spent chilling on the dunes. others had the same idea and there were a few hammocks there.
 many locals, who i suspect were not out walking pre-covid, have been on the more people out there.....there is also a lot more garbage.  grr!!! i'm not a fan of humans right now.
 these are still mostly from Valdez.  no trips this stretch off planned.  local walks and get this bathroom project done.
 had a frustrating patient in ICU...grunts, demands...then my friend sees the patient and laughs cause i basically saved her life the other week. she is not overly grateful apparently.  the funny thing was the other patient i had was super nice and grateful for everything i did.  such a contrast. thankful i had the grateful patient to balance out the night.  humans not all bad.
 still finding plenty of mushrooms though i didn't spot too many out there in Kincaid these past few days
 enjoying time with the critters. 
 sleep is great too.i'm a pressure player.  i can procrastinate, but when shit needs to be done i am more willing to jump to it.
 sun is going down earlier.  there is more of a chill in the was supposed to be raining today but it warmed up both today and yesterday just as i hit the trails. mother nature was good to me.
 probably good that i'm releasing some energy scraping old paint off of these cabinets. it is gross and difficult.
 i really wish i had my handyman to get the guts back together...if i can get them apart. it seemed so easy on the internet site i found...and then i couldn't get past step one...turn off the water.
 hit the crawl space, which wasn't as scary as i feared it would be.  there are all these empty boxes down there from the previous owners. i think they were military so no doubt moved a lot so they must have liked to save boxes.  figure i'll just stick a few in the recycling every time i go down there this week.  clear it out a bit.
 i suspect all these fumes are probably not great for headaches. 
 i have great co-workers...pretty much everywhere i go.  so thankfully, the truth is there is more good people than bad ones. the bad ones can sure be jerks though.  "it is what it is" that is a quote by the current president of the response to all those losing their lives to Covid.  over 160,000 and counting.  still his followers don't seem concerned.  he's only concerned about himself...for a man who repeatedly acts like this virus is no big deal he gets tested a lot and makes sure anyone who is around him is also tested.  it's like that Tom Cruise movie...why would you need both? if it's no big deal, gonna be gone quickly, why would he need to be tested so often and have everyone else be tested.  why both orders?
 the right as a rule has become irony impaired. like all those folks who freak out over whether new deaths are reported as being from covid or with covid.  they do not want any deaths to count in the big tally...oddly, they have no issues with people dying of the flu or with the flu.  they don't ask if people who die of or with the flu have co-morbidities.  they also don't question the information about the flu, which often comes from the same sources that they refer to ask fake or liars. if your Grandpa dies of the flu nobody tries to rationalize it away by saying he was old or he was unhealthy or they are lying about the numbers or faking the numbers.  they just say, so sorry about your Grandpa.
 there are more coming in, sick.  they are changing units back to covid units...apparently, that is a lie.
 i think i will sleep well today.
 we hit the beach today.  the dogs always love it there
 this owl is on a new bench out at Cheney Lake...a walk i did a few days back
 can't remember where the big amanita park.  below is in Girdwood.
 as is this one.  more rainforesty there.  have wanted to head to portage as well, just to see what mushrooms are out and about.
 not a lot of weeks left of mushrooms
 i want to enjoy all i can.
 our numbers of new positives have been under 100 the last few days.  way too many stupid folks out there though. if they would just buckle down we could get Alaska done with this and return to normal life here anyway.  our tourism will be ending...what little we had.  we could shut it down more, get the kids back to school and live normal lives...but the fools just can't let go of their fake news/fake virus mentality. 
 door duty/runner and on calls are a thing of the past for me.  on the plus side, the covid life has been fairly inexpensive.
 hopefully i'll drop a few pounds as well. with all the mask/shield wearing at work you tend to eat less. i like to drink my water at work so i think that has been decreased as well, which adds to the headaches.
 like these purple mushrooms

 better get a little bit more done and then head to bed.  hopefully i can get past step one on the sink/counter removal plan.
 my art work on the  beach today.  turned out kind of cute i think. maybe i could do that on the cabinets.  haha!!
thankful for A.  friends who know a lot more about plumbing and house stuff than me who are willing to answer questions.  B.  co-workers who laugh with us despite the stress of those 12 hours shifts  C.  furs to come home to, chill out with and have snuggles with. 

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