Monday, May 7, 2018

eventful few days...

 first off the camera is live!!!!  go check it out.  in this one a stellar sea lion clearly got  confused and landed on the wrong side of the island.  I'm sure he soon made his way around to the area the sea lions haul out.  a much more lively bunch. this photo was captured on cam by one of the viewers....
 the back fence is painted...though i still need to get the other section replaced and then paint that i guess. i  did get the deck railing painted today though i ended up with chills both times i was out there and had to come in and nap under my heated throw.
 of course it's raining now so I'm hoping that doesn't ruin my paint job. i still need to stain/paint the deck itself.  that will require cutting the pups off though.  they have enough paint on their coats as it is....i have paint in my hair as well. 
 i had started coughing the other day, yesterday the full bug hit me with a vengeance.  took me down completely.  I'm still slowly hydrating. 
 these are the conservation center by the way.
 my temperature got up to 102.6F and i do not handle fevers like this well. 
 i had already been coughing til i vomited through the day but now i had some bizarre fever induced vertigo.  i couldn't move without waves of nausea and vomiting.  i had taken NyQuil but the Tylenol in that did nothing for my fever i guess.
 my friend came by on her way home from her Birthday dinner to bring me supplies.  they were pretty useless those first hours.  nothing stayed down. 
 sometime after midnight the fever started to simmer down.  by 1 am the vertigo/nausea was relaxing and my temperature was down to i think 100.6F .
 i was finally able to keep small sips of liquid down.  small though.  I'm still running low grade fevers off and on now. 
 these poor caribou....i mean really, these antlers are ridiculous.  what was God thinking with these.  some things in nature just baffle the mind.  i guess God does have a sense of humor.  these guys toil to get around with these huge antlers on them.
 today i have increased my diet to a few bites of jello, few bites of chicken noodle soup, a few crackers and some rice.  pretty exciting.
 I'm starting to get the chills again so i will probably not do a full note.
 the dogs did not get walked today. 
 i did manage my 10,000 steps on my fit bit..painting does that i guess. the pups got some good tennis ball throwing time in and got coated with paint. it will look great when it's all done though.
 another event of the night...somewhere around 2:45 am i heard 4-6 loud shots ring out.  was it a cinco de mayo celebration.  the dogs jumped towards the front window, i grabbed them and forced them out of window...what if there was some maniac with a gun out there.  i ran down stairs and put the cover on the dog door, in case said maniac decided to shoot my dogs in the yard.
 never ran into any neighbors to ask if they had heard anything or knew anything. 
 these are en route to Seward for another day trip....something i may have done today if i didn't feel totally crappy.
 the day before despite my coughing i had manged a good walk with the dogs.  we just walked the airstrip and back.  i was short of breath...the usual bronchitis crap.  have had to hit the inhaler quite a bit today. 
 so I'm dry but some house stuff has gotten done which is good. 
 hopefully i get some sleep tonight.  no sleep when you are puking.  i hung over the toilet a great deal last night.
 may sneak a wee bit more cough medicine.  load up.
 I'd had a bit of a row with a band of evangelical Christians on facebook.  those folks sure love iitoo.  i mean he can do no wrong, he is forgiven any and all sins.  it's kind of nuts.  baffling.  i mean the family I've spoken to like his agenda but they seem to understand that he is no prince.  they had a bad choice and in their minds he was the better choice.
 these evangelicals, they absolutely give him a pass on everything.  i was called nuts i was called a lunatic.  i bowed out after all that but part of me was starting to believe that if all of them thought i was nuts...okay, nope i didn't fall for that.  i do not suddenly love the iitoo. i  do not hate him though.  i do hate his agenda in many ways. i hate that he doesn't seem to stand for anything.  i hate what i see him doing to our nation.  in my mind he is dividing us more.  he's incapable of anything else. 
 these are the little walrus pup AKU out there in in the lower 48.
 these folks seem to believe that this man was sent by God.  found myself thinking perhaps he is a prophet or the return of the Messiah.  we would not be looking for the Messiah in form of a high dollar hussler.  we wouldn't expect the return of Christ to come in the form of a racist womanizer...perhaps that is the trick of it all. we expect Christ to return a humble servant not a loud, brash, lying narcissist.  surprise!
 these evangelicals are nasty women.  i mean they play mean since they believe so strongly that they are on the side of God in their love of Trump.  no POTUS, no matter which party should be elevated to this status.  i mean you like them, you don't like them.  you do not treat them like saints/prophets and the return of Christ...that is kind of nuts and could be seen as lunacy. 
 i was not going to win with those folks though.  better to just bow out.  let them win...i could be wrong as my brother wisely says...maybe the iitoo is some sort of holy man....i kind of don't think so though.
 they love that he says God Bless America like it's the first time it's been spoken.  they hate Obama...the same visceral hate they have for HRC, they have for him.  they have been spoon fed the hate and they drank it up.  it's actually pretty sad. 
 this little is super cute.  fun to see the walrus cam back up live!! 
 sexy walrus pose
 and off to swim again. i  zipped in and out super fast.  he seemed so lonely in the pool so i was happy that he was sent to live with another walrus his age.  they will have a good life together i hope.  so cute. 
 i suspect there will be more and more walrus rescues to be found as the ice melts back more and more. i better crash...
thankful for: A.  good friends who bring you gatorade in the wee hours  B. that the fever abated  c  that those gun shots didn't enter my room...they really sounded close by. 

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