Tuesday, November 15, 2022

gen Z....


it's all a bit relative i guess all these gen whatever names. i straddle two "generations". baby boomer and gen X. the gen x were the latch key kids. i was for sure that. i suspect i fit more with the gen x than the baby boomers...latch key kids were mostly unattended and unsupervised. we were free and that made us very independent. 
the baby boomers were out voted this election by the gen z crowd. they are just coming of age.  they are apparently the gop nightmare.  of course, it must be noted that the gop killed off a percentage of their voters due to these crazy conspiracy theories they pushed out there regarding covid. many refused vaccines and delayed care because they stayed home and took horse dewormer. i did wonder at the time as we watched one after another die who had refused the masking/vaccines, and wondered why they would kill off their own voters. did it make an impact on this election.  no doubt it did in some places. 
gen z is also just starting to come of age to vote so it's only going to get worse for the gop. 
on this monday walk i was speaking of the generations and racism. our parents parents were more likely to be outwardly racists in some ways.  our parents were more silently racist, didn't mix.  us we were less racist but did begin to note that we had been taught racism and these were lessons we learned but were trying to distance ourselves from. the next group seem even less racist and these gen z's they have grown up with all types of individuals, colors, religions, beliefs, sexual orientation.  they seem to have the best ability to just not care about the differences. it's taking generations upon generations to combat the horrific racism that our nation was built upon. that can all be erased with hate
someone pointed out it's not just that people in the center and left do not like trump, it's that we don't like the hate, the mean and cruel marginalization of others.  as i have said, the right in all it's bluster to spread hate and take us back decades have really only jettisoned us forward in many ways. 
their hate of people of different colors, ethnicities, sexual orientations...have only caused a larger percentage of the population to feel sorry for those marginalized and as our hearts opened up we heard their stories and we wanted to help them. so the right moves us forward even as they burrow in deeper to their hard held beliefs. 
it's strange how so many in religion have gotten more religious and pious than they ever were before, at lesat in my experience. it's the influence of these evangelicals that are destroying christianity for those who previously practiced it more rationally. they speak out about wanting christian nationalism. this is not at all what the founding fathers of this nation wanted. these are fascist ideals, not the ideals of a Democratic Republic. it's where we are.
there were many tight races. gen z came out and they actually had more of a voting pool than those over 65.  this must be pretty scary for those of that generation.  they are dying off and new ideas are coming. the gen z will continue to grow and the older population will continue to die off and/or become incapable of voting. 
better not piss gen z off too much, they will be the ones taking care of the elderly...or not i guess.
the younger generation understand that abortion is a freedom not a fetus. of course, not all of any generation see things the same but these pro-life extremists have gotten themselves into a hole.  a hole where they are now supporting death to women who find themselves pregnant but unable to end unhealthy pregnancies.  they are also finding themselves supporting rapists and incest perpetrators. as it is very difficult to prosecute rapists, the victim of rape that finds herself pregnant may actually cause more pain to herself if she accuses someone of rape and it's not prosecuted, now their rapist can have control over them for decades as they can get partial custody of the fetus they carry and the child they bear. 
they have put themselves on the side of supporting forces births for children.  they only want young people producing babies, fighting in wars and owning guns.  they don't want to give them rights, they are even tossing out raising the age to vote again to 21.  this was dropped as we were sending 18 year olds to Vietnam to fight and they couldn't even vote. 
these are more of root glacier and below is homer beach.  
these are back to post Tusker times. 
Sunny has been a light that has helped me heal from the dark place after the loss of Tusker in the middle of pandemic. 
he is perfectly named as well.  anyone he meets just smiles. his crazy hair and his bouncing just win them over immediately. 
we were laughing today as he nabbed Ivy's tennis ball then was bouncing through the woods expecting her to chase him.  she just kept looking at me then she'd sort of head towards him and he'd bounce off in a different direction. 
the skelly's are in a heap on the front deck, the fake Christmas tree is standing, just needs to be fluffed and decorated. may just enjoy the tree for longer this year. 
i also heard a bit of a kerfuffle and when i looked Covid Cat was batting around one of the humane traps again.  there was another shrew caught.  oh bother, as pooh bear would say.  good to catch them and be able to take them out to escape and live again. not sure how large a shrews territory is or what they think about being dumped in a new territory mid winter. it's been cleaned and rearmed with peanut butter.
the gop are licking their wounds as the Senate is still in the Dems control with one seat to be called after a run off election in Georgia in early december. our senate race is between two gop members, one extremist trumper and the one that's been there. we just started with ranked voting so if nobody gets 50% on Nov 23rd they will do the ranking and see where we land. our house seat will probably end up with the ranking as well. Peltola, the Dem elected recently to fill youngs seat when he died on a plane, hasn't gotten to 50% yet. 
the orange monster is planning on announcing his run for 2024, mostly hoping to save himself prosecution i suspect and because his ego will never allow him to accept defeat...if their conspiracy is correct and he actually won in 2020, that should be two wins and he shouldn't be allowed to run again.  haha...but i'm sure those conspiracy crack addicts won't agree to that.  as it is he may cause the gop to split the vote...i could totally see him running as an independent if he lost the primary to desantis. we shall see. 
i'm still hoping for some deaths by natural causes over the next two years. i can think of several old geezers that it would be great if nature took care of them as an issue. why do these insane arses never die! only the good die young they say...seems quite true. 
one of the days we were out in the tide pools Sunny found a fish.  i kept getting it and tossing it back into deeper waters but he would return to where i tossed it and grab it again.  
they do love the beach.  
on a sad note.  my mothers widower, Rudy, passed away this weekend.  i do not know any details, none of us seem to yet. he'd pretty much ghosted us all a few years after Mom passed.  he was great to my Mom and brought her great joy in her last years and took excellent care of her. i heard from him, calls and the occasional bouquet of flowers for a few years and then he just cut off contact. was he ill? no idea. sometimes we have no idea why people do what they do. i am forever grateful to him for the happiness and kindness he gave to my Mom. 
i did get all my continued education completed and my new license paid for.  i do get things checked off the to do list slowly. 
my to do list most days consists of feed animals, walk dogs, chill.  it's a pretty sweet life!
life doesn't always go the way you expect but in the end, it goes how it goes and you do adapt and thrive if you allow yourself.  i have frustrations and disappointments but overall, i'm quite happy with how my life has turned out. 
living here, the many great adventures i've had. the amazing people i've met over the years.  the experiences, the life lessons.  
every step of the way i was pushed out of my box and i grew in ways i never could have predicted. 
i go back and forth between feeling badly for those who hold tight to the things we were raised to believe and feeling angry at them a bit for being so intelligent and not really questioning those things. 
in the end, you hope they are happy.  sometimes, it's a matter of what you don't know i guess bringing you some peace.  i chose a different path. it was not always very easy.  there were some free falls as i tried to re-learn all that i'd been told was true and right. in the end it was totally worth it to me though. 
people who leave the church or anything that is familiar really, do not do so lightly.  most actually are trying to find a way to stay with what they know and what is comfortable.  in the end, when they find that what is comfortable and known is totally bull, it's painful to admit this and then more painful to walk away. there are always consequences to walking away.  not all the consequences are bad though 
as a matter of fact, i find the consequences of leaving have brought me more growth and peace than i ever would have found staying.  still, it would have been much easier if my search had come up that the church was true and i stayed, even if i was miserable.  easy isn't always the best path in life though.  you never know what happiness is until you are willing to sacrifice in search of it. the sacrifice of it all can overwhelm at times but the joy of being unfettered and free to explore all that this earth/life have to offer is the the real reward. 
i find it's better to live and enjoy this life freely and completely than to waste our time on this earth living for possibilities of the next life.  as long as you try to be decent here, i think things will be okay in the next world. putting so many restrictions on this experience, it just can only be detrimental to the overall learning experience. the times of the greatest growth seem to be the times of greatest change and/or turmoil. 
got home from walking the dogs and was sitting in the car getting ready to get out, but there was a bull moose cruising down my street so we sat in the car until the moose had moved on. i really need to carry my big camera more for taking photo's.  i've gotten lazy over the years with the iphone in tow. 
love the colors in the shot below.
and the lack of colors in this one. he's so tiny!! 
Ukraine had a great day the other day.  it's not over by any stretch.  appears more that putin may just be pulling back to start anew but who knows....another human that could leave the planet anytime and not be missed. 
gop will probably control the house, but by a slim margin. it wasn't the big red wave they have bragged about, thankful for that.  there are small wins.  still a lot of people who seem to get away with things they should not get away with. 
hell continues for the protestors in iran, big explosion in a mall in turkey. lots of stuff happening across the globe. 
was rewatching some of the crown these past few nights, there is a new season so i am watching season 4 before starting in on the new stuff.  what a screwed up family they appear to be. now with the changes....what a strange crew they have there. 
i suspect the more we know about the royals the less relevent they are. social media and the internet have not done them much favors...or they just haven't learned to use it to their advantage. 
the Amazon owner has said he plans to start making some major donations.  giving a million at least to Dolly Parton, who oversees several non-profits or works with then anyway. this is good news.  far too many  of these multi billionaires are hoarding money and doing less to help others. musk is getting slammed post twitter acquisition.  he's quite the arrogant jerk it seems though. 
these cute faces!
the globe has 8 billion humans on it and counting...and the gop wants to stop all abortions and stop birth control.  brilliant plan! 
these leashes are looking a bit dingy now.  they were so bright in this photo. 
i still need to do more walking on leash and i am starting to really want to do more for me...swimming and yoga, things like that. time to get off my butt and start an exercise program again.  
i better head to bed.  thankful for a. Rudy and all he did for my Mom. b. the good in people everywhere, it far exceeds the bad that we hear so much about. c. being remembered

1 comment:

  1. Love you Betsy. The best photos and pondering…
