Thursday, October 6, 2022

one car is ready for winter....


i was going to just drop off the car and then take a cab home but they offered to have it done in a few hours so i opted to just take a walk. the first section of the walk from where the tires were changed over can be a bit sketch with homeless. i passed a sleeping homeless guy under a tunnel. i had grabbed my bear spray....for use on humans if needed.  no issues passing either way but on the way back there was a man with his dog so i felt more safe...
of course this annoyed me as i am an independent female and so it does piss me off  that women are dependent on men, the very humans that are generally most likely to harm us, for protection. the guy with the dog was also packing a gun as he walked. he could have just as easily  been the jerk and the homeless dude not one. 
generally, yes, we are "weaker" than the males of the world. this makes us both dependent and potential victims. it's really an annoying truth in life.  one i do not like to be reminded of.  
i'd left these two at truth i hadn't eaten or showered or even put a bra on.  just layered up and took the car in.  thankfully, i'd loaded the tires the night before. so when i got home i was a bit chilled, as it was raining on my walk to Taku Lake and tired and hungry. stopped for a subway...a rare treat then napped before re-starting day and taking dogs to University Lake. 
while i was there i noticed they sold tires. they have blizzacks so i ordered some for the Element and schedule it for it's change over. as i've put less than 3000 miles on since i changed over the engine i'll just leave those on.  it's just the dog car. not much wear and tear on it. 
i also called the place to get started on the form that i give my Dr to get excused intermittent fmla..something i should have done ages ago. i've had chronic respiratory stuff for decades. it's a funny thing...low self esteem impacts so many aspects of your life. it was almost like i never felt i deserved to be treated for my chronic bronchitis.  like those old days as a kid...i'd been "visited" by two old guys who would taunt me when i was sick and tell me i was faking it and wasn't really sick and were just nasty to me really. they were probably hallucinations when i think back...i probably had fevers when they showed up. 
view from random hospital rooms.  the days are getting short fast.  today it really did have a bite in the air.  i put a fire in the fireplace for the first time of the season.  we are headed to winter. of course, once the darkness falls and the leaves have all fallen you get excited to have the snow as it really brightens up the place. 
haven't totally pissed away my days off. i never accomplish as much as i should but i have gotten a few things done this week so that is good. 
did paint a few more rocks. it is relaxing.  i actually recorded myself singing one of my songs.  i put it on our family page in case anyone wants to try and sing them.  i'd given my sister some lyrics. i also braved putting it on my tiktok in case someone with a better voice can make it in to something. 
was looking up ebook publishing.  may be a good way to do that book idea of mine. little bits at a time.  use my pen name....i'm getting closer to retirement...could be safer to put that sort of thing out there...especially if i use a pen name. i could also do some poetry perhaps. something to ponder. could make a few pennies with a thing like that. haha. 
the rest of these are from last summer. 
Homer, it's been awhile.  now it's too dark for me to bother with it really. it's a long drive for sitting in a hotel room.  i can do that here. better to start cabin'ing up. 
my floor guy seems to have disappeared. i've been ghosted by my tile guy.  bummer. he was talking about moving south. florida i think...may be a great time to do that.  there will be tons of work after this hurricane mess. 
tougher to find mushrooms now. leaves covering everything now.
exmo's are posting about the general conference. i barely watched it as a kid so i for sure have never watched any of it since i left the church.  it always felt like a church holiday growing up. i think more watch it now. the entire church experience seems way more intense than it was when i was a kid.  maybe that is the advent of more electronics. they can get into your life so many different ways now. 
i guess they are softening their rules on getting tattoo's and body piercings. it always seemed pretty silly that God would be cool with one hole in each ear but more than that...? 
it is odd that any god would have different rules for different generations. that the color of your skin could matter in my parents time but matter less now. god made all the skin colors so it never made sense that god would have issue with one skin color over another. the number of tattoo's or body piercings would some how show disrespect to god. i have always just felt like with all the horrific things happening across the globe to various people and places...i have little understanding why any god would bother with my trivial issues or whether i do things like get a body piercing or have a glass of wine. 
it's also a bit creepy to think our loved ones that have passed on may pop in anytime.  are they there when i shower or masturbate or god watching us that closely? i sure hope not. there are far bigger issues than me to be dealt with. i'd hate to think that god is focused on my sex life while people are getting murdered in mass under some homicidal dictators rule. 
my next project needs to be getting the calendar made.  i do enjoy getting the bulk of the details of christmas done early so i can just enjoy the time. 
Sunny's hair is growing. it grows pretty fast. may leave his main body a bit longer for winter but still have it shorter than his legs and head/tail. people just smile and laugh when they see him. he is a burst of joy as he pounces around at the park.  he just popped in here for some snuggles. so cute. 
these are out at kennicott
the hike out to the glacier.
always so beautiful. 
seems the nations with the most evil leaders are also the ones with the most control of oil. they have joined to make sure oil prices stay up.  
putin is not faring that well in Ukraine.  he keeps threatening to use nuclear options. i just hope that the oligarchs and generals have been skimming even more off their nuclear program than they have on the regular military. it does appear the corruption and greed has made their military much weaker than any of us knew.  i hope and suspect that if they figured nobody would be using the nukes they might find stealing from those programs to be profitable. 
he held a sham election in the sections of Ukraine they had taken even as Ukraine was taking back those regions. 
the sham "religious right" party is really the party of do anything to get your way. they do not care of the values/ethics they preach of.  one of their candidates just got called out for having paid for an abortion even as he preaches that he is for a total ban of abortions across the nation. he has a conservative son that finally had enough with his dad, who had children with multiple wives/women but didn't bother to raise them. 
many have been trying to have it both ways on the abortion issue now that womens lives are already being put at risk over this and young girls of rape and incest are not allowed to get abortions in certain states. 
they have no actual platform.  it's only an own the libs platform based on their hatred of all liberals. they want to get rid of benefits that their own constituents rely on but are seemingly too stupid to understand that they will lose  if these idiots they are voting for do what they want. 
our supreme court is a disaster at this point.  they are political pawns in many cases.  the ones wife is a full on cult member in the cult of trump.  believes all the wild and crazy conspiracy theories.  we are to believe that she and her husband only talk about the weather and that he has no clue about her political views or antics. even if he didn't on Jan 6, he sure must by now...still he will never recuse himself and protects trump. it's lunacy really. 
it's a mystery how this will all play out really. the cult q folks are talking civil war...over this orange fool? who would have ever believed the lunacy of it all. 
the hotel in Kennicott.
some great memes out there.  i guess florida's crazy conservative governor was parading around the hurricane sites in some silly white rain boots. he really just stopped progress on rescues due to his presence, which pissed off people.  considering he had refused to help another state get money by voting against helping people in hurricane sandy i think.  he voted against the money to be spent and now of course, he's all nice to biden in order to get money for his state after being a total dick to him on every news show he could. lots of corruption related to money's sent out for covid relief...tough everywhere for the right people to get the help they need without greedy ones stealing from those in the worst of situations.
i have no idea where the gop is finding these awful and/or stupid people. the shit is rising though. 
i think after trump got into the highest office it became clear they could do or say anything and it wouldn't keep them out of these offices. 
the women in iran are still fighting, younger and younger ones are willing to get into the protests. they are willing to kill them, no matter the age. some reports that the military may be with the protesters but not the police? we shall see what rumors end up being true.  difficult to get too much info out of there due to restrictions on internet by the government. 
a grade school coach has created wednesday bike/bus...where all the kids forgo the bus and they all ride together to school. adding kids as they come and go. looks like fun and screw those buses...great for the teachers too. the neighbors are now cheering them all on. 
beyond that road is the huge moraine for the glacier.  under the dark sediment is ice. 
the ice is so pretty.  
above Root glacier, below Spencer
mixed from the two different parts of that week.
reflections on the road to Kennicott
more from the walk..glacier in view of course.

back to work again tomorrow night. happily, the anxiety levels are much less these past stretches.  it does feel like things are moving away from the pandemic. 
we have the gear and more of the support, knowledge. it just feels less scary i guess. 
life is getting back to some normalcy...of course, how are we really normal with the economy globally being what it is. big war with other nations of unrest. the pandemic stressed the entire earth and it will take years to get back in balance. 
the craziness on the right has been decades in the making. how it gets unwound from all these insane conspiracies out there? who knows.  it's like one of the largest cults we've ever had to deal with. how do you de-program so many true believers. many aren't stupid they just got taken down a rabbit hole of crazy and now they are addicted to it all. conspiracy crack addiction. the stuff that these people have allowed themselves to buy in to is just baffling. 
there is baffling stuff in religion too that people have been bought into for generations. i guess it shouldn't be that shocking. Christians are driving people away from Christianity. they don't care. they believe they are standing strong and will be raised straight to heaven. the god they seem to believe represents them is an ass really. not at all like the god i read about in the new testament. on that positive note...i'm off to bed. 
grateful A. that they homeless dude was sleeping and no harm came of my passing. B. hope. where would we be without it C. last bit of fall colors

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