Sunday, March 7, 2021

managed a short burst of model walking at work...


that is quite the accomplishment for me. shows some real knee progress. headed to the snow sculptures yesterday.  this and the mall for the native craft sale is all i've done in the abbreviated Fur Rondy events. those were always my favorites anyway.  
the sculptures did not disappoint!  it was more crowded than i would have liked but i breezed through and got out pretty quickly. 
my walks are all bog walks at this point or neighborhood walks. Ivy is nearly to week 7!  we are getting there.  she seems to be feeling more perky.  wants to jump and play again.  
so a new place in recovery in that i still need to keep her fairly calm but i do want her moving a bit more.  i have slowly increased her activities. when we were opened to 2-3  10-15 min walks we started with 2 short ones for a few weeks and then 3 short ones and then one longer one and two short ones....
so now we are mostly at 3 of the longer walks...which i admit do get stretched out at times lasting a bit longer than the 15 minutes. we move slowly though so Ivy can sniff and attack twigs. she just likes being out there on the trails. the bog is flat as well, which helps
with 3 walks i have just been taking both dogs on all the walks.  when she was doing super short walks i did attempt to take him separate but in truth that was a bit crazy, especially with my knee. he's now getting enough walks in with hers.  that is 45-65 minutes of walking a day so not bad.  we hit the bog and i let him off leash so he gets to romp around. 
loved the sculptures this year. there were very few tables at the craft fair.
figured i'd toss in a blog before walk #2. 
so getting a lot of bog time in.
the fisherman was cool.
the temps are strange, spring. the am walk was 1 degree, now it's over 20, feels warm
the world as a pearl in a clam
birds. my pictures don't show the crowds
the bog has it's own snow sculptures.
my work week passed by mostly uneventfully. the schedule is working so far. 
it's tough to get motivated for the first walk but it got done.
the week was ICU, ER for holds and then back to ICU with an incompetent nursing student.
i'm sure some of it is the lack of bedside due to covid but i wouldn't hire that student as a tech. i feel they haven't really done the prep...i mean she can't get into the med machine, clueless about the charting, had no idea how to even do the basic tasks a pct would do. 
too stressful. 
trying to keep Ivy busy and engaged.
this guy keeps me entertained as well.
i did have the holds one night. it was one of those nights. remembered why i am not a fan of the holds.

tomorrow there is the DMV, Tuesday i have a massage.
Tusker is off leash in the bog so he gets his exercises.
views of the sunset on the way to work
Ivy takes little breaks and sits.
the igloo is still there. 
this is the walk now
sunrise after work.
looking through the igloo
the usual views.
Tusker rolls around happy.
different views of the same place.
so nice to not be too focused on the government.  
of course, the right needs to drum up drama...apparently they are a bunch of drama they are freaking out over such things as Dr Suess and Mr Potatohead. distract from the working class getting helped finally by the Dems and the Dems alone since the GOP, who scream that they are for the working class totally ignore the needs of the working class. the only way they want to help the working class is by making life great for the wealthy and then convincing the working class that they are going to be the recipients of trickle down economics...after all this time that has pretty much been proven a bust.  
the right was fine saving the ultra rich a few billion and making the deficit go nuts but helping the thanks. just distract them with threats of cancel culture...they just move from one idiocy to another but sadly, so many of their following move along right with them.  taking the bait over and over. 
i really wish they would wake up but i have lost much hope of that. 
i have zero shame wandering around in my pajamas in the neighborhood.  
we have so far only encountered one moose out there.  have run across dogs, bikes, joggers...
Ivy seems more ready to jump and run so a bit tougher holding her back. i need to find her harness like Tusker has. that really helps keep him from pulling.  perhaps i should carry treats for being pulled off trail like when they were puppies. 
Ivy looks inside the igloo. 
time for more drugs and another walk. 
i am getting my steps in for sure. so is she. it's flat out there so that is good i think. 
have slowly bumped up her walks.  not too long now for the xrays...can't wait. 
hoping for good news.  this is sunrise on the way home from work. watched "murder among mormons" or something like that last night.  Mark Hoffman is my SIL's cousin so made it just a bit more interesting. seemed fairly lacking in compassion/empathy.  strange that he had a room locked and his wife was not allowed in...don't people have any curiousity about these things their partners are doing? he even fooled many experts his forgeries were just that good.  crazy. people get caught in the end. sadly, a few had to die before that happened.  you are like if you were going to kill yourself why kill the others? 
thankful for A. surviving each day of work.  some days are a test of your patience. one elderly lady had to be made to not eat pending an US after she was given a full meal.  she began to cry....i was at a loss. i so do not like drama. B. that the schedule seems to be working and we are all getting by week to week C. that we have not had streets and trails of ice.  so thankful for that. 

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